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Homework 5: Graph Algorithms (Part II) & NP Completeness

In this homework, we will focus our attention to finding shortest-paths and maximum flow on graphs, and NP Completeness.

Problem 1:    Shortest Path    40 points

1. If p = fv1;    ; vng is the shortest path between v1 and vn, then prove that any subpath

pij = fvi;    ; vj g in p is the shortest path between vi and vj . (20 points)

    2. Write the pseudocode to find a negative weight cycle in a directed graph G = (V; E) with the weight function w : E ! R. (20 points)

Bonus Problem (20 points):

    1. Demonstate Dijkstra’s algorithm on the following graph.

    2. Implement Dijkstra’s algorithm in Python, and validate your code on the following graph.

Part 5: Graph Algorithms (Part II) & NP Completeness

Problem 2:

Flow Networks

20 points

    1. Define slack (residual flow) in an edge (u; v) 2 E in a the residual graph of a given graph G = (V; E). (10 points)

    2. Demonstrate the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm on this following flow network, where each edge is labeled with its flow capacity. (10 points)

Bonus Problem (10 points):

Implement Edmonds-Karp algorithm in Python, and test your code on the given graph.
Part 5: Graph Algorithms (Part II) & NP Completeness

Problem 3:

NP Completeness

40 points

    1. Prove that there are uncountable number of unsolvable binary decision problems. Further-more, give an example of an unsolvable binary decision problem. (10 points)

    2. Define NP, NP-Hard and NP-Complete classes, and give one problem in each of these com-plexity classes. (10 points)

    3. Assuming that Hamiltonian circuit problem is NP-Complete, prove that traveling salesman problem is NP-Complete via reduction. (20 points)

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