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Homework 5 Solution

Name your implementation file as LastName(3 to 5 letters)_FirstNameInitial_HW5_QX.cpp Note: You can only use iostream, cassert, cctype, cmath, cstdio, and cstdlib.

Create a template class called btNode with the following:

Non-member template functions for in/post/pre-order traversal
Non-member functions for a tree to print, copy, height, and number of nodes.

Create a template class for a binary tree using btNode (Q1) with the spec in the given header file.

Create a template class for a binary tree using dynamic array with the spec in the given header file.

Create a template class for a Binary Search Tree using the btNode binary tree class (Q2).

Member functions to add, remove, minimum, maximum, and search.
Create a template class for a Heap using just a dynamic array.

Member functions to add, remove, minimum, and maximum.
Heapsort, return a sorted array.

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