Starting from:


Assignment 4 Solution


Implement a reference-based stack as a generic Stack class

Create a stack of Integers using your generic Stack class

Write an implementation of MazeSolver which will use your generic Stack class as an element in the solution.


We will continue to explore different data structures in this course – and in particular concept of abstract data types – by working with a Stack. In addition there will be some problem solving you will complete that makes use of your work implementing the stack.

More specifically:

You will create the class named StackRefBased which will implement the interface named Stack (e.g., push, pop, isEmpty, etc.) using the same kind of nodes we have seen in linked lists. As part of this step you will test your implementation by working with a stack of Integer class instances.

Using your StackRefBased and several other class provided to you, write MazeSolver which finds a path from the start to the finish of a two-dimensional maze.

Quick Start

Download into some directory the files named,,,,, and

Into that directory create a subdirectory named tests and download into this directory all of the text files in the assignment’s tests directory.

(If you know how to use ZIP files, you can download into a directory, and after unzipping it, all of the files described in a) and b) will be ready for you.)

Compile and run the test program As in the previous two assignments, use this tester program as you complete the requirements of the assignment.

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The “Grading” section at the end of this document describes how marking will be based, amongst other criteria, upon which tests pass or fail.

Part 1:

In lectures we have looked at the Stack abstract data type. We have also seen how the Java “Generics” mechanism permits us to write the implementation of some abstract data type once, and then re-use that ADT for different kinds of data items (i.e., stack of Integer, stack of String, stack of Movie, stack of Song, etc.).

In the first part of this assignment you will complete an implementation of The methods are currently empty of all save the absolute minimum amount of code for compilation. The behavior expect of each method is described in the Java interface file named; this description is in the form of comments.

You will notice that is a generic class. Specifically it is meant to be a stack of items of some type T (where T must be a class). More precisely, will be implemented using instances of, which is also a generic class. That is, your ref-based structure will consist of instances of StackNode, while within each StackNode will be an instance of the real type you wish to push onto the stack.

For example, here are some lines of Java very similar to the first bit of testBasicStack() in

Stack<Integer s;

s = new StackRefBased<Integer();


displayResults(s.size() == 0);



displayResults(s.size() == 1);

The variable s is a reference variable, and in the second line we assign to it an instance of StackRefBased. However, notice the syntax that involves angle brackets(“<”, “”): we indicate this new stack instance is to be used for Integer values. A few more lines further along we push a value onto the stack s. (We also take advantage here of autoboxing. This helps us as push is expecting an Integer as a parameter, but we have given it an int; Java automatically wraps (or “autoboxes”) our int value into a new Integer object.)

Once you have correctly completed the implementation of – or, more precisely, once all of tests in the method testBasicStack() have passed – then you will have a stack that can be used for any class, including one for MazeLocation as will be needed in the next part of the assignment.

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Part 2:

Problem Description

A maze may be represented textually by a two-dimensional array of characters; the (“*”) character represents a wall, and a space (“ ”) represents an open square. One open square on the top wall represents the start square, and one open square on the bottom wall represents the finish square. Finding a path through the maze means finding a path of open squares (where each square is denoted by its row and column) that connect the start and finish squares. (The path usually includes the start and finish squares, too). The only moves allowed on a path from any given square are up, down, left and right (respectively row-1, row+1, column-1, column+1).

A maze file is a plaintext file containing all details of a maze but without indicating the path through the maze. In the example that follows (corresponding to maze06.txt) the first three lines indicate that the maze described in the file is 9 rows tall and 11 columns wide; the start square is at row 0, column 1; and the end square is at row 8, column 9. After these first three lines are the walls and spaces of the maze.


0 1

8 9

* *********

** *

*** * *** *


******* * *

* * *

* ******* *

* *

********* *

We could also represent the walls and spaces of this maze in the form of a two-dimensional boolean array:

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The mazes we will consider in this assignment have a single path from start to finish. A path is represented by this sequence of row and column coordinates, such as the following:

(0,1) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5) (2,5) (3,5) (3,6) (3,7) (4,7) (5,7) (5,8)

(5,9) (6,9) (7,9) (8,9)

(The line break in the path – i.e., into two lines – is done here for aesthetic reasons. Ultimately the path expressed in the way would be a single string with no line breaks.)

This path is represented by the line shown in the following diagram:

The algorithm for finding a path through the maze from start location to finish location can be expressed using the following pseudocode:

Keep track of locations visited so far with a 2D-boolean array Push the start location onto a new stack

While (the stack is not empty && stack top is not the finish location)

Use the location at the top of the stack as the current location

Mark the current location as visited

If there is an unvisited location next to the current location Push the unvisited location onto stack, and continue the loop


Pop the stack (i.e., remove current location as it is top of stack If stack is empty

There is no path from start to finish


Stack contains path from finish to end

(Note: This is an example of a backtracking algorithm. Your solution to Part 2 must not use recursion to implement backtracking.)

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What you are to do

Several files are already provided to you: accepts the pathname to a maze file in its constructor, and creates a new Maze object by reading the data from the text of the maze file. Please read this class, especially the comments, to understand what its methods do as you will need to use most – if not all – of these methods in your submission. You are not permitted to change this without express written permission from Jason or Celina. encapsulates the row and column of a maze location. (Note, however, that when using the isWall() method in Maze, you need only provide the row and column and not a MazeLocation instance.)

A version of which returns an empty string when findPath() is called.

Your task in Part 2 is to complete findPath(). The method accepts an instance of Maze as its only argument, and returns a string corresponding to the path from the start location to end location of the given maze. So, for example, if the filepath for the example shown in this description is given as the argument to the Maze constructor (e.g., “tests/maze06.txt”), then the string to be returned by findPath() for this instance of maze is the string shown at the top of page 4 of this description. (This particular test case is used in


Submit the following files to conneX, and please ensure you submit these files and not simply save a draft.

And remember it is OK to talk about your assignment with your classmates, and you are encouraged to design solutions together, but each student must implement their own solution. (We will use software-similarity analysis tools on assignment submissions.)

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If you submit something that does not compile, you will receive a grade of 0 for the assignment. It is your responsibility to make sure you submit the correct files.

NOTE: Test cases are numbered from 0. The first test is test 0, the last test is test 37.


You submit something that compiles

Your code passes the first set of test cases (0 to 21 inclusive)

Your code passes the second set of test cases (22 to 26 inclusive)

Your code passes the third set of test cases (27 to 37 inclusive)

Your solution in follows the posted coding conventions on


In order to obtain a passing grade on the assignment, you must satisfy at least the first three requirements by passing all of their test cases.

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