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Computer Programming Homework 7 Solution

Part 1 (40 points): In this part, you may do this question in the previous homework. You may use some parts of the previous homework 5 for this question. But be careful about step 7!

Description: In this homework, you will implement Turkish Draughts board game. The rules of the game

are listed below.

There is a 8x8 board.

Each player starts with 16 men (white and black) placed on all the squares of the second and

third rows (see Figure 1). All the squares are used.

Men´s moves: They move one square horizontally or vertically forwards, never backwards

(see Figure 2).

Kings moves: They move and jump vertically and horizontally any number of squares (see Figure 2).

A man captures by jumping to a vacant square in the moveable direction (rule 3) beyond a piece

of the opponent.

A king captures by jumping to a vacant square beyond an adverse piece, any distance away.

Maximum capture compulsory: If there are two or more different chances to make capture, it is

compulsory to make the mo10.00ve that captures the maximum amount of the opponent´s pieces.

You must use recursion algorithm to find Max. capture. Any other solutions are not accepted.

Taking away the captured pieces: Captured pieces are taken away from the board.

If a player has no legal move he loses the game. This may come about either by being eliminated

or being blocked completely – no moves left.

You must use the functions listed below. You may add other functions if you think there is need for it.

typedef enum {white_man, black_man, white_king, black_king, empty} piece; You must use this enumeration to define the pieces on the board.

typedef enum {white = 10, black = 20} player; You must use this enumeration to define the players. void init_board(piece board[][8]);

This function initializes the board as mentioned in the second rule.

int move(piece board[][8], int from_x, int from_y, int to_x, int to_y, player p);

This function checks if the given player p can move a piece belonging to it from location (from_x,

from_y) to location (to_x,to_y). If the players move is not allowed the function returns:

-1: The player p is trying to move a piece that does not belong to him.

-2: The move is not allowed.

n=0: The move is allowed and it is executed with n of opponents pieces captured.

int check_end_of_game(piece board[][8]);

This function checks if the game has been completed after the move. It returns:

-1: Game continues.

white: White wins the game.

black: Black wins the game.

void display_board(piece board[][8]);

This function displays the board in current state. The following symbols should be used for


‘-‘: Empty squares.

‘b’: The regular black pieces.

‘B’: The black kings.

‘w’: The regular white pieces.

‘W’: The white kings.

Sample outputs are shown below:

void sample_game_1();

This function should use the above functions to play end-to-end a game. You may want to find a

famous game and replay it in this function.

void sample_game_2();

This function should use the above functions to play the game given in the following gif


Part 2 (60 points):

In this part

You create input_date.txt input file using C programming function. This input_date.txt file will consist of dates in dd/MM/yyyy format, that include all days between a start and an end date entered by user. For example, if user enter 30/05/2015 as a start date and 30/05/2018 as an end date your function should generate all dates (day by day) between these two dates.

Write a C programming function which read each line from “input_date.txt file, convert date format (dd/MM/yyyy) to (dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy) format and write this new formatted data into new_date.txt line by line.

For example, if input_date.txt includes 21/04/2018 (dd/MM/yyyy), your program converts 21/04/2018 (dd/MM/yyyy) to Saturday, April 21, 2018 (dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy) and write this new formatted data into new_date.txt. Do this for all days that are included in input_date.txt.

For any questions: Mrs Altan Akin,

Good Luck!


Your submission ( should include the following files and


input_date.txt, new_date.txt, screenshots of your running programs step by step with

explanations as a HW7.pdf file and

HW07_<student_name_<studentSirname_<student number_part1.c

HW07_<student_name_<studentSirname_<student number_part2.c

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