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Lab Assignment 3: Sta c Variables and C Pointers Solution


This assignment has three parts. First you will examine two C programs that access arrays and translate them into assembly language. Then you will answer some questions about C pointer arithmetic. Finally, you will investigate dynamic arrays and pointers in C by writing a bit of C code.

As with all assignments, you are encouraged to do this in groups of two. Just be sure that you both do all of the work, helping each other. Don’t split up the work so that you both do half … unless, of course, you’re shooting for a 50% on the midterm :).

Ques ons 1 and 2: Wri ng Assembly [48%]

The code file for this week is found here: .

This file contains an directory named examples that contains a set of example C programs and their sm213 assemble­code implementation. It also contains a Makefile that will compile all of the example C programs in that directory. See the section below for more details.

Start by compiling the examples by navigating to that directory from the command prompt and typing the command make . This command will read the Makefile and use it to determine how the program should be compiled and what commands must run. You can then now run the C versions of e1 , e2 , e3 and e4 . Carefully examine each program to understand their behaviour and then run the assembly versions in the simulator, step by step. Get comfortable with how the Makefile works, the translation from C to assembly and how assembly executes in the machine.

Configuring a Makefile

In any language, large programs consists of a collection of program and library files that must be compiled and combined (i.e., linked) to form the program’s executable file. And so it becomes important to be able to specify how these pieces fit together and how they depend on each other so that the executable can be built automatically when you change one of its components.

Integrated development environment tools like IntelliJ do this for you behind the scenes. Some systems use a tool called Ant to do this (Ant was developed to build the Apache web server and is now a stand­alone, open­source tool from Apache).

From its origins, Unix systems included a configuration management tool called make (current Linux systems use a version of this tool created by GNU called gnu make). To use make, you create a file called Makefile that describes a program’s configuration and then, when you want to build it, you type make at the command­line instead of typing a long gcc command.

Makefile syntax is fairly simple, but not that intuitive. It consists mainly of statements of this form:

Lab Assignment 3:ariablesStatic andV C Pointers

blah: part1 part2 part3


This says that blah depends on three other files — part1, part2, and part3 — and if any of them change, then you can rebuild blah from these parts using the command provided. Note that the command line must be preceded by a TAB character (not spaces) to work. The command line is optional if there is already a default rule defined for building that type of target (e.g., creating an executable based on a C file with the same name). You can define new default rules using the make wildcard character, %, in place of a name. You can also define variables. Some variables, such as CFLAGS are used by default rules and so you can change them to change the behaviour of these rules. You can define your own variables and use them using

the syntax.

For example, if you have a C source file named prog.c and you wanted to compile it with a certain set of command line options to produce an executable named prog , you might place the following in the file called Makefile in the directory that contains your source code.

CFLAGS += -std=gnu11 -g -Wall

EXES = prog

OBJS = prog.o

all: $(EXES)


rm -f $(OBJS) $(EXES)

prog: prog.o

prog.o: prog.c

Having done this you can build the program by typing either " make ", " make all " or " make prog " in a terminal inside the directory containing the Makefile. Or you can delete the executable and intermediate files by typing “ make clean ”. Note that each time you ask make to make a specific target, make searchers for that target on the left­hand­side of colon and then builds it recursively. When a target file already exists, make compares its last­modification­time to that of the files it depends on, and only rebuilds the target if they have been modified after the last time the target was changed.

We will use makefiles throughout the rest of the term, starting this week.

Translate q1.c and q2.c to Assembly

Now, that you are getting comfortable, create your own Makefile to compile the C programs in q1.c and q2.c . Compile the programs by typing make . Start by understanding the behaviour of q1.c and then produce your own sm213 file, q1asm.s , that has the same behaviour. Note that when you run the C program, you specify the input values on the command line. In the simulator you will enter the inputs directly in the memory locations of variables as is done in the examples provided (e1, e2, e3, e4).

Every line of your assembly file must have a comment. The comment should explain what the line does by referencing C syntax whenever possible. For example, if an assembly instruction loads the value of a variable into a register, the comment should name that variable. Do the same for the other C file.

Be sure to end your programs with a halt instruction so that the simulated CPU stops when it reaches the end of your program. If you don’t do this, then it will keep running, interpreting whatever if finds in memory as instructions, probably doing very strange things. 2/5
Lab Assignment 3:ariablesStatic andV C Pointers

We suggest that you start this by translating only the first line of C into assembly. Then, test this assembly in the simulator. Be sure it works, then add the second line and repeat. This is the best way to implement any program. You should try to have something that runs and that you've tested. Make small changes and re­ test. Don't try to write the whole program and then test it.

Now do the same for q2.c , translating it into q2asm.s . In this file, in order to work with the autotest, you will need to assign a label to each allocation including one for s_ar even though your program instructions should not make use the s_ar label.

.pos 0x2000

.long 0

.long 0

.long 0

.long 0x3000

tos: .long 0

tmp: .long 0

.pos 0x3000

s_ar: …

For all of this work you can either use your implementation of the simulator from Assignment 2 or the reference implementation.

Translate update_dynamic.c to Assembly

Recall update.c from Assignment 2 that you translated to update.s . Both of these files have been provided

in this assignment for your convenience. You have also been provided with which is the

equivalent of update.c but with a dynamically allocated array.

You should translate update_dynamic.c to update_dynamic.s . As in Assignment 2, you are only to translate the lines of code within the update function.

As in q2asm.s , in order to work with the autotest, you will need to assign a label to each variable allocation including one for array_data even though your program instructions should not make use the array_data label:

.pos 0x1000

.long 0x0

array: .long 0x2000

.pos 0x2000

array_data: …

Ques ons 3‑5 [16%]

Place your answers in files named q3.txt , q4.txt , and q5.txt . Note that if you aren’t sure of the answers, you can always write C program and have it tell you the answer.

Assume that the array a is declared and initialized like this:

int a[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

What is the value of: *(a+3) ?

What is the value of: &a[7] - &a[2] ?

What is the value of: *(a + (&a[7]-a+2)) ?

Ques on 6 [36%]

In the provided code, you will find a file named bubble_sort_static.c that takes as input up to 4 integers on the command line and uses the Bubble Sort algorithm to sort them. Read this C file carefully.

You compile this program like this (again that’s “gnu eleven”):

gcc -std=gnu11 -o bubble_sort_static bubble_sort_static.c

Feel free to add this compilation rule to the Makefile you created in the first part of this assignment, if you don't want to compile with the long gcc command.

You run the program like this:

./bubble_sort_static 78 3 43 1

Just like q1.c and q2.c , this program’s main function has two parameters: argc and argv . The argc value is the number of strings found on the command line that ran the program (5 in the case of the example) and argv is an array that contains each of these strings. In C, each string is simply an array of char (i.e., a char* ) that is terminated by the first null (i.e., 0) in the array.

You will also see that main copies the value of the command­line arguments into a static global array named val . This array is statically assigned a length of 4 and so the input is limited to 4 numbers. Finally, once main has copied the input values into val , it calls sort to sort the values and then prints out the result.

Step 1: Modify the C program to use a dynamic array [18%]

The first step is to create a new C program named bubble_sort_dynamic.c that removes the static­array limitation of the original version. The only change you need to make is to turn val into a dynamic array and to allow the program to sort arbitrary lists of integers provided on the command line (e.g., more than 4).

Recall that you need to allocate dynamic arrays dynamically by calling the procedure malloc . For example to allocate an array of 10 shorts (each 2­bytes long) you say:

short s* = malloc (10 * 2);

Be sure to test your program. You must also edit your Makefile so that it

compiles bubble_sort_dynamic.c into an executable called bubble_sort_dynamic .

Step 2: C Pointers [18%]

Now, create another C program called bubble_sort_awesome.c that extends your earlier work to remove all square brackets from your program. All access to the arrays must be made using pointer arithmetic and the 4/5
Lab Assignment 3:ariablesStatic andV C Pointers

dereference operator (i.e., “ * ”). Test this too. You must also edit your Makefile so that it

compiles bubble_sort_awesome.c into an executable called bubble_sort_awesome .

What to Hand In

Use the handin program; the command­line version is strongly preferred.

The assignment directory is ~/cs213/a3 , it should contain the following plain­text files.

README.txt : contains the name and student number of you and your partner.

PARTNER.txt : contains your partner’s CS login id and nothing else (i.e., the 4­ or 5­digit id in the form a0z1). Your partner should not submit anything.

q1.c , q2.c , q1asm.s and q2asm.s : your code for Questions 1 and 2.

update_dynamic .s : your translation of update_dynamic.c .

q3.txt , q4.txt , and q5.txt : your answers to Questions 3­5.

bubble_sort_dynamic.c and bubble_sort_awesome.c .

Your Makefile , containing rules for generating (at least) executables q1 , q2 , bubble_sort_dynamic and

bubble_sort_awesome .
