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Intro to Programming in C Project 2: Input and Math

  Assignment Purpose
To compile, build, and execute an Interactive program using functions from
stdio.h (printf and scanf), functions from ctype.h (tolower and toupper), and simple math in C.

Declare all variables.
1. Print “Hello my name is (add your name here)” onto the screen.
1. Prompt the user for a letter
1. Scan/read the letter (character) from the keyboard.
1. Change the letter to uppercase case //use toupper function from <ctype.h>
  //EXAMPLE: char newLetter = toupper(inputLetter);
1. Print the original letter onto the screen.
1. Print the uppercase letter onto the screen
1. Change the uppercase letter to an integer.
   //EXAMPLE: int number = (int)newLetter;
1. Multiply the number by 10.
1. Print the result onto the screen
1. Change the original letter to an integer.
  //EXAMPLE: int number2 = (int)inputLetter;

1. Multiply the number2 by 10.
1. Print the result onto the screen
1. Test your program before submitting

This assignment will require use of the standard input-output C library and the string format library

 include <stdio.h> //printf, scanf
 include <ctype.h> //toupper, tolower

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