Starting from:


The “Advanced” Assignment Solution

You should make sure the basic assignment is complete before moving on to this part. To start, go to Jupyter Notebook in your web browser (http://localhost:8888/tree with the big token as before). Click on your work directory, then New|Terminal. Run:

git clone

To get the new notebook.

What to Work on
In Jupyter’s tree browser, go into hw3-adv and work on Homework-3-Advanced.ipynb. You should zip it afterwards (just the zip file of the single document) prior to submission!

Submitting Homework 3-Advanced

Go to the submission site, and if necessary click on the Google icon and log in using your Google@SEAS or GMail account. At this point the system should know you are in the appropriate course. Select the assignment hw3adv-2019 and upload from your Jupyter/hw3-adv folder, typically found under /Users/{myid}.