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Project 2 Solution

turnin code: cs_p2

Write a collection of C functions that provide the functionality of a

heap manager.

These are the functions that you should provide:

void heap_init(int num_pages_for_heap)

void *heap_alloc(int num_bytes_to_allocate)

void heap_free(void *pointer_to_area_to_free)

I will write a set of test programs which invoke your functions.

The program must manage the space in a set of pages which you obtain via

the mmap system call. It should use the first-fit algorithm to allocate

new space.

The program must align requests on 16-byte addresses.

The program will need to maintain data structures that minimally keep

track of blocks of free space. These data structures should *NOT* be

in the allocated pages themselves.

If the user frees two blocks of memory that are adjacent, your program

should coalesce them.

If the user attempts to allocate more space than is available in an open

free block, then heap_alloc should return NULL.

## THIS PART WILL NOT BE TESTED - but is provided in case the question arises:

# If the user attempts to heap_free space that was not obtained via heap_alloc

# then heap_free should return silently without freeing the space.


Your program will NOT include a main procedure; that will be supplied to

you in a source program named p2test.c It will provide the ability to

test with the -hw command-line arg.

Your makefile should compile both your code and the source program named

p2test.c linking them into into a single executable named p2

TURNIN info:

You should submit a tar file of a directory which contains all of the

required files (makefile, C source files, header files, etc).

Sample tar command to create a tar file from a dir:

tar cvf p2.tar ./p2dir ## do *NOT* use full pathname of the dir

Your makefile should build an executable named p2.

Sample un-tar, build, and simple execution will be provided in a script

in p2testfiles/

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