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Implementation Assignment 3 Solution

General instructions.

You can work in team of up to 3 people. Each team will only need to submit one copy of the source code and report.

You need to submit your source code (self contained, well documented and with clear instruction for how to run) and a report via TEACH. In your submission, please clearly indicate all your team members.

Your code will be tested on ip. Please make sure that your program can run on ip without any issue.

Be sure to answer all the questions in your report. Your report should be typed, submitted in the pdf format. You will be graded based on both your code as well as the report. In particular, the clarity and quality of the report will be worth 10 % of the pts. So please write your report in clear and concise manner. Clearly label your gures, legends, and tables.

Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) for CIFAR10

For this assignment, you will use the PyTorch neural network package to per-form a set of experiments on the famous CIFAR10 dataset and report your results and ndings together with discussions of the results.

The CIFAR10 Dataset. The data can be downloaded from

This webpage contains all the information that is needed for unpacking and using the data.

The Neural Network Package and sample code. You will not be imple-menting your own network training algorithm. Instead, you will use the neural network package provided by PyTorch. The following page provides some ex-ample code for using pytorch for training a MLP on the MNIST data.


Installing Pytorch. You can install pytorch from the following page: https:


Because you are required to run your code on lp, please use the following speci c step to install Pytorch on ip ( ignore steps 1,3,4,5 if you already did them for assignment 1):

Create a python virtual environment by running the instruction: python3.5 -m venv path to your env folder in cs434
Access your virtual environment by running the instruction: source path to your env folder in cs434/bin/activate.csh
pip install {upgrade pip

pip install {upgrade numpy

pip install {upgrade scipy

pip3 install x86 64.whl

pip3 install torchvision

Sample code. The following page provides some example code for using py-torch for training a MLP on the MNIST data. machine-learning-scripts/blob/master/notebooks/pytorch-mnist-mlp.ipynb Speci cally, in this example,

the MLP has 3-layer (2 hidden layer and 1 output layer), with 50 hidden units in each hiden layer with ReLu as the activation function, and 10 output nodes in the output layer with softmax activation

Loss function is negative loglikelihood (NLL loss) (similar to what is used for Logistic regression, but for C = 10 classes)

Training is performed by applying Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD) with batch size 32 to minimize the loss with a learning rate of 0:01

A drop out rate of 0:2 is applied to the rst two layers, which will random zero out 20% of the input to these layers. This is another e ective tech-nique for regularization and preventing the co-adaptation of neurons (one of the most prominent reason for causing over tting).

For your experiments, you will create a multilayer perceptron neural network and train it on the CIFAR10 dataset to predict object class based on the input image. You can use the example code provided above for MNIST as the basis and modify the necessary part to work with the CIFAR10 data. The main di erence is that the CIFAR10 image dimensions are 32 by 32, with 3 values for each pixel


(R, G, B) whereas MNIST is 28 by 28 with only a single greyscale value per pixel. You will also want to normalize all values by 255 so that the value will be between 0 and 1 (you can try the training without any normalization and observe its impact). We will use the same output layer, and the same loss function, and the same optimizer for training.

(20 pts) For the rst set of experiments, you will create and train a 2-layer network with one hidden layer of 100 hidden nodes using sigmoid activation function. The training data is divided into ve batches. You will use the rst four batches for training, the fth batch for validation. The test batch will be reserved for testing. When training the network, you need to monitor the loss (negative log loss) on the training data (similar to what is shown in the Karpathy demo) as well as the error (or accuracy) on the validation data, and plot them as a function of training epoches. Train your network with the default parameters for drop-out, momentum, and weight decay, but experiment with di erent learning rates ( lr) (e.g., 0:1; 0:01; 0:001; 0:0001). What is a good learning rate that works for this data and this network structure? Present your plots for di erent choices of learning rates to help justify your nal choice of the learning rate. How do you decide when to stop training? Evaluate your nal trained network on the testing data (the test batch) and report its accuracy.

Write your code so that you get the results for questions in 1 using the following command:

python train test lr

The output should include:

A plot of the training loss and the validation error (within the same plot) as a function of the number of training epochs.

Plots ( like the one you did in the previous step) for di erent choices of learning rates.

Test accuracy.

(15 pts) Repeat the same experiment as (1) but use Relu as the activation function for the hidden layer and answer the same questions as in (1). Write your code so that you get the results for questions 2 using the following command:

python train test lr

The output should include:

A plot of the training loss and the validation error (within one plot) as a function of the number of training epochs.

Plots ( like the one you did in the previous step) for di erent choices of learning rates.

Test accuracy.


(25 pts) Experiment with other parameters: drop out (d), momentum (m) and weight decay (wd). The goal is to improve the performance of the network by changing these hyper-parameters. Please describe what you have tried for each of these parameters. How do the choices in uence the behavior of learning (as examined by monitoring the loss as a function of the training epochs)? Does it change how fast the training converges? How do they in uence the testing performance? Please provide a summary of the results and discuss the impact of these parameters. Note that your discussion/conclusion should be supported by experimental evidences like test accuracy, training loss curve, validation error curves etc.

python train test d m wd

The output should include:

Plots of the training loss and the validation error (within one plot) as a function of the number of training epochs for di erent d, m , wd values.

A plot of test accuracy as a function of di erent choices of d ( x m and wd to some reasonable value).

A plot of test accuracy as a function of di erent choices of m ( x d and wd to some reasonable value).

A plot of test accuracy as a function of di erent choices of wd ( x m and d to some reasonable value).

(30 pts) Now we will alter the structure of the network. In particular, we will keep the same number of hidden nodes (100) but split them into two hidden layers (50 each)1 Train the new network with the same loss function, the SGD optimizer, and your choice of activation function for the hidden layers. What do you observe in terms of training convergence behavior? Do you nd one structure to be easier to train than the other? How about the nal performance of the network in terms of training error and testing error? Which one gives you better testing performance? Pro-vide a discussion of the results. Please provide necessary plots and gures to support your discussion.

python train test

The output should include:

Test error and train error for previous vs current architecture. Plots and gures of your choice to support your ndings.

In case this does not produce anything signi cantly di erent, feel free to consider even deeper alternatives.


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