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Homework 7 Quick Sort Solution

Learning Goals 

This assignment asks you to write a program that uses *qsort* (a
function provided by C) to sort an array of integers in the ascending

You will learn to
* Count the number of integers in a file
* Allocate memory (an array) to store the integers
* Read integers from the file and store them in the array
* Call `qsort` function to sort the integers
* Write the sorted array to another file
* Release memory
* Check memory error using `valgrind`

Quick Sort

The [`qsort` function]( is a generic
function in C for sorting arrays. Please go to the link and read the
explanation.  For this assignment, you need to understand how to use
`qsort`. You do not need to understand the algorithm. You will learn
the algorithm later (after understanding recursion).

What You Need to Do

Warning: This assignment is *much much* harder than all previous assignments combined. You must start early.

 Need to complete the following functions:
 * `int main(int argc, char * * argv)`
 * `int countInt(char* filename)`
 * `bool readInt(char* filename, int * intArr, int size)`
 * `bool writeInt(char* filename, int * intArr, int size)`
 * `int compareInt(const void *p1, const void *p2)`


You **must** follow the instructions precisely. Failing to follow
these instructions will likely make you receive zero in this
assignment.  Your score **is determined by your submission**, nothing
else.  The teaching staff is strictly prohibited seeing anything on
your computer for grading.

zip main.c hw07.c

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