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Assignment 1 Module 2


The purpose of the parser we are building in A1 is to extract the major components from a calendar file, and fill in our data structures, which will be used in later assignments. Make sure that, in addition to the iCalendar specification, you also carefully read the comments in CalendarParser.h - each data structure includes detailed comments indicating the constraints for various components.

We will not be performing full validation of a file we are reading. Instead, we want to make sure that the file conforms to the iCalendar spec sufficiently for us to fill in our data structures. The data structures reflect the format specification. The required components are given their own variables, while all the optional components are stored in lists.

The errors below reflect the various ways in which a file can fail to comply with the iCalendar specification. Please note that in Assignment 1 we are only validating the overall "shape" on most properties (unless specified otherwise). Therefore, as long as the the file does not contain one of the errors listed below, it is considered valid for A1. In A2, we will implement much stricter validation in a separate function.

You can assume that the input file does not contain any components (RFC5545 Sect. 3.6) other than Events and Alarms (i.e. no to-do's, time zones, etc.).


ICalErrorCode createCalendar(char* fileName, Calendar** obj);

INV_FILE is returned if there’s a problem with the fileName argument or the file itself:

it is null
it is an empty string
file doesn't exist or cannot be opened
file doesn't have the .ics extension
file has invalid line endings 

INV_CAL is returned if the file can be opened and read, but the calendar object contained in the file is invalid

invalid or missing opening/closing tags
missing required properties or components, i.e. version, prodID, or event

If a required property or component is present, but is invalid for some reason, you must return one of the errors described below
If the error is contained in one of the events in the calendar, you return one of the appropriate errors (INV_EVENT, INV_ALARM, or INV_DT - see below)

INV_VER is returned if the calendar version property is present, but malformed (i.e. property value is missing or is not a number).

DUP_VER is returned if the calendar version property is present and appears more than once

INV_PRODID is returned if the product ID property is present, but malformed (i.e. property value is missing).

DUP_PRODID is returned if the product ID property appears more than once

INV_EVENT is returned if the event component is present, but malformed in some way

missing closing tag
missing required properties
UID is present, but malformed (missing value)


If one of the required DateTime properties is present but malformed, you must return INV_DT (see below)
If an Alarm is present, but malformed, you must return INV_ALARM (see below)

INV_DT is returned if the event creation and start date-time properties are present, but one (or both) of them is malformed in some way - i.e. do not conform to the FORM #1 or FORM #2 in Section 3.3.5 of the RFC5545. For the purposes of our course, we will consider FORM #3 to be invalid.

INV_ALARM is returned if the alarm component is present, but malformed in some way

missing or malformed required properties. For the purposes of our assignments, an alarm must have an action and a trigger
missing closing tag

OTHER_ERROR is returned is some other, non-calendar error happens (e.g. malloc returns NULL).


Always return the first errors you encounter
If the name of a property (e.g. Event, Alarm, or DateTime) is misspelled, is counts as missing
Any property with a missing "description" (parameters/values) is invalid, and makes its nearest enclosing component invalid.

E.g. if a file has an event with a malformed UID property (no value), this event is invalid and INV_EVENT is returned


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