This lab will create a class named ID which will be used by the main program called IDdriver.cpp.
The objective of this lab is to create an object that initializes an 8 digit ID_number and a 9 character full_ID that begins with the character ‘A’ (example: “A12345678”). Declare all the methods and constructors (getters, setters, default constructors) in the .h file while defining and implementing them in the .cpp file.
In order to create the class, separate the code into 2 files, one named “ID.h” and the other named “ID.cpp”.
In the .h file
Declare private members for the ID_number and full_ID.
int ID_number; // e.g. 12345678 (just the integer)
string full_ID; // includes the “A” e.g. “A12345678” 9 characters in total
Declare member functions, getters and setters, as well as the default constructor.
In the .cpp file:
Define the default constructor to:
Hint: use:
static int currentNumber = 10000000;
// increment after setting ID_number so each subsequent object instance has a new number
Note: ID_number has to be converted to a string in order to concatenate it to the character.
In main (IDdriver.cpp)
Dynamically create 5 unique ID objects using a for loop. Append those ID dynamic objects to a vector of pointers to ID objects. Finally, print the IDs in the vector, first to last .
Compile the code with:
g++ IDdriver.cpp ID.cpp
Example Output: