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Homework 2 Solution

Question 1

Let f : A ! B and g : B ! C. Prove the following:

a) If C0    C, show that (g    f) 1(C0) = f 1(g 1(C0)):

b) If g    f is injective, what can be said about the injectivity of f and g?

c) If g    f is surjective, what can be said about the surjectivity of f and g?

Question 2

Let  C : C ! C such that  C(x) = x; 8x 2 C for a set C. Given f : A ! B, we say that a function
g : B ! A is a left inverse for f if g    f = A, and a function h : B ! A is a right inverse for f if
    • h = B.

a) Show that if f has a left inverse, f is injective; and if f has a right inverse, f is surjective. b) Can a function have more than one left inverse? What about right inverses?

c) Show that if f has both a left inverse g and a right inverse h, then f is bijective and g = h = f 1.

Question 3

The product Z+    Z+ is countably in nite.
We can de ne a function f : Z+    Z+ ! A, where A = f(x; y)jy    x ^ x; y 2 Z+g, by the equation

f(x; y) = (x + y    1; y)

Then we can construct a function g : A ! Z+ by

g(x; y) =
(x  1)x + y:


Show that f and g de ned above are bijections.


Question 4

a) x 2 R is algebraic if it satis es some polynomial equation of positive degree

xn + an 1xn 1 +    + a1x + a0 = 0

with rational coe cients ai. Assuming that each polynomial equation has only nitely many roots, show that the set of algebraic numbers is countable.

b) A real number is said to be transcendental if it is not algebraic. Assuming the reals are uncount-able, show that the transcendental numbers are uncountable.

Question 5

If n ln n =    (k), show that
n =    ln k  :

Question 6

We call a positive integer perfect if it equals the sum of its positive divisors other than itself.

a) Show that 6 and 28 are perfect.

b) Show that 2p 1(2p    1) is a perfect number when 2p    1 is prime.

Question 7

a) Given x c1 (mod m) and x c2 (mod n) where c1; c2; m; n are integers with m > 0; n > 0 show that the solution x exists if and only if gcd(m; n)jc1 c2.

b) If the solution exists to the above system, show that it is unique in the interval [ 0; lcm(m; n) )


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