Demo: The following code is a procedural way of writing code. It prints the weekly temperature, finds the min and max, and the average as well.
int weeklyTemp[] = { 69, 70, 71, 68, 66, 71, 70 }; int i, max = 0, min = 0;
// print temperatures
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
printf("\nThe temperature on day %d "
"was %d: ", i + 1,
• find the max, min temperature for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (i == 0)
max = min = weeklyTemp[i];
if (weeklyTemp[i] > max)
max = weeklyTemp[i];
if (weeklyTemp[i] < min)
min = weeklyTemp[i];
printf("The Minimum temperature is: %d\n", min);
printf("The Maximum temperature is: %d\n", max);
// get average
float total = 0, average;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
total += weeklyTemp[i];
average = total / 7;
printf("The average temperage for the week is: %5.2f ", average);
8.1 Now, modify the above code, which is all in one place, and break it into multiple functinos. Try to convert each piece of important code into a function.
a) Write a function called getTemperatures. Which asks the user to enter 7 temperatures for the week
b) Write a function called printTemperatures. Which prints the 7 temperatures for the week:
c) Write a function called getMax, which returns the maximum temperature of the week.
d) Write a function called getMin, which returns the minimum temperature of the week.
e) Write a function called getAverage, which returns the average temperature of the week.
f) Write a function called printStatistics that prints minimum, maximum and average of the week using above function
g) Write the code in main function to call all these functions
Demo: Here is the solution for Homework# 4.6. It is written as a procedural program.
int counter1, counter2;
char hChar1, vChar1;
int ht1, wd1;
char answer = 'y';
printf("\nUsing for-loop and user values, continuously:
while (answer == 'y') {
printf("\nPlease enter height of a box: "); scanf("%d", &ht1);
printf("\nPlease enter width of a box: "); scanf("%d", &wd1);
//you first need to flush the buffer, which still has //'\n' character due to pressing enter
while (getchar() != '\n');
printf("\nPlease enter the vertical charcters to draw box: ");
scanf("%c", &vChar1);
//don't forget to remove the newline character after //reading just a charcter in above code
while (getchar() != '\n');
printf("\nPlease enter the horizontal charcters to draw box: ");
scanf("%c", &hChar1);
for (counter1 = 1; counter1 <= wd1; counter1++)
printf("%c", hChar1);
for (counter1 = 1; counter1 <= ht1 - 2; counter1++)
printf("%c", vChar1);
for (counter2 = 1; counter2 <= wd1 - 2; counter2++)
printf(" ");
printf("%c\n", vChar1);
for (counter1 = 1; counter1 <= wd1; counter1++)
printf("%c", hChar1);
//clean up the newline after last character read while (getchar() != '\n');
printf("Continue? Type 'y' for yes: "); scanf("%c", &answer);
8.2 Now, modify and break the above code into four functions:
a) A function, drawHorizontalLine, which draws horizontal lines "-----------"
b) A function, drawVerticalLine, which draws vertical lines
"| |"
"| |"
"| |"
c) A function, drawBox, which calls the drawHorizontalLine, and drawVerticalLine to draw the box
d) Call drawBox from main function