def forward_propagate(X, theta1, theta2):
#write something
def backprop(params, input_size, hidden_size, num_labels, X, y, learning_rate):
#write something
This is a person-based program assignment, so one student should only submit one source code and one report to E3.
The code should contain the follow
1. Forward-propagate code (40%)
2. Back-propagate code (60%)
The Report should contain the follow
1. Screenshot of Forward-propagate code
2. Screenshot of Back-propagate code
3. If you finish these two functions, you need to run all codes and put the screenshot of accuracy to report.
Some rules
1. File name student ID.py + student ID.pdf
2. Suggest to use Python.
3. You can change all codes to C/C++/Java…
4. No cheating and plagiarizing.
5. Deadline : 01/10(Thu) 23:59
6. Delay : Your score = 0
TA will not help you to debug and
explain the way of solving the problem.