1) From years in array check for leap years [1974, 1900, 1985, 2000]
2) Calculate factorial of 7.
3) Calculate the sum of the odd items [1,6,23,8,4,98,3,7,3,98,4,98]
4) Choose highest and lowest values from the given array. [1,6,23,8,4,98,3,7,3,98,4,98]. One loop run.
5) Choose longest string from the array. [‘Karol’, ‘Adam’,’Rogowski’,’Politechnika’,’Super’,’Weekend’].
6) Choose all the indexes on the highest value from the given array. [1,6,23,8,4,98,3,7,3,98,4,98].
7) Calculate average value from the given array for even numbers [1,6,23,8,4,98,3,7,3,98,4,98]
8) Calculate average value of items at even indexes. Zero is not considered to be even number. [1,6,23,8,4,98,3,7,3,98,4,98]
9) With a given start value of 0. Iterate the array and add even items and subtract odd ones. [1,6,23,8,4,98,3,7,3,98,4,98]