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Hw17 Build Huffman Code Book from Post-Order Description Solution

Learning Goals

* Understand Huffman Compression

* Understand the description of the compression tree using post-order description

Post-Order Description of Huffman Compress Tree

The compression tree can be expressed by post-order traversal.  When a
leaf node is encountered, 1 is printed before printing the character
stored in the node. When a non-leaf node is encountered, 0 is printed.
If the tree has `n` leaf nodes, the tree has `n-1` non-leaf nodes.
Thus, there are `n` 1 printed (not counting the characters) and `n-1`
0 printed.  A final 0 is added to indicate the end of the description.

To rebuild the compression tree, we need to separate the control
from the data. Consider this example:

Control or Data | C | D | C | D | C | D | C | D  
Input           | 1 | A | 1 | m | 1 | # | 1 | G

When control `1` is seen, the next must be data. Create a tree node to
hold the data and append the node to the end of a list.  The input so
far should produce the following list of four tree nodes:


When control `0` is seen, take the latest two tree nodes and make them the left and right child of a new tree
node. Insert this tree node back to the list.

The following input 

Control or Data | C | D | C | D | C | D | C | D | C | C 
Input           | 1 | A | 1 | m | 1 | # | 1 | G | 0 | 0

will create this result:


The following input 

Control or Data | C | D | C | D | C | D | C | D | C | C | C | C | D | C | D | C
Input           | 1 | A | 1 | m | 1 | # | 1 | G | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | c | 1 | s | 0

will create this result:


The following input 

Control or Data | C | D | C | D | C | D | C | D | C | C | C | C | D | C | D | C | C | C
Input           | 1 | A | 1 | m | 1 | # | 1 | G | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | c | 1 | s | 0 | 0 | 0

will create this result:


Please check the `inputs` directory for sample inputs.  Please notice
that the input does *not* have space or new line separating them. This
requirement allows space or new line to be part of the data.

You can assume that the input is a valid post-order traversal of a
Huffman compression tree.  Your program does not need to check whether
the input is valid.

Your Program's Output

Your program will the characters, its ASCII value (in decimal), and the codes 

A 65 00
m 109 010
# 35 0110
G 71 0111
c 99 10
s 115 11

The order of your output does not matter because the output will be sorted before comparison with
the expected output.


Please submit all necessary files. These are the requirements:

* You must include `Makefile`. Without `Makefile`, it is not possible building your program.

* The executable must be called `hw17` and must not be called anything else.

* Your program should take one argument (`argv[1]`) as the input file name.

* The program's output should be printed to the computer screen (using
  `printf`). The output will be redirected to a file, sorted, and
  compared with the expected output.

* Your program must not have any unwanted output. Unwanted output will
  be treated as errors.

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