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Homework Assignment #4 Solution

Assignment Objectives

This homework assignment will give you practice with dictionaries, string processing and file input.

Getting Started

Visit Piazza and download the “bare bones” file onto your computer, as well as

homework4 Open in PyCharm and fill in the following information at the top:

1. your first and last name as they appear in Blackboard

2. your Net ID (e.g., jsmith)

3. your Stony Brook ID # (e.g., 111999999)

4. the course number (CSE 101)

5. the assignment name and number (Homework #4)

Do not, under any circumstances, change the names of the functions or their argument lists. The grading software will be looking for exactly those functions provided in

Submit your final file to Blackboard by the due date and time. Late work will not be graded. Code that crashes and cannot be graded will earn no credit. It is your responsibility to test your code by running

it through and by creating your own test cases.

Part I: Password Strength Calculator (20 points)

Write a function password strength() that takes one argument, password, which is a string of characters consisting of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and non-alphanumerical symbols. The function allocates points to password based on the location of certain characters in the string:

Points to Add
the first character is a digit
the last character is a digit
a digit that is anywhere else
the first character is an uppercase letter
the last character is an uppercase letter
an uppercase letter that is anywhere else
a lowercase letter that is anywhere
the first character is a symbol
the last character is a symbol
a symbol that is anywhere else

The function returns the total points allocated by the rules above multiplied by the length of the password. Double- counting of points is acceptable in some (not all!) circumstances. For example, consider a string of length 1 that contains an uppercase letter. What is the strength of that string?

For example, if password is ’Abce%’, the total points allocated by the rules above will be 75. Then, 75 × the length of password (5) will give us the return value of 375 total points.

Note: You may assume that the password is non-empty.


Function Call
Return Value

Part II: Order Up! (20 points)

Write a function order lunches() that takes two arguments, in this order:

1. stock: A dictionary that contains menu items available for purchase at a restaurant. The dictionary maps items to an integer count of how many of each item is available (e.g., ’soda’:4).

2. orders: A list of strings representing items that patrons at the restaurant have ordered. The list might include items not available for purchase.

The function iterates over the orders list, treating each string in the list as a key in the stock dictionary. If the key is present in the dictionary, the function decrements the value associated with the key (provided that doing so would not make the value negative). The function also returns the total number of valid items purchased. The

function simply ignore strings in orders that are not valid keys in stock.

As an example, suppose stock were the dictionary

{’soda’: 0, ’burger’: 3, ’chips’: 5, ’pizza’: 7}

and orders were

[’soda’, ’sandwich’, ’burger’, ’pizza’, ’pizza’, ’burger’]. The function would update stock to

{’soda’: 0, ’burger’: 1, ’chips’: 5, ’pizza’: 5}

and would return 4.

Note that during grading, different menu items will be used!


Function Call

order lunches([{’soda’: 8, ’burger’: 5, ’chips’: 5, ’pizza’: 7}, [’pizza’, ’pizza’, ’burger’, ’pizza’, ’pizza’, ’burger’, ’burger’]])

Return Value Updated stock Value

7 {’soda’: 8, ’burger’: 2, ’chips’: 5, ’pizza’: 3}

Function Call
order lunches([{’burger’: 4, ’chips’: 10, ’pizza’: 6, ’soda’: 3}, [’soda’, ’salad’, ’pizza’, ’soda’, ’chips’, ’burger’, ’sandwich’]])
Return Value

Updated stock Value
{’burger’: 3, ’chips’: 9, ’pizza’: 5, ’soda’: 1}

Function Call
order lunches([{’soda’: 4, ’chips’: 4, ’pizza’: 8, ’burger’: 9}, [’soda’, ’chips’, ’chips’, ’burger’, ’pizza’, ’chips’, ’soda’, ’soup’]])
Return Value

Updated stock Value
{’soda’: 2, ’chips’: 1, ’pizza’: 7, ’burger’: 8}

Function Call
order lunches([{’chips’: 4, ’soda’: 6, ’pizza’: 6, ’burger’: 4}, [’burger’, ’pizza’, ’burger’, ’soup’, ’burger’, ’soda’, ’soda’]])
Return Value

Updated stock Value
{’chips’: 4, ’soda’: 4, ’pizza’: 5, ’burger’: 1}

Function Call
order lunches([{’soda’: 3, ’pizza’: 5, ’burger’: 6, ’chips’: 6}, [’steak’, ’chips’, ’soda’, ’chips’, ’burger’, ’soda’, ’chips’, ’chips’,

Return Value

Updated stock Value
{’soda’: 1, ’pizza’: 4, ’burger’: 5, ’chips’: 2}
Function Call

order lunches([{’burger’: 5, ’soda’: 2, ’pizza’: 3, ’chips’: 1}, [’pizza’, ’soda’, ’pizza’, ’burger’, ’burger’, ’chips’, ’pizza’,

’chips’, ’soda’, ’chips’, ’chips’, ’burger’, ’burger’, ’soda’]])

Return Value Updated stock Value

10 {’burger’: 1, ’soda’: 0, ’pizza’: 0, ’chips’: 0}

Function Call
order lunches([{’burger’: 3, ’pizza’: 4, ’chips’: 3, ’soda’: 0}, [’steak’, ’soda’, ’soup’, ’chips’, ’soda’, ’steak’, ’soda’, ’soda’,

’chips’, ’soda’, ’pizza’, ’burger’, ’pizza’, ’chips’, ’chips’, ’soda’,

Return Value

Updated stock Value
{’burger’: 2, ’pizza’: 2, ’chips’: 0, ’soda’: 0}

Function Call
order lunches([{’burger’: 4, ’chips’: 3, ’pizza’: 3, ’soda’: 2}, [’salad’, ’soda’, ’pizza’, ’soda’, ’burger’, ’soda’, ’chips’, ’soda’,

’steak’, ’burger’, ’soda’, ’burger’, ’burger’, ’burger’, ’burger’,

Return Value

Updated stock Value
{’burger’: 0, ’chips’: 2, ’pizza’: 2, ’soda’: 0}

Function Call
order lunches([{’chips’: 5, ’soda’: 3, ’burger’: 3, ’pizza’: 1}, [’soda’, ’chips’, ’pizza’, ’pizza’, ’chips’, ’salad’, ’chips’, ’steak’,

’soda’, ’soda’, ’chips’, ’burger’, ’pizza’]])
Return Value

Updated stock Value
{’chips’: 1, ’soda’: 0, ’burger’: 2, ’pizza’: 0}

Part III: Population Data (20 points)

Write a function sum populations() that takes five arguments, in this order:

1. which continent: one of the following strings: ’Africa’, ’Americas’, ’Asia’, ’Europe’ or


2. min gdp: a positive integer

3. countries: a dictionary that maps a continent name to a list of some of the countries in that continent

4. gdps: a dictionary that maps a country name to that country’s GDP (gross domestic product) in millions


5. populations: a dictionary that maps a country name to its population

Here are sample arguments that could be passed to the function:

1. which continent = ’Africa’

2. min gdp = 1529760

3. countries = {

’Americas’: [’Argentina’, ’Uruguay’, ’Brazil’, ’Puerto Rico’, ’Panama’],

’Oceania’: [’Fiji’, ’Australia’, ’New Zealand’, ’Papua New Guinea’],

’Asia’: [’Myanmar’, ’Israel’],

’Africa’: [’Senegal’, ’Lesotho’, ’South Africa’, ’Togo’, ’Sierra Leone’],

’Europe’: [’Norway’, ’Greece’]


4. gdps = {

’Argentina’: 545866, ’Uruguay’: 52420, ’Brazil’: 1796186,

’Puerto Rico’: 103135, ’Panama’: 55188, ’Fiji’: 4632,

’Australia’: 1204616, ’New Zealand’: 185017, ’Papua New Guinea’: 16929,

’Myanmar’: 67430, ’Israel’: 318744, ’Senegal’: 14765, ’Lesotho’: 2200,

’South Africa’: 294841, ’Togo’: 4400, ’Sierra Leone’: 3669,

’Norway’: 370557, ’Greece’: 194559}

5. populations = {’Argentina’: 43847430, ’Uruguay’: 3444006,

’Brazil’: 207652865, ’Puerto Rico’: 3667903, ’Panama’: 4034119,

’Fiji’: 898760, ’Australia’: 24125848, ’New Zealand’: 4660833,

’Papua New Guinea’: 8084991, ’Myanmar’: 52885223, ’Israel’: 8191828,

’Senegal’: 15411614, ’Lesotho’: 2203821, ’South Africa’: 56015473,

’Togo’: 7606374, ’Sierra Leone’: 7396190, ’Norway’: 5254694,

’Greece’: 11183716}

Using the given arguments, the function computes and returns the sum of populations of all countries that are located in continent and which have a GDP that is greater than or equal to min gdp.

For example, suppose which continent = ’Americas’ and min gdp = 1000000. The function would consult the countries dictionary to get a list of countries from the Americas. It would then consult the gdps dictionary to find all countries with a GDP of at least $1,000,000M and add together the populations of all such countries.


Due to the large amount of space consumed by examples, only two are provided here. See the driver file for more test cases.

Function Call
Return Value
sum populations(’Africa’, 42690,

{’Americas’: [’Panama’, ’Guatemala’], ’Oceania’: [’New

Zealand’, ’Australia’, ’Fiji’], ’Asia’: [’Vietnam’,

’South Korea’, ’Israel’], ’Africa’: [’Lesotho’, ’Burundi’,

’Algeria’, ’Cameroon’, ’Angola’], ’Europe’: [’Finland’,

’Luxembourg’, ’Russia’, ’Belarus’, ’Ukraine’]},

{’Panama’: 55188, ’Guatemala’: 68763, ’New Zealand’:

185017, ’Australia’: 1204616, ’Fiji’: 4632, ’Vietnam’:

202616, ’South Korea’: 1411246, ’Israel’: 318744, ’Lesotho’:

2200, ’Burundi’: 3007, ’Algeria’: 156080, ’Cameroon’:

24204, ’Angola’: 89633, ’Finland’: 236785, ’Luxembourg’:

59948, ’Russia’: 1283162, ’Belarus’: 47433, ’Ukraine’:


{’Panama’: 4034119, ’Guatemala’: 16582469, ’New Zealand’:

4660833, ’Australia’: 24125848, ’Fiji’: 898760, ’Vietnam’:

94569072, ’South Korea’: 50791919, ’Israel’: 8191828,

’Lesotho’: 2203821, ’Burundi’: 10524117, ’Algeria’:

40606052, ’Cameroon’: 23439189, ’Angola’: 28813463,

’Finland’: 5503132, ’Luxembourg’: 575747, ’Russia’:

143964513, ’Belarus’: 9480042, ’Ukraine’: 44438625})
sum populations(’Oceania’, 386428,

{’Americas’: [’Peru’, ’Dominican Republic’, ’United States’],

’Oceania’: [’New Zealand’, ’Australia’], ’Asia’: [’India’,

’Jordan’, ’Tajikistan’], ’Africa’: [’Benin’, ’Central African Republic’, ’South Africa’, ’Namibia’, ’Rwanda’], ’Europe’: [’Germany’, ’Luxembourg’, ’Russia’]},

{’Peru’: 192094, ’Dominican Republic’: 71584, ’United

States’: 18624475, ’New Zealand’: 185017, ’Australia’:

1204616, ’India’: 2263792, ’Jordan’: 38655, ’Tajikistan’:

6952, ’Benin’: 8583, ’Central African Republic’: 1756,

’South Africa’: 294841, ’Namibia’: 10267, ’Rwanda’:

8376, ’Germany’: 3477796, ’Luxembourg’: 59948, ’Russia’:


{’Peru’: 31773839, ’Dominican Republic’: 10648791,

’United States’: 322179605, ’New Zealand’: 4660833,

’Australia’: 24125848, ’India’: 1324171354, ’Jordan’:

9455802, ’Tajikistan’: 8734951, ’Benin’: 10872298, ’Central

African Republic’: 4594621, ’South Africa’: 56015473,

’Namibia’: 2479713, ’Rwanda’: 11917508, ’Germany’:

81914672, ’Luxembourg’: 575747, ’Russia’: 143964513})
Part IV: Assembling a Course Roster (20 points)

In this part you will write a function that opens a file containing a list of students enrolled in courses and extract some data from the file. Each line of the file (after the first line) contains the name of a student, followed by the student’s ID number, followed by a course code, followed by the number of credits for the course. These four quantities are separated by commas. The first line always contains the string


Complete the function get roster() that takes the following arguments, in this order:

1. filename: The name of a file that the function will read data from. You may assume that the file is always validly formatted.

2. course: A string representing a course code we are interested in.

The function reads each line of the file filename and returns the list of ID numbers of students enrolled in the designated course. You may assume that each line of data in the file will always follow the following format: (Student’s Name, Student’s ID #, Course Code, # of Credits). Note that ALL values in the file are treated as strings, even values we would normally treat as numerical. Below is a portion of a sample input file:









Note: When reading each line, make sure to use the strip() function to get rid of any newlines and/or spaces before or after each line.


See Piazza for the contents of students1.txt, students2.txt and students3.txt. Different files

will be used during grading.

Function Call
Return Value
get roster(’students1.txt’, ’CSE220’)
[’110071435’, ’110071432’,

get roster(’students1.txt’, ’CSE114’)
[’110071435’, ’110071434’]
get roster(’students1.txt’, ’CSE475’)
[’110071436’, ’110071435’]
get roster(’students1.txt’, ’CSE219’)
[’110071434’, ’110071432’,

get roster(’students1.txt’, ’CSE214’)
[’110071433’, ’110071436’]

get roster(’students2.txt’, ’CSE219’)
get roster(’students2.txt’, ’CSE214’)
[’110071447’, ’110071450’,

’110071441’, ’110071442’]
get roster(’students2.txt’, ’CSE220’)
[’110071446’, ’110071449’,

get roster(’students2.txt’, ’CSE114’)
[’110071449’, ’110071447’,

’110071444’, ’110071441’,

’110071448’, ’110071437’]
get roster(’students2.txt’, ’CSE101’)
[’110071437’, ’110071446’]
get roster(’students3.txt’, ’CSE220’)
[’110071434’, ’110071441’,

’110071438’, ’110071449’,

’110071439’, ’110071445’,

get roster(’students3.txt’, ’CSE101’)
[’110071442’, ’110071438’,

’110071435’, ’110071448’,

get roster(’students3.txt’, ’CSE219’)
[’110071435’, ’110071442’,

’110071446’, ’110071438’,

get roster(’students3.txt’, ’CSE114’)
[’110071451’, ’110071441’,

’110071437’, ’110071435’]
get roster(’students3.txt’, ’CSE214’)
[’110071449’, ’110071440’,


Part V: Fetch Information (20 points)

In this part we will generalize the results of the previous part to files that contain information other than course enrollment data. The first line of the file will contain a comma-separated list of strings that define the format of the file. Some examples:

• Car data: Make,Model,Year

• CPU data: Manufacturer,Model,NumCores,ClockSpeed

• House data: Town,Year,Price,NumRooms,Taxes

Write a function fetch value() that takes the following arguments, in this order:

1. filename: The name of a file the function will read data from. All fields in the file will be separated by commas. You may assume that the file is always validly formatted.

2. selected field: The name of the field from which we are reading values.

3. searched field: The name of the field we are using to search the data.

4. searched value: The value of the searched field that we are trying to match.

To understand the meaning of these arguments, suppose the function were called on CPU data (with fields

Manufacturer,Model,NumCores,ClockSpeed) with the following arguments:

fetch value(’cpu.txt’, ’Manufacturer’, ’ClockSpeed’, ’3’). This function call indicates that we want a list of CPU manufacturers whose CPU’s ClockSpeed field has a value of ’3’. (Duplicated val- ues are expected, and the number of copies of a selected value must equal the number of lines that match the search value. Do not sort the returned list.) Note that ALL values in the file are treated as strings, even values we would normally treat as numerical.

More generally speaking, the function reads from the given file and finds lines where the value in the

searched field “column” matches the searched value function argument. When such a line is found, the function appends the corresponding value of selected field column into the returned list.


See Piazza for the contents of clothing.txt and sundaes.txt. Different files will be used during grading.

Function Call

fetch value(’sundaes.txt’, ’Topping’, ’Flavor’, ’RockyRoad’)

Return Value

[’WhippedCream’, ’WhippedCream’, ’ChocolateChips’, ’ChocolateChips’,

’Sprinkles’, ’WhippedCream’, ’ChocolateChips’, ’ChocolateChips’,

’Sprinkles’, ’Sprinkles’, ’ChocolateChips’]
Function Call

fetch value(’sundaes.txt’, ’Flavor’, ’Size’, ’Medium’)

Return Value

[’Strawberry’, ’RockyRoad’, ’Strawberry’, ’Vanilla’, ’Strawberry’,

’RockyRoad’, ’Strawberry’, ’Chocolate’, ’Chocolate’, ’Chocolate’,

’Chocolate’, ’RockyRoad’, ’Strawberry’, ’Vanilla’, ’Chocolate’,

Function Call

fetch value(’sundaes.txt’, ’Syrup’, ’Topping’, ’WhippedCream’)

Return Value

[’Fudge’, ’Fudge’, ’Fudge’, ’Fudge’, ’Blueberry’, ’Blueberry’,

’Blueberry’, ’Fudge’, ’Blueberry’, ’Caramel’, ’Fudge’, ’Caramel’,

’Blueberry’, ’Fudge’, ’Caramel’]
Function Call

fetch value(’sundaes.txt’, ’Topping’, ’Syrup’, ’Fudge’)

Return Value

[’WhippedCream’, ’WhippedCream’, ’WhippedCream’, ’WhippedCream’,

’ChocolateChips’, ’ChocolateChips’, ’Sprinkles’, ’Sprinkles’,

’ChocolateChips’, ’Sprinkles’, ’WhippedCream’, ’WhippedCream’,

’ChocolateChips’, ’WhippedCream’, ’ChocolateChips’]

Function Call

fetch value(’clothing.txt’, ’BodyType’, ’BodyType’, ’Girl’)

Return Value

[’Girl’, ’Girl’, ’Girl’, ’Girl’, ’Girl’, ’Girl’, ’Girl’]
Function Call

fetch value(’clothing.txt’, ’ClothingType’, ’BodyType’, ’Woman’)

Return Value

[’Pants’, ’Socks’, ’Coat’, ’Pants’, ’Coat’, ’Coat’, ’Pants’]
Function Call

fetch value(’clothing.txt’, ’Manufacturer’, ’Size’, ’Small’)

Return Value

[’Chanel’, ’Aeropostale’, ’Lee’, ’Lee’, ’Adidas’, ’Levi’, ’Lee’, ’Lee’,

’Aeropostale’, ’Levi’, ’Lee’, ’Levi’]
Function Call

fetch value(’clothing.txt’, ’Price’, ’Size’, ’XL’)

Return Value

[’24’, ’42’, ’60’, ’60’, ’24’]

How to Submit Your Work for Grading

To submit your .py file for grading:

1. Login to Blackboard and locate the course account for CSE 101.

2. Click on “Assignments” in the left-hand menu and find the link for this assignment.

3. Click on the link for this assignment.

4. Click the “Browse My Computer” button and locate the .py file you wish to submit. Submit only that one

.py file.

5. Click the “Submit” button to submit your work for grading.

Oops, I messed up and I need to resubmit a file!

No worries! Just follow the above directions again. We will grade only your last submission.