Starting from:


Programming Item-Item Collaborative Filtering Solution

In this assignment, you will create a simple implementation of item-item collaborative filtering.  Note that LensKit already has an implementation of item-item that is different from what we’re asking you to build; do not try to copy that implementation as it will not produce the correct results for this assignment.


The deliverable for this assignment is your code, which we will test in the online grading infrastructure.


Start by downloading the project template. This is a Gradle project; you can import it into your IDE directly (IntelliJ users can open the build.gradle file as a project). This contains files for all the code you need to implement, along with the Gradle files needed to build, run, and evaluate.


## Downloads and Resources


- Project template (on Coursera))

- [LensKit for Teaching website](

- [JavaDoc for included code](


Additionally, you will need:


- [Java]( — download the Java 8 JDK.  On Linux, install the OpenJDK 'devel' package (you will need the devel package to have the compiler).

- A development environment.


## Implementing Item-Item Collaborative Filtering


Your task is to write the missing pieces of the following classes:



:   Builds the item-item model from the rating data



:   Scores items with item-item collaborative filtering



:   Finds similar items


The primary component of this assignment is your implementation of item-item CF.  The provided

`SimpleItemItemModel` class stores the precomputed similarity matrix.


### Computing Similarities


The `SimpleItemItemModelBuilder` class computes the similarities between items and stores them

in the model.  It also needs to create a vector mapping each item ID to its mean rating, for use

by the item scorer.  Use the following configuration decisions:


-   Normalize each item rating vector by subtracting the **item's** mean rating from each rating prior to computing similarities

-   Use cosine similarity between normalized item rating vectors

-   Only store neighbors with positive similarities ( 0)


One way to approach this is to process the ratings item-by-item (using

`ItemEventDAO.streamEventsByItem`), convert each item's ratings to a rating vector

(`Ratings.itemRatingVector`), and normalize and store each item's

rating vector.  The stub code we have provided starts you in this

direction, but it is not the only way to implement it.


The similarity matrix should be in the form of a `Map` from `Long`s (items) to `Long2DoubleMap`s (their neighborhoods).  Each `Long2DoubleMap` stores a neighborhood, where each neighbor's id (the key) is associated with a similarity score (the value).


### Scoring Items


The `SimpleItemItemScorer` class uses the model of neighborhoods to actually compute scores.

Score the items using the weighted average of the users' ratings for similar items.


Use at most 20 neighbors to score each item; if the user has rated more neighboring items than that, use only the most similar ones.


Normalize the user's ratings by subtracting the **item's** mean rating from each rating prior to

averaging (this is necessary to get good results with the item-mean normalization above).  You can

get the item mean ratings from the model class.  The resulting score function is as follows, where $w_{ij} = \mathrm{sim}(i,j)$, the similarity between the two items:


$$s(i;u) = \mu_i + \frac{\sum_{j \in I_u} (r_{uj} - \mu_j) w_{ij}}{\sum_{j \in I_u} |w_{ij}|}$$


### Basket Recommendation


The item-item similarity matrix isn't just useful for generating personalized recommendations.

It is also useful for ‘find similar items’ features.


The LensKit `ItemBasedItemScorer` and `ItemBasedItemRecommender` interfaces provide this functionality. `ItemBasedItemScorer` is like `ItemScorer`, except that it scores items with respect to a set of items rather than a user.


The item-based item scorer receives a `basket` (the set of reference items) and `items` (the set of items to score) vector, similar to `ItemScorer`.  For our implementation, you will score each item with the *sum* of its similarity to each of the reference items in the basket. Note that you aren't using the `neighborhoodSize` parameter here---you're using all of the reference items in the basket.


Fill in the missing pieces of `SimpleItemBasedItemScorer`.


## Example Output


Use Gradle to build and run your program and the evaluations. Make sure to check your program's output against the sample output given below to make sure your implementation is correct. Once you've done that, you can move on to running your evaluations.


### Predictions




    ./gradlew predict -PuserId=320 -PitemIds=153,260,527,588




    predictions for user 320:

      153 (Batman Forever (1995)): 2.476

      260 (Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)): 4.262

      527 (Schindler's List (1993)): 4.167

      588 (Aladdin (1992)): 3.565


### Recommendations




    ./gradlew recommend -PuserId=320




    recommendations for user 320:

      7502 (Band of Brothers (2001)): 4.484

      1224 (Henry V (1989)): 4.423

      858 (Godfather, The (1972)): 4.408

      318 (Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)): 4.403

      1203 (12 Angry Men (1957)): 4.386

      3462 (Modern Times (1936)): 4.379

      99114 (Django Unchained (2012)): 4.376

      4973 (Amelie (Fabuleux destin d'Am?lie Poulain, Le) (2001)): 4.376

      898 (Philadelphia Story, The (1940)): 4.371

      922 (Sunset Blvd. (a.k.a. Sunset Boulevard) (1950)): 4.357


### Similar Items




    ./gradlew itemBasedRecommend -PitemIds=153,260,527,588




    1196 (Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)): 1.103

    1210 (Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)): 1.099

    364 (Lion King, The (1994)): 1.012

    595 (Beauty and the Beast (1991)): 1.005

    1 (Toy Story (1995)): 0.925

    500 (Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)): 0.893

    5349 (Spider-Man (2002)): 0.891

    480 (Jurassic Park (1993)): 0.888

    1291 (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)): 0.885

    150 (Apollo 13 (1995)): 0.871


## Submitting


Use the `prepareSubmission` Gradle task to create a `jar` file and upload it to the Coursera assignment tool, as with the previous assignments.


## Grading


Your grading will be based on output with randomly-selected inputs; 75% scores having the correct order, and 25% scores being correct.


The parts are weighted as follows:


- 70% personalized item-item

- 30% item-based scores

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