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Homework 4 Read Characters from File Solution

Learning Goals 

This assignment asks you to write a program that reads characters from a file.

You will learn to
* Read characters from file
* Understand file permission
* Convert between number of character by the ASCII table
* Handle errors (when fopen fails)

Read Data from File

Files provide permanent storage of information. Before reading from or
writing to a file, a file has to be opened (by calling `fopen`). When
a file is no longer used, it need to be closed (by calling `fclose`).

Calling `fopen` may fail for several reasons. If `fopen` wants to read
a file, the file may not exist. It is also possible that the file
exists but cannot be read. If `fopen` wants to write a file, the file
may exist but it is read-only. It is also possible that there is no
space available on the disk.

What you need to do

You need to write a function called `countChar(char * filename, int *
counts, int size)` that opens a file named `filename`. If it fails
return false, **DO NOT** `fclose`.

You have to store the count of each
charecter in the count array. Further instructions are in the comments
in the function in file `filechar.c`

You also need to write a function called `printCounts(int * counts,
int size)` that prints out the count of each charecter.  Further
instructions are in the comments in the function in file `filechar.c`

Test Your Program

You must test whether your program can handle unexpected situations, such as

* No name of the input file (argc < 2)
* The input file cannot be open
* You must not assume that `size` is 256

Your program must not crash for these situations.


You **must** follow the instructions precisely. Failing to follow
these instructions will likely make you receive zero in this
assignment.  Your score **is determined by your submission**, nothing
else.  The teaching staff is strictly prohibited seeing anything on
your computer for grading.

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