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Assignment 4: Performance Optimization and Timing

1 Introduction
This assignment focuses on aspects of optimizing and measuring performance.

The first problem provides a baseline implementation for a function and asks for a more performant version which runs faster. To do so, one must exploit knowledge of the memory hierarchy and processor pipeline.
The second problem provides a series of functions for classic search algorithms and requires implementation of a main() function to benchmark the performance of those functions.
2 Download Code and Setup
Download the code pack linked at the top of the page. Unzip this which will create a project folder. Create new files in this folder. Ultimately you will re-zip this folder to submit it.

Problem 1 & 2 Build file
Fill in answers to assignment questions
Problem 1 main benchmark
Problem 1 header file
Problem 1 utility functions for matrices/vectors
Problem 1 baseline functions to beat
Problem 1 create and fill in optimized function definition
Problem 2 header file
Problem 2 search, setup, and cleanup functions
Problem 2 timing main() to create
3 Problem 1: Optimize Matrix-Vector Transpose Multiply

3.1 Overview
A classic problem in numerical computing is to multiply a matrix by a vector. The standard algorithm for doing this is given below and follows a pattern shown in the accompanying figure.

Figure 1: Matrix-vector multiply: iterate across rows. DO NOT OPTIMIZE THIS.

int baseline_matrix_mult_vec(matrix_t mat, vector_t vec, vector_t res){
...; // error checking
for(int i=0; i<mat.rows; i++){
VSET(res,i,0); // initialize res[i] to zero
for(int j=0; j<mat.cols; j++){
int elij = MGET(mat,i,j);
int vecj = VGET(vec,j);
int prod = elij * vecj;
int curr = VGET(res,i);
int next = curr + prod;
VSET(res,i, next); // add on the newest product
return 0;
This algorithm is fairly efficient in terms of the memory system due to its iterating across rows in the matrix while multiplying and adding.

In contrast, multiplying a matrix-transpose by a vector involves traversing columns as in the implementation and diagram below.

Figure 2: Matrix-transpose-vector multiply: iterate down columns. OPTIMIZE THIS.

int baseline_matrix_trans_mult_vec(matrix_t mat, vector_t vec, vector_t res){
...; // error checking
for(int j=0; j<mat.cols; j++){
VSET(res,j,0); // initialize res[j] to zero
for(int i=0; i<mat.rows; i++){
int elij = MGET(mat,i,j);
int veci = VGET(vec,i);
int prod = elij * veci;
int curr = VGET(res,j);
int next = curr + prod;
VSET(res,j, next); // add on the newest product
return 0;
Notice that the routine does not actually transpose the matrix: no changes are made to the matrix. Instead the iteration pattern is simply adjusted to compute the correct answer for the multiply. However, it should be apparent based on experience with computer memory systems that this change will have performance implications.
3.2 Optimize matrix_trans_mult_vec()
The purpose of this problem is to write optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec() which is a faster version of the provided baseline_matrix_trans_mult_vec() to perform a matrix transpose multiplied by a vector.

Write your code in the file optimized_matvec_mult.c.

Keep the following things in mind.

You will need to acquaint yourself with the functions and types related to matrices and vectors provided in the matvec.h and demonstrated in the baseline functions.
The goal of optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec() is to exceed the performance of baseline_matrix_trans_mult_vec() (run faster) and ideally exceed the performance of baseline_matrix_mult_vec().
To achieve this goal, several optimizations must be implemented and suggestions are given in a later section.
You will need to document your optimizations in the file A4-WRITEUP.txt and provide timing results of running the optimized version.
Part of your grade will be based on the speed of the optimized code on the machine The main routine mult_benchmark.c will be used for this.
Some details are provided in subsequent sections.
3.3 Evaluation on apollo
The provided file mult_benchmark.c provides a benchmark for the speed of matrix vector multiplication functions. It will be used by graders to evaluate the submitted code and should be used during development to gauge performance improvements.

The machine will be used for evaluation and the scoring present in mult_benchmark.c is "tuned" to apollo. That means that codes should be tested on apollo so that no unexpected results occur after submission. Results reported should be from apollo.

The output of the mult_benchmark is shown below.

SIZE: the size of the matrix being multiplied. The benchmark always uses square matrices
Runtimes for the 3 functions

BASE: the time it takes for baseline_matrix_trans_mult_vec() to complete.
NORM: the time it takes for baseline_matrix_mult_vec() to complete.
OPT: the time it takes for optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec() to complete.
Speedups with higher numbers being better

BSPDUP: the speedup of optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec() over baseline_matrix_trans_mult_vec() which is BASE
/ OPT.
NSPDUP: the speedup of optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec() over baseline_matrix_mult_vec() which is NORM
/ OPT.
POINTS: which are earned according to the following formula
points = (int) (BSPDUP*0.5 + NSPDUP - 1.0 - (NORM / BASE) - 0.5);

This scheme, while a little involved, means that unless actual optimizations are implemented, 0 points will be scored.

Below are several demonstration runs of mult_benchmark.

computer01 ./mult_benchmark
WARNING: expected host 'csel-apollo' but got host 'computer01'
WARNING: timing results / scoring will not reflect actual scoring
WARNING: run on host 'csel-apollo' for accurate results
512 1.9750e-03 1.4700e-03 7.6100e-04 2.60 1.93 1
1024 1.3969e-02 2.2660e-03 1.2210e-03 11.44 1.86 6
2048 4.7152e-02 8.1340e-03 4.0550e-03 11.63 2.01 6
4096 1.9722e-01 3.2944e-02 1.7052e-02 11.57 1.93 6
8192 9.8621e-01 1.3456e-01 6.8141e-02 14.47 1.97 7

apollo ./mult_benchmark
512 1.2200e-03 1.0410e-03 1.2580e-03 0.97 0.83 0
1024 1.7830e-02 4.2570e-03 1.7480e-02 1.02 0.24 0
2048 2.4486e-01 1.7139e-02 2.4501e-01 1.00 0.07 0
4096 1.0155e+00 6.8476e-02 1.0159e+00 1.00 0.07 0
8192 4.1294e+00 2.7372e-01 4.1300e+00 1.00 0.07 0

apollo ./mult_benchmark
512 1.2010e-03 1.0880e-03 8.8800e-04 1.35 1.23 0
1024 1.7780e-02 4.2520e-03 3.5800e-03 4.97 1.19 2
2048 2.5421e-01 1.7171e-02 1.4701e-02 17.29 1.17 8
4096 1.0151e+00 6.8376e-02 5.8682e-02 17.30 1.17 8
8192 4.1297e+00 2.7372e-01 2.3425e-01 17.63 1.17 8

apollo ./mult_benchmark
512 1.2130e-03 1.0500e-03 5.3100e-04 2.28 1.98 1
1024 1.8842e-02 4.2570e-03 2.2040e-03 8.55 1.93 4
2048 2.4402e-01 1.7148e-02 9.2740e-03 26.31 1.85 13
4096 1.0155e+00 6.8455e-02 3.6902e-02 27.52 1.86 14
8192 4.1297e+00 2.7365e-01 1.4942e-01 27.64 1.83 14

Note that it is possible to exceed the score associated with maximal performance (as seen in the RAW POINTS reported) but no more than the final reported points will be given for the performance portion of the problem.
3.4 Optimization Suggestions and Documentation
Previous labs have covered several kinds of optimizations which are useful to improve the speed of optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec(). These techniques include:

Re-ordering memory accesses to be as sequential as possible which favors cache (very important)
Increasing potential processor pipelining by adjusting the destinations of arithmetic operations.
These should be sufficient to gain full credit though you are free to explore additional optimizations.

The file A4-WRITEUP.txt has several questions that should be answered in a similar fashion to lab write-ups. These document the optimizations used in optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec() require a justification for their use.
3.5 Grading Criteria for Problem 1 (55%) GRADING
Performance of optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec() on
As measured by the provided mult_bench
Clean and well-documented code for optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec()
No memory errors reported by Valgrind via make
Answer 1A A4-WRITEUP.txt (source code)
Answer 1B A4-WRITEUP.txt (timing table)
Answer 1C A4-WRITEUP.txt (optimizations description)
4 Problem 2: Timing Search Algorithms

4.1 Overview
This problem centers on timing several algorithms to measure their performance. This will require use of C timing functions which have been demonstrated in various parts of the class including the previous problem.

You will measure the performance of 4 search functions which simply determine whether an integer query is present in an associated data structure. All of these along with associated setup functions are provided in the search_funcs.c file. The search algorithms are as follows.

Linear Search in an Array
The array need not be sorted and is searched from beginning to end.
Linear Search in a Linked List
Nodes are linked together and the list is searched for a query from beginning to end.
Binary Search in a Sorted Array
The classic divide and conquer algorithm which repeatedly halves the search space.
Binary Search in a Tree
A binary search tree enables searching for a query by following left/right branches.
If you do not have a sense of the relative computational complexities of these algorithms, you should review these as they should factor into your analysis of the timings of the algorithms.

As was the case for problem 1, you can develop your timing program on any platform but the analysis should be conducted on to ensure comparability.
4.2 main() in search_benchmark.c
The requirements from this problem is that you provide a main() function in the file search_benchmark.c with the following features.

Runs on a range of sizes that can be specified on the command line. A typical approach is to allow one to specify a minimum and maximum size of the search data structures and repeatedly double starting at the minimum and ending at the max.
Create "even" data in the structures using the provided functions.

make_even_array() for arrays
make_even_list() for linked lists
make_even_trees() for trees
This will populate the data structure with the sequence 0,2,4,...,(len-1)*2. This data population allows searches for items that are known to be present (even numbers) and items that are known not to be present (odd numbers).

Perform a variable number of searches on the data structures. This should be done the following way.

On the command line the number of repetitions of searches should be specified on the command line.
Search for every element in the data structures the given number of repetitions.
Search an equal number of times for elements NOT in the data structure.
A typical example method for this is as follows. For a size 100 data structure perform

An outer loop over the number of repetitions
An inner loop that searches for the numbers 0,1,2,3,4,...,(2*len)-1
This pattern searches for an equal number of present/not-present items.

Measure the Total Time for the Entire Search Loop for a given algorithm. Since individual searches will take a minuscule amount of time, the Total Time for the loop is the most robust measure to discuss. While such a time may include some artifacts such as incriminating loop variables, these will be "charged" to all algorithms equally so that the comparison remains fair. Avoid use of functions like pow() as these will introduce unnecessarily calculations inflating the measured times. Favor multiplications to increase size such as
cur_search_size = cur_search_size * 2;

Enable any combination of algorithms to be tested by specifying which are to be run on the command line. The required way to do this is to accept a command line argument which enables which search types should be done. The associated characters with each algorithm are

a for linear array search
b for binary search
l for linked list search
t for tree search
Specify a command line argument which enables the searches:

l: run linked list search only
ab: run linear array search and binary array search
alt: run all but the binary array search
ablt: run all algorithms
If no string is specified, run all algorithms
Ensure that an equal number of searches is done for each of the algorithms being benchmarked.
Ensure that the timing that is done is ONLY for searching and not for setup and cleanup for the data structures.
Ensure that there are no memory leaks or other problems in setup and cleanup for the searches.
4.3 Running Algorithms based on Command Line Arguments
Many folks who have not had to handle command line arguments struggle some what with the style of search_benchmark so here is some additional guidance on handling this aspect of the program.
Run the algorithms in a fixed order
An invocation like

./search_benchmark 5 10 10 al

should run the linear array search (a) and linear linked list search (l). So should the invocation

./search_benchmark 5 10 10 la

Since we are interested only in comparing timing for these algorithms, the order of which is run first and printed first does not matter so run the algorithms and print results in a fixed order. That is, both of the above will run the array search first and linked list search second giving identical ordering results:

./search_benchmark 5 10 10 al
32 640 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
64 1280 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
128 2560 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
256 5120 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
512 10240 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
1024 20480 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06

./search_benchmark 5 10 10 la # still running linear array search first
32 640 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
64 1280 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
128 2560 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
256 5120 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
512 10240 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
1024 20480 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06

Use Boolean-like variables to track which algorithms to run
If following the advice of the previous section, to run the 4 algorithms in a fixed order, one can simple assign variables in main() which indicate which algorithms to run as in the following.

int run_linear_array = 0;
int run_linear_list = 0;
Later, these variables are checked in a conditional as in:

// run loops to time linear search in an array
// run loops to time linear search in a list
When processing the command line argument associated with which algorithms to run, one can 'turn on' the algorithm if the associated character is present according to the following pseudo-code

set algs_string to argv[4]
for(i=0; i < length(algs_string); i++){
if(algs_string[i] == 'a'){
do_linear_array = 1;
While the above approach does not allow one to run algorithms in an arbitrary order, it does allow any combination of algorithms to be run and compared which is all that is needed to complete the timing.
Free and Re-allocate Memory for Different Sizes
While the search functions for Linked Lists and Binary Search Trees both take size arguments, these are ignored in the searches. Instead, NULL's in the data structures are used to find the bounds of them. This means if one is searching for data that is not in a small list, the end of the data structure will be reached sooner and not found will be determined faster than if searching in a large list. To that end allocate data structures that are sized specifically to the search size each time. Do NOT allocate one large data structure and do all size searches on it as this will create artificially bad timings for the linked structures.
4.4 Sample main() Runs
Below are some sample runs of the main() function and output that is produced. Note that the times have intentionally been set to all identical times. Your exact output may vary some but main() must use the command line options as indicated below. These arguments are

Minimum data size (power of 2)
Maximum data size (power of 2)
Number of repeats
(Optional) Characters specifying which search algorithms to run. If this is omitted, run all algorithms.
usage: ./search_benchmark <minpow <maxpow <repeats [which]
which is a combination of:
a : Linear Array Search
l : Linked List Search
b : Binary Array Search
t : Binary Tree Search
(default all)

# run all algorithms, single repetition of searches
./search_benchmark 9 14 1
LENGTH SEARCHES array list binary tree
512 1024 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
1024 2048 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
2048 4096 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
4096 8192 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
8192 16384 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
16384 32768 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06

# Note that SEARCHES is 2*LENGTH as 1 successful and 1 unsuccessful
# search is run for each element in the data structure

# run linear array, linked list, binary array search algorithms, 10 repetition of searches
./search_benchmark 5 10 10 alb
LENGTH SEARCHES array list binary
32 640 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
64 1280 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
128 2560 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
256 5120 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
512 10240 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
1024 20480 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06

# run linear binary array and tree search algorithms, 2 repetition of searches
./search_benchmark 14 19 2 bt
16384 65536 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
32768 131072 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
65536 262144 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
131072 524288 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
262144 1048576 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06
524288 2097152 1.2345e+06 1.2345e+06

4.5 Proper Setup and Cleanup for Searches
Each search algorithm requires setup and cleanup which is described below. All these follow the same patter which can enable somewhat more elegant setup/search/cleanup which is discussed in the section on bonus credit.
Linear and Binary Array Search
Use the function make_evens_array() to create an appropriately sized int array for these functions. Call free() on this array when finished with it.
Linked List Search
Use the function make_evens_list() to create an appropriately sized list_t. Call list_free() on this list when finished with it.
Binary Tree Search
Use the function make_evens_tree() to create an appropriately sized bst_t. Call bst_free() on this list when finished with it.
4.6 What to Measure
The reason for the requirements mentioned above is to on to study the performance of different search algorithms and answer associated questions in the A4-WRITEUP.txt. The main goals of these questions are to elucidate.

To compare the linear and logarithmic search complexities to see if one or the other is superior at small and large input sizes
To compare the contiguous memory (array) approaches to the linked memory (list/tree) approaches to see if one or the other is superior at small and large sizes.
To that end make sure to answer the thoroughly answer questions provided.
4.7 MAKEUP CREDIT: Code Layout in search_benchmark.c
"Makeup" credit will allow the score on this assignment to exceed 100% but will not allow the overall score on the project portion of the grade to exceed the weight specified in the syllabus. It is designed to help "make up" for lost credit on previous assignments.

Makeup credit is available in this assignment for implementing the selection of which search functions to run in an "elegant" fashion. Likely the best method for this is to use a table of function pointers. This style is demonstrated in Lab10 Lab09 but must be expanded upon in this lab to reach its full potential.

The main purpose to using such a table is to avoid a large if/else or switch/case block. For example, a simple approach to doing different search types is something like the following.

int main(...){
int do_linear_array = 1;
int do_linked_list = 1;
for(all sizes){
// setup array
// start timer
// do searches
// stop timer
// print output
// free the array
// setup list
// start timer
// do searches
// stop timer
// print output
// free the list
This formulation obviously involves a much redundant code. A good way to avoid this is to parameterize the repeated parts as functions and iterate over the table invoking functions appropriate to the different types of searches.

To get a sense of how this might work, here is an incomplete example setup used in one solution.

// Table of search algorithms
searchalg_t algs[] = {
{"Linear Array Search", "array", 'a', 1,
(search_t) linear_array_search, (setup_t) make_evens_array, (cleanup_t) free},
{"Linked List Search", "list", 'l', 1,
(search_t) linkedlist_search, (setup_t) make_evens_list, (cleanup_t) list_free},
None of the types are given in the above but several notable things are present.

The types of searches are described in an array (table) of structs
Each field pertains to a description or function for the search
Some of the functions are for setup, others for cleanup, and the first is the actual search function.
Casting is required to get the different function prototypes to "fit" into the same kind of struct.
All of the searches are enabled by default but fields can changed to disable them.
One only needs to iterate through the array invoking appropriate functions. This avoids the need for a large if/else style program.
To complete this part, document your code with comments and also describe you design using function pointers/structs in A4-WRITEUP.txt.
4.8 Grading Criteria for Problem 2 (45%) GRADING
Accepts parameters that control the min/max data sizes and number of repeats
Proper searching for success and fail elements
The Total Search Loop Time is measured for each algorithm and reported, not an average per search
Timing does not include memory allocationo/de-allocation
Allocates data that is exactly to search sizes to prevent handicapping lists and arrays
Clean and well-documented code for main() that uses simple approaches to run algorithms requested
No memory errors reported by make
OPTIONAL MAKEUP CREDIT for using a table of function pointers effectively
Must describe this design in section 2E of A4-WRITEUP.txt
Answer 2A A4-WRITEUP.txt (min size for differences)
Answer 2B A4-WRITEUP.txt (list vs array)
Answer 2C A4-WRITEUP.txt (tree vs array))
Answer 2D A4-WRITEUP.txt (caching effects))
5 Writeup
This assignment involves answering questions in the file A4-WRITEUP.txt which is included in the code pack and pasted below.



- Name: (FILL THIS in)
- NetID: (THE kauf0095 IN

Answer the questions below according to the assignment
specification. Write your answers directly in this text file and submit
it along with your code.

PROBLEM 1: optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec()

Do your timing study on

(A) Paste Source Code

Paste a copy of your source code for the function
optimized_matrix_trans_mult_vec() below.

(B) Timing on Apollo

Paste a copy of the results of running `mult_bench' on in the space below which shows how your
performance optimizations improved on the baseline codes.

(C) Optimizations

Describe in some detail the optimizations you used to speed the code
up. THE CODE SHOULD CONTAIN SOME COMMENTS already to describe these
but in the section below, describe in English the techniques you used
to make the code run faster. Format your descriptions into discrete
chunks such as.
Optimization 1: Blah bla blah... This should make run
faster because yakkety yakeety yak.

Optimization 2: Blah bla blah... This should make run
faster because yakkety yakeety yak.

... Optimization N: Blah bla blah... This should make run
faster because yakkety yakeety yak.
Full credit solutions will have a least two optimizations.

PROBLEM 2: Timing Search Algorithms

Do your timing study on

(A) Min Size for Algorithmic Differences

Determine the size of input array does one start to see a measurable
difference in the performance of the linear and logarithmic
algorithms. Produce a timing table which includes all algorithms
which clearly demonstrates an uptick in the times associated with some
while others remain much lower. Identify what size this appears to be
a occur.

(B) Linear Search in List vs Array

Determine whether the linear array and linked list search remain
approximately at the same performance level as size increases to large
data or whether one begins to become favorable over other. Determine
the approximate size at which this divergence becomes obvious. Discuss
reasons WHY this difference arises.

(C) Binary Search in Tree vs Array

Compare the binary array search and binary tree search on small to
very large arrays. Determine if there is a size at which the
performance of these two begins to diverge. If so, describe why this
might be happening based on your understanding of the data structures
and the memory system. If not, describe why you believe there is
little performance difference between the two.

(D) Caching Effects on Algorithms

It is commonly believed that memory systems that feature a Cache will
lead to arrays performing faster than linked structures such as Linked
Lists and Binary Search Trees. Describe whether your timings confirm
or refute this belief. Address both types of algorithms in your
- What effects does Cache have on Linear Search in arrays and lists
and why?
- What effects does Cache have on Binary Search in arrays and lists
and why?


If you decided to make use of a table of function pointers/structs
which is worth makeup credit, describe your basic design for this