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Assignment 7: Differential-Privacy Solution


This assignment covers a few aspects of di erential privacy as covered in lecture during Week 7.

It is divided into two parts.

In the rst part, you will implement and experiment with some of the mechanisms discussed in lecture, and observe their e ect on a US Census dataset (which has been augmented with synthetic information like names). For this part you will work with pandas, a very popular Python data analysis tool set that many of you will probably use in other contexts. The assignment does not assume prior knowledge of pandas.

In the second part, you will implement an attack that broke many implementations of the Laplace mechanism in 2012 (it also breaks your implementation from the rst part). The root issue exploited by this attack concerns how libraries generate random oating point numbers. Implementing this attack is more technically involved than the rst part of the assignment, and requires a deep-dive into the representation of oating point numbers and the implementation of numpy.random.

Rules (unchanged from before, except to remove mention of a server)

Collaboration policy. Please respect the following collaboration policy: You may discuss prob-lems with up to 3 other students in the class, but you must write up your own responses and your own code. You should never see your collaborators’ writing, code, ags, or the output of their code. At the beginning of your submission write-up, you must indicate the names of your (1, 2, or 3) collaborators, if any. You may switch groups between assignments but not within the same assignment.

Sources. Cite any sources you use. You may Google liberally to learn about how to con gure Apache, use JavaScript, use MySQL (or another database of your choosing), write to the database (e.g., using PHP), or navigate the command line. You may also Google liberally to learn the concepts underlying ngerprinting. You may not, however, use or consult existing libraries for browser ngerprinting. Your solutions, as well as the precise way you turn the concepts into code, should be your own. You must, however, note at the end of your writeup for each task the sources you referenced. Please note any you found particularly helpful since we might include them in future versions of this writeup.


Campuswire. We encourage you to post questions on Campuswire, but do not include any of your code in the Campuswire posts. If you have a question that you believe will reveal secrets you have discovered while working on the assignment, post privately to just the instructors. If you have a question that you believe will be of general interest or clari es the assignment, please post publicly. If you are uncertain, post privately; we will make public posts that we believe are of general interest.

Grading. Responses will be graded for correctness and clarity.

What and How to Submit

You will submit a set of les:

Code les and, with the appropriate functions lled in.

Plot les problem1-3.png, problem1-4.png, and problem1-5.png.

Your writeup le as a pdf or .txt.

You will upload these les to Canvas. You may zip/tar/gzip/7zip/etc. them or submit them individually.

Part 1: Introduction to Di erential Privacy (50 points total)

Problem 1.0: (0 points)

For the rest of this part you will work with Python modules pandas, numpy, and matplotlib. All of these can be installed via your favorite method, like pip. You can probably learn the latter two libraries as you go, but it is worth taking a minute to familiarize yourself with a tutorial on pandas if this is your rst time using it. Reasonable tutorials are here and here (the latter is especially gentle). Try to get some idea about what a dataframe is and the various ways to query one. Also pay attention to merging dataframes.

The problems below will use the adult dataset, which is available here. This dataset contains synthetic \personally identi able information" (PII). That dataset, as well as the problems in Part 1, are courtesy of Joe Near at the University of Vermont.

Problem 1.1: Linking Attack (10 points)

In the le, ll in the function deidentify. Your function should take as input the dataframe from the adult dataset (or one with the same columns) produced by read csv called on the csv le. It should return the same dataframe, but with the ’Name’ and ’SSN’ columns deleted. This models a typical faulty data release.

Now ll in pii to also take in a dataframe from adult, but have it produce a dataframe with only columns ’Name’, ’DOB’ ’SSN’ and ’Zip’. This models the data that an attacker may have obtained.

Now ll in the link attack function. It should take as input the deidenti ed and PII dataframes, and should return a dataframe consisting of all rows from the deidenti ed dataframe that could be uniquely linked, reattached to their PII. Proceed as in the clas-sic Sweeney attack from lecture. Your function should output a dataframe consisting only of the individuals that were uniquely recoverable. (Hint: Try pandas merge.)

What to submit. In addition to lling in the given functions, describe how many individuals could be uniquely identi ed, and how many could not.

Problem 1.2: k-Anonymity (15 points)

Fill in the function is k anon. It takes as input a dataframe df, a list of column names cols, and an integer k assumed to be at least 1. It should output True of False depending on if the dataframe is k-anonymous with respect to cols.

You should test your implementation on dataframes that are k-anonymous but not (k + 1)-anonymous. It should also run reasonably fast with the adult dataset (which is not 2-anonymous for most choices of columns) but you will not otherwise be graded based on run-time.

What to submit. In addition to lling in the given function, in your write-up, give a big-Oh estimate of the runtime of your algorithm in terms of the number of rows in the dataframe, and explain very brie y how you determined this.


Problem 1.3: Laplace Mechanism (15 points)

Fill in the function num bachelors that takes a dataframe as input and returns the number of individuals with a exactly Bachelor’s level of education.

Fill in the function laplace mech that takes as input a oat query (representing the output of a query), a oat sensitivity, and a oat epsilon. It should return the output of the Laplace mechanism with these values. (Note: Use numpy.random.laplace.)

Now compute empirical probability density functions for the Laplace mechanism with called on query 200.0, sensitivity 1, and epsilon set to 0.5, 1, and 10. More speci cally, run each setting 10,000 times, and plot the outputs (binned into groups) by calling plt.hist(..., bins=50) three times and then You should get a plot with three overlayed histograms.

What to submit. Submit your plot as problem1-3.png. In your write-up, answer the following: What did num bachelors return when run on the adult dataset? What is the sensitivity of num bachelors? Explain brie y.

Problem 1.4: Comparing Queries (5 points)

Using laplace mech from the previous section, compute a di erentially private answer with query set to 200.0 and again with query set to 201.0, with sensitivity set to 1 and epsilon set to 0.5. Take 10,000 samples again for each and overlay the empirical probability density functions again using plt.hist(..., bins=50) and Repeat for epsilon set to 1 and 10.

What to submit. Submit your plot with epsilon set to 1 as problem1-4.png. In your write-up explain how much the overlap between the histograms relates to the security/privacy of an individual in a dataset.

Problem 1.5: Plotting the Error (5 points)

Fill in the function plot error which produces the following plot: Using laplace mech from the previous section, compute 10,000 di erentially private answers with query set to the result output for num bachelors with sensitivity set correctly. For each answer, compute absolute error (which is always positive) between the di erentially private answer and the true answer. Put the errors in bins of size 20.

Repeat this with epsilon set to 0.5, 1, and 10. Overlay the 3 histograms (all with bin-size 20) from the three runs in on plot as before.

What to submit. Submit the plot you obtained from your di erent runs as problem1-5.png. In your write-up, answer the following: What do you notice about the error as epsilon in-

creases? How does this compare to the security/privacy of an individual in the dataset as epsilon increases? How would you go about choosing a value for epsilon when trying to protect individuals as well as obtain accurate results?

Part 2: Floating-Point Attack (50 points total)

The included le mironov12.pdf describes an attack against implementations of the Laplace mech-anism that use tools like numpy.random.laplace. This is an example of a nicely written research paper, and it doesn’t require much more than our lectures to be fully understood. (You should refer to the paper in the course of working this part, but you can skip the analysis in Section 4.6 and the proof of Theorem 1 in Section 5.)

Here is a brief summary of the attack. It shows that one can often distinguish with certainty if a given oat was output by either numpy.random.laplace(1) or 1.0+numpy.random.laplace(1); That is, just by looking at the bits of the oat, you can often tell if the sample was shifted by 1 or not! Section 4.5 of the paper has a visualization of what this looks like for an attacker. The ability to determine this information conclusively, even part of the time, is a bad violation of the requirement for di erential privacy (in this case, failing to protect a query with result 0 or 1).

How does this attack work? Start by looking at the implementation of my laplace in This uses a standard technique also used in the numpy version (which is written in C). The sampler rst draws a sample from numpy.random.uniform, which returns a oat between 0 and 1. It then takes the natural log of this number using numpy.random.log, and multiplies the result by a random sign. Finally it scales the result.

There are two important features that cause the failure of this sampler:

First, the uniform sampler only returns certain oats between 0 and 1, and not every possible representable oat in that range. Let us call this set of oats U. (See Table 1 on page 6 of the Mironov paper.)

Second, the implementation of the log function also does not output every possible oat. Let us denote by L the set all oats that log would ever output. (See the gures on page 6 of the Mironov paper.)

This suggests a general strategy for an attack. Given a scale s and a oat y which is either drawn from my laplace(s) or from that distribution plus 1.0, the goal is to determine if it could have came from my laplace(s). At a high level, it proceeds:

1. If y 0 set y 1 y.

Find all oats x such that s numpy:log(x) = y, where s is the scale (note the equality of oats here; you almost never want to test this, but here you do).

If any x 2 U, output True (y could be output by the sampler). Else output False.

It is possible that we settle for approximations of these tests for membership in sets. The goal is after all an attack that will distinguish the types of samples with some probability, so it will not work 100% of the time anyway.

What to submit. Fill in the function is scaled laplace sample in You may imple-ment helper functions above in the le. Further hints and a rubric are provided below.

In your write-up, explain in a sentence why the attack in the paper violates di erential privacy (you should refer to the de nition of di erential privacy).

Next, describe the details of your version of the above attack (e.g. how you tested for member-ship in sets, and other issues you ran into). Run your function on 1000 samples from my laplace(1),


and then on 1000 samples from 1.0+my laplace(1). Report how many times your function re-turned True for each case.

Correctness. Part of your grade for this part will depend on the e ectiveness of your distinguishing function (the rest will come from your write-up). We will run your code on 1000 samples from either distribution (as you are instructed do above). Let x and x1 be the respective counts of how many times your function outputs True. If x x1 450, your code will receive full credit. If x x1 is smaller, you will receive partial credit.

Hints. The paper describes how oats are encoded. Python uses 64 bit oats that follow this standard. At a few points in your code it might be helpful to have the bits of a oat, either to print out or to manipulate. To help, the le includes some utility functions for converting a oat to an ASCII string of 64 ones and zeros, and also to convert such a string back to a oat. Feel free to change these if you want. Note that these bits follow the encoding from Section 5.2 (see also Wikipedia for a visualization of this bit encoding).

To nd x such that s numpy:log(x) = y, you can try using numpy:exp. This isn’t exactly an inverse of the log function though, but it will get you close enough to start looking. Don’t worry about doing this part with absolute correctness. Something that works based on empirical observations can be good enough.

To test if a value x 2 U, think about the binary representation of a number tting the condition given in Table 1. Don’t try to test this algebraically.


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