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R Assignment Solution

The assignment counts for 4% of your final grade. Please download the lab 2 materials and following the instructions below.

1. Complete the lab2_worksheet:

Open ​R_exe1.R​file and work through the questions in lab2_worksheet.docx. This is the same as part 1 of lab2.

2. Generate pdf from R Markdown:

A. Open up a new R Markdown file. Write R codes to

import data hurricane.csv,

print out the first 6 lines of the data

draw a histogram for one of the variables: maxWind.

B.Make an observation about the plot and type it in the R Markdown file. For example: is it symmetric? which bin is the tallest? What is the maximum value? etc.

C.Generate a pdf file.

Note: all the R codes you need to use are included in R_exe3.rmd in the lab 2 material folder.

Feel free to take a look.

Please submit the following files (the completed lab2_worksheet.docx and the pdf file generated from R Markdown file) on Moodle by Friday, Feb 2 midnight.