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Homework 3 Solution

For this assignment we are going to design a system to schedule flight crews and aircraft for Mean Green Airlines.

For this we will need the following entities, plus collections for each of the entities: Plane/Aircraft, Crew Member and Flight.

The data for a Plane will contain at least the following:

Make (e.g. Boeing)
Model (eg 737)
Tail Number (eg B171A)

Number of Seats (eg 137)
Range (e.g. 800 miles)
Status (out, in, repair)

You may add other data needed for your implementation as well as you will need accessor and mutator functions for the data.

The data for a crew member will contain at least:


ID number
Type (Pilot, CoPilot, Cabin)
Status (available, on leave, sick)

You may add other data needed for your implementation as well as you will need accessor and mutator functions for the data.

The data for a Flight (The transaction entity) will contain at least the following:

Plane ID (Tail number)

Pilot ID
CoPilot ID
Crew IDs for 3 Cabin Crew Members
Start Date/Time with TZ
End Date/Time with TZ
Starting Airport code (3 letters)

Ending Airport Code (3 letters)
Number of Passengers
Status (active, cancelled, completed)

You may add other data needed for your implementation as well as you will need accessor and mutator functions for the data.

For the collections of each of the 3 Entity Classes identified above you will need to include the ability to:


Search/Find based on appropriate criteria

Print a list of all entries in the collection
Print the details for a single entity (do a find first)

for the Flights collection when you add a flight you will need to verify that a. the plane selected is available during the defined time period
b. the plane selected has number of seats sufficient for the passengers c. the crew selected are of the appropriate types and assigned to the

proper roles, and that they are not already assigned to another flight at the same time. Also that they are available to assign

Note that a particular plane or crew member could have multiple assignments as long as they do not conflict with dates or times. For this assignment

you do not need to worry about verifying availability based on starting and ending points.

You will also need to provide in the Flights collection the ability to print an assignment schedule for a particular aircraft or for a particular

crew member of all the active assignments. Also to print a list of flights based
on their status. You should also provide a means to delete all cancelled
flights or all completed flights from the menu. You should also provide a means
to periodically update all flights from active to completed based on time and date.

You will need to provide an appropriate menu system that can be multi-level if you like.

You will need to load and store the data. This can be done automatically when the program starts and ends. You should also want to store after an add, delete or edit to make sure changes to the data are preserved.

For this design you will need to turn in the following:

A diagram set consisting of:

    1. A title page with your name, assignment, course and title
    2. a single class diagram showing only the relationships between the entities

    3. a set of six individual class diagrams showing the attributes and methods for each of the classes in #1

    4. Step by Step algorithms for every method defined in every class in

pseudo code. You do not need to provide pseudo code for simple accessor and mutator functions

    5. A 1-2 paragraph report about your design experience. This should be similar to th report for your HW2 assignment except only covering the design portion so far

All of these items should be gathered together, in order, in a single PDF File that you will turn in on Canvas

NOTE: This assignment is for the design only Nothing you turn in should look like C/C++ code