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Homework 02 Solution


Program 1


The user should construct a new MinStack object within their Java program (no parameters are needed).

They are then free to use the following methods of the MinStack class:

void MinStack.push(int x): Push an integer x onto the stack

int MinStack.pop(): Remove and return the top element of the stack

int Return the top element of the stack

int MinStack.getMin(): Return the minimum element of the stack


Program 2


The user should input an expression of integers, arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), and a single equality operator (<, , <=, =, =).

The program will then output whether the expression is true or false.

There should be a space between each integer and symbol. Input in any other format is invalid.


Program 3


The user should input an expression in postfix notation. Only single digit values may be used for input.

The program will then output the value of the input expression.

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