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Homework 12 Solution

General Instructions: Put your answers to the following problems into a PDF document and submit as an  attachment under  Content - > Homework 12 for the course CptS 440 Pullman (all sections of CptS 440 and 540 are merged under the CptS 440 Pullman section) on the Blackboard Learn system by the above deadline. Note that you may submit multiple times, but we will only grade the most recent entry submitted before the above deadline.

For this homework, you will explore some of the ethical issues in AI by reviewing an edited version of the 2004 movie “I, Robot”, which is available at First, review the Ethics lecture notes and then identify ten different ethical issues in AI depicted in the movie by providing the time window in the movie where they occur and a short description of the scene and the issue. Here we will consider “robot” and “AI” to be synonymous. For example,

    • (00:00-00:50) Asimov’s three laws of robotics are presented. Are these laws full-proof? How to interpret words like “injure”, “harm”, “obey”, “protect” and “conflict”.
    • (00:50-01:06) Spooner assaults a delivery robot. Should humans be allowed to assault robots? Should robots have rights similar to humans? Should the robot have protected itself, i.e., use the third law?

No, you cannot use the above two as part of your ten. There are over 40 scenes depicting AI ethics issues, so you should have no trouble finding ten.

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