Question 1
1. Simplify the following Boolean functions by using Karnaugh map method.
(a) F1(A; B; C; D) = m(0; 1; 4; 5; 8; 9; 10; 12; 13)
(b) F2(A; B; C; D) = m(3; 5; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 13; 15)
2. Design logic circuits of F1 and F2 for A, B, C and D inputs.
3. Design Logic circuits of F1 and F2 by using only NAND gates as few as possible.
Question 2
1. Write the truth table that provides the following Boolean function. F = AB0 + AD + BC + CD0 + A0B0C0D0
2. Write the Karnaugh map of the truth table.
3. Group all 1’s on the Karnaugh map to obtain simpli ed F function.
4. Group all 0’s on the Karnaugh map to obtain simpli ed F’ function.
5. Design the circuits of F and F’ functions by using NAND gates.