Note: The first test is currently scheduled for March 21 and will cover the first five weeks of lecture and related homework (Chapters 1–3). Please turn in, with this homework, a 15-question AccuScan form and an 8.5” by 11” Examination Book. Write your name on the back side of the form and the book. Write nothing else anywhere on the form.
A student’s grade depends on three tests, which are scored in the range 0 to 100.
1. The grade is “Pass” if all scores are at least 50 and the average of the scores is at least 60.
2. The grade is “Pass With Reservations” if the condition above is not met, one grade is at least 50, the other two grades are at least 20, and the average is at least 45.
3. The grade is “Fail” if the neither of the cases above are satisfied.
Write a program which inputs the three test scores and outputs either “Pass”, “Pass With Reservations”, or “Fail”. If any of the input is inappropriate, your program should print an appropriate error message before terminating.
The program Gold04.exe on my Web site demonstrates what your program should do.
You should turn in (in a pocket folder): this assignment/grading sheet (write your name in the space below), your statement of completeness, a structure chart corresponding to outline comments in your code, and a full printout of your program. All documents should be appropriately labeled. You should also place a folder named “Homework 04” containing your Main.cpp file into the private folder of your FTP site.