Problem Statement
This problem/assignment is asking me to construct a C++ program that:
Takes one CLI arg
Interpret (read) from a file that has economic data in it
Interprets the format of that file and correctly allocates an array of structs (state) with subarrays of structs part of the state array that contains data for counties.
Deallocates the memory accurately.
Prints out specific sets of data by state, or shows the data for all the counties of a state.
Ask the user to repeat or what operation to do
Exit with an error if the CLI args are wrong (nonexistent, too many, none ...)
Works and looks clean doing so.
I assume that:
The data file contains valid data in the valid format Everything else will be checked within the program. I will do this by:
Taking input from the user as to where the text file is
Turning that input into an array
Asking the user what they want to do, and doing that until they want to quit
Deallocate memory!