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Homework 3 Solution

Problem 1:

Implement the function

nTimes :: Integer -> Parse a b -> Parse a [b]

so that nTimes n p recognizes n of the objects recognized by 
the parser p.

This problem is exercise 17.11 of the book "Haskell - the craft
of functional programming".  I have already solved exercise 17.10;
check out the code in Parser.hs following the comment 
"-- begin: helper parsing functions" to help you solve this problem.

Problem 2:

Implement the function

spotWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Parse a [a]

whose parameter is a function which tests elements of the input type, and
returns the longest initial part of the input, all of whose elements have
the required property.  For instance,

spotWhile isDigit "234abc" == [("234","abc")]
spotWhile isDigit "abc234" == [([],"abc234")]

Problem 3:

Modify the function 

parser :: Parser Char Expr 

defined in the file ExpressionsParser.hs so that the whitespace characters 
space and tab can be used in expressions, but are ignored on parsing. 
(Hint: there is a simple pre-processor which does the trick!)

This is exercise 17.18.

Submission instructions:

You have to modify the two files:

- Parser.hs            (Problem 1 and 2)

  Add your solutions above the comment "-- end: helper parsing functions".  

- ExpressionsParser.hs (Problem 3)

  Modify directly the parser function.  You may want to add the 
  pre-processing function outside the modified parser function. 

Make sure that you run the tests.

Zip the three modified files and upload them to Webcourses.

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