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Lab Exercise 06 (PL/SQL) Solution

Write a PL/SQL code that takes two inputs from user, add them and store the sum in new variable and show the output.

Write a PL/SQL code that takes two inputs, lower boundary and upper boundary, then print the sum of all the numbers between the boundaries INCLUSIVE.

Write a PL/SQL code to retrieve the employee name, hire date, and the department name in which he works, whose number is input by the user.

Write a PL/SQL code to check whether the given number is palindrome or not.

Write a PL/SQL code that takes all the required inputs from the user for the Employee table and then insert it into the Employee and Department table in the database.

Write a PL/SQL code to find the first employee who has a salary over $2500 and is higher in the chain of command than employee 7499. Note: For chain, use of LOOP is necessary.

Write a PL/SQL code to print the sum of first 100 numbers.


Create a view, that stores information of only those employees who belongs to Accounts department.


Write a PL/SQL code to print out the employee information who earns more than 2000 salary.

Write a PL/SQL program displaying top 10 employee details


To Write a pl/sql program for creating a procedure for calculating sum of two numbers. Execute it as well.

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