Problem 1: Consider the following Python program defining a recursive generator called mystery(x) which is invoked by a list comprehension.
def mystery(x):
if type(x) is int:
yield x
for e in x:
for y in mystery(e):
yield y
input = … enter suitable data for testing …
output = [x for x in mystery(input)] print(output)
Give a brief description of the function that mystery performs. You should state:
what is the most general form of input that mystery can accept without error; and
what is the answer that it generates.
Include this description as a comment at the top of your answer file, called mystery.py.
Write in Python an equivalent program which:
replaces mystery by a higher-order definition called mystery2, which does not make use of any generator – not even the built-in list generator;
replaces the list comprehension by code that does not use any list comprehension.
Your program should have the same input-output behavior as the original program.
For full credit, a systematic methodology must be followed. Guidance for developing your solution: Lecture 23, slides 10-15. Be sure to apply the final optimization step which minimizes the number of extra functions used.
Problem 2: This problem explores the equivalence of inheritance and delegation. The program AbsTree.java posted at PiazzaHomeworks consists of three primary classes along with a driver class which contains the main method for testing.
An abstract class, AbsTree, defines the insert and print methods for a binary search tree of integers. AbsTree factors out the common details of its two subclasses, Tree and DupTree. The difference between these two classes is that the insert of Tree ignores duplicate insertions of the same value into the tree, whereas the insert of DupTree keeps track of duplicate insertions through a count field. Also, the print method for Tree prints only the value field whereas the print for DupTree prints the value as well as the count fields.
Transform the given tree classes into an equivalent set of classes, called AbsTree2, Tree2, and DupTree2 such that they provide the same functionality for insert and print as AbsTree, Tree, and DupTree.
For full credit, a systematic methodology must be followed. Guidance for developing your solution: Lecture 23, slides 16-17. Be sure to apply the final optimization step which minimizes the number of interfaces used.
Develop your solution in a file called AbsTree2.java.
Check the correctness of your implementation by running AbsTree.java and AbsTree2.java under JIVE and generating the object diagrams, as indicated below.
Choose ‘Objects with Tables’ from the inverted triangle menu (in the Object Diagram).
Run the program to completion.
Choose ‘Focus on Call Paths’ from the inverted triangle menu (in the Object Diagram).
From the top-level Search menu, choose Search JIVE Search Variable Changed. Enter the variable name as value in the text box, choose ==,
and enter 505 in the text box.
Step forwards in the Object Diagram until all constructor fields are set.
Export the object diagram using the SavesAs button. Name the file as inheritance.png or delegation.png depending upon whether you ran AbsTree.java or AbsTree2.java.
Problem 3: An equivalence problem in concurrency and threads, to be posted early next week.
Your program is to be written in a file called Concurrency.java.
Make a directory called A5_UBITId if working solo or make a directory called
A5_UBITId1_UBITId2 if working as a pair (give UBITId's in alphabetic order). Put in this directory the files mystery.py, AbsTree.java AbsTree2.java, inheritance.png, delegation.png, and Concurrency.java. Compress the directory, and submit it using the submit_cse505 command.
End of Assignment 5