In this assignment, you'll implement Prim's algorithm, a non-trivial greedy algorithm used to construct minimum spanning trees.
* [TODO] Complete the `construct_mst` method found in `mst/graph.py`. All necessary modules have already been imported. You should not rely on any other dependencies (e.g. networkx).
* [TODO] Add more assertions to the `check_mst` function in `test/test_mst.py`.
* [TODO] Write at least one more unit test (in the `test_mst.py` file) for your `construct_mst` implementation. (Two unit tests have already been provided: the first operates on a small graph of four nodes, and the second on a larger graph of 140 single cells, projected onto a lower dimensional subspace.)
* [Optional] Make your package `pip` installable. (Refer to prevous assignments for more in-depth information.)
* [Optional] Automate testing with `pytest` and GitHub Actions, and add a status badge to this README file. (Refer to previous assignments for more in-depth information.)
Getting started
Fork this repository to your own GitHub account. Work on the codebase locally and commit changes to your forked repository.
You will need following packages:
- [numpy](https://numpy.org/)
- [scikit-learn](https://scikit-learn.org/)
- [pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.2.x/)
We also strongly recommend you use the built-in [heapq](https://docs.python.org/3/library/heapq.html) module.
Completing the assignment
Push your code to GitHub with passing unit tests, and submit a link to your repository through this [google form link](https://forms.gle/guyuWE6hsTiz34WTA)
Code (6 points)
* Minimum spanning tree construction works correctly (6)
* Correct implementation of Prim's algorithm (4)
* Produces expected output on small graph (1)
* Produces expected output on single cell data (1)
Unit tests (3 points)
* Complete function "check_mst" (1)
* Write at least two unit tests for MST construction (2)
Style (1 points)
* Readable code with clear comments and method descriptions (1)
Extra credit (0.5)
* Github actions/workflow (0.5)