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Homework 1 Solution

In this assignment, you will utilize the basic skills you learned in the rst week of class; you will assign values to variables, use some of MATLAB’s basic functions, and perform some simple arithmetic operations on scalars and matrices. You should also use this assignment as a way to get comfortable with the help and doc functions. For your nal submission, as always, please suppress all outputs with semicolons. Separate each question into separate sections. It may be good to get into the habit of beginning your scripts with clc, clear and close all. Don’t remember what these do? Use help!

    1. Create scalar variables with the following values:


5ej 23


arctan(  15) + 34

23 + j 12

Give these variables unique and reasonable names. Using these variables (not the expressions) create a column vector with each variable as an entry.

    2. You should have two complex variables from the previous question. Multiply the two together (using the variables again) and save that as a variable. Compute the real part, imaginary part, magnitude and angle of the resulting complex number and create a row vector using those values as entries.

    3. Now with the two vectors from the previous questions, create and save as variables two 4x4 matrices as follows:

Regular matrix multiplication (make sure the vectors are in the right order! I want a 4x4 matrix, not a scalar, i.e. an outer product, not an inner product)

Transpose (regular transpose not conjugate transpose) the column vector and multiply it elementwise with the row vector. Then use repmat to extend this row vector to a 4x4 matrix (use help or doc if you don’t remember how to use repmat).

    4. With these two matrices, perform the following operations (save the results as vari-ables):

Add the rst and two times the second Elementwise multiply them

Subtract two from every entry in the rst matrix Conjugate transpose either one

ECE-210B Homework 1    Samuel Maltz

    5. Take the angle of the complex number in question 2 and convert it to degrees (check out rad2deg). It should be an integer. Save the value as n. Then create these two row vectors:

A length 2000 vector with equally spaced entries from 1 to n

A vector with entries starting at one up to n with entries spaced at intervals of 0.3 (the vector may turn out to not include n)

You will be using both linspace and the colon operator here. Make sure to use the right one for each!