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Parallel Computing Assignment 3 Solution

NOTE: for questions 1-3 the machine was used for evaluation with run time =120 seconds.

Question 1.

In question 1, process 0 acts like a broker. Processes with odd rank are producers while those with even rank are considered consumers. After 120 seconds, the final consumed count is collected at process 0.

Command to run: mpirun -n <4/8/16 a.out

No of processes
Consumed Count

As we can see, with an increase in the no of processes, we see a corresponding increase in the consumed count. Since a single processor acts like a broker, we get increased overhead at processor 0 which needs to handle multiple requests from different clients.

Question 2.

In question 2, each process acts as producer as well as the consumer. A process sends a message to a random processor and then waits for an ACK. At the same time, the process checks whether another process has sent it a message. If yes, it responds with an ACK. Towards the end of 120 seconds, the results are available at Process 0.

Command to run: mpirun -n <4/8/16 a.out

No of processes
Consumed Count

As seen from the above table, as we increase the process count, we see a corresponding increase in the number of items that have been consumed.

Question 3.

In question 3, we map 2 processes to each core. One process acts as a producer and the other process acts like a consumer. At the end of 120 seconds, process with rank 0 gets the final consumed count.

Command to run:

mpiexec -np 4 -H localhost -rf rankfile_mc17 ./a.out (this used 2 cores and 2 processes/core)

NOTE: we use rankfile_mc17 to run the command on mc17 while rankfile_mc18 needs to be used to run it on MC 18. This is because these systems have different socket to core mappings.

No of Cores
No of processes
Consumed Count

We use a static rankfile to bind 2 processes per core and thus a different rankfile might be needed based on the organization of cores and sockets in the SPMD/MPMD platforms.

As seen from the results above, as the no of processes increase we see a sustained increase in consumed count since we now have more producers and consumers running at the same time.

Q4. All-to-k reduction

In this problem, every processor has a vector of m entries. The target is to reduce these entries and make them available to a group of k processors.

Now the question does not say whether the values available to the group of k processors should be same or different.

Solution 1: (all-all reduce(k)) if values are different (based on Piazza discussion I vouch for solution 1. Since question isn’t clear I’m giving an alternate solution 2 in case it’s all-reduce)

In all-all reduction, all processors end up having unique values. So, if all-k reduction is modeled as a special case of all-all reduction then the target k processes end up having different values.

With that assumption, let us compute the runtime of all-k reduce.

Let’s assume that each process starts with a vector of m entries which it needs to distributed to only k processors. So at the end of this operation, each of the k processors should get these k entries. This is the

reverse of k-to all broadcast.

In case of k to all broadcast, the message size doubles in each of the first log(k) iterations and then remains mk in the remaining log(p/k) iterations. The total communication time of first k iterations is tslogk + twm(k-1)

The total communication time of the last log(p/k) iterations is (ts + twmk)log(p/k).

Thus the entire operation is performed in tslogp + twm(k log(p/k) + k -1) time.

Similarly, for all-k reduce we just do the reverse i.e. first collect messages in each of the k processes so that each process in this subset now have messages of size mk.

Now do a reduce wherein the message size halves in each of the log(p/k) iterations.

This gives us an effective run time of tslogp + twm(k log(p/k) + k -1).

This has an effective runtime of O(mklog(p/k)) which the best possible runtime that we can achieve.

Solution 2: all-reduce(k)  k-reduce

In all-reduce all processors end up having the same value. From class discussion, all-reduce can be done in the same way as all-all broadcast expect that the message size does not double in each step. So, each node starts with a buffer of size m and final results are identical buffers of size m formed by combining the original p buffers using an associative operator. So if all-k reduction is modeled using all-reduce then all k processors end up having same values.

Thus messages are added instead of being concatenated and takes (ts + twm)log p.

Now, with all-k reduce we want the final result to appear at k of the processors (out of p).

This is equivalent to an all-one reduce followed by a one-k broadcast.

(ts + twm)logp  for all to one reduce

(ts + twm)logk  for one-k broadcast

So the overall runtime is (ts + twm) log p)  O(m logp) which is the most optimal solution possible for all-reduce.

Q5. k-to-all Scatter

In this problem, initially k processors have a vector, each of p elements. At the end of the operation, each processor should get the k entries originating at each of the k processors.

This needs to be done in 2 steps:

First, we need to do an all-to-all scatter for k processes that have each of these p elements. These k processors share p/k amount of data in pairs. Assuming that this communication happens on a hypercube, in each iteration the k processes exchange data with a partner (computed as my_id xor j) where j = 1 to k – 1.

E-cube routing is used to ensure that there is no congestion.

Now, the run time complexity for all-all scatter with k processes is: (ts + twp/k )(k-1) = ts(k-1) + twp(1-1/k)

Second, we now have each of these k processors have the data for the remaining (p-k) processes which can communicate to the other (p-k) processes in log(p/k) no of steps using a technique like one-all scatter along each of these subcubes. (remember one-to-all scatter requires tslogp + twm (p-1))

Since each of the k processors in each subcube already have the messages, it needs to be scattered among the remaining processes of the subcubes.

This can be achieved in ts log(p/k) + tw(p-k) [since we only perform log(p/k) iterations) [1, ½, …… k/p]

Last transmission will transfer k entries between each pair of processors.

Total time:

T = ts(k -1 + log p/k) + twp (1-1/k) + twp(1-k/p)

ts(k -1 + log p/k) + tw p(2 – 1/k – k/p)

ts(k -1 + log p/k) + tw(2p – k – p/k)

The computation assumes that message size m = 1. (else just need to add m to the above formula and re-compute). This is O(p) which is optimal since fan in and fan out are each are each p.

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