Starting from:


Project 4, Part C: Face Replacement in Videos Solution


Face Swapping in Videos is a team project. The maximum size of a team is three students. The same team carry forwards from Part A and Part B. You are not permitted to do this individually.
A team is not allowed to collaborate with another team. Only one individual from each team must submit the code for this part.

There are no late days allowed for this part of the project.

You must make one submission on Canvas. You must include a README.txt file in your submissions to help us execute your code.

– Place your code and resulting videos for Part C into a folder named "Face Swapping in Video". Submit this as a zip file named <

Your submission folder should include the following:

– .py scripts for the required functions

– .py demo script for generating the videos

– .py files with helper functions

– the input video/s you use

– the resulting video/s from the test set (if your videos are large, please feel free to upload them to YouTube and share the link with us)

– .pdf report containing an introduction, methodology, results, future work and references to papers and/or code

– .pdf or .ppt file of the final presentation (methodology (algorithms, pipeline, libraries), video results). Date: TBA.

This handout provides instructions for the code in Python. You are not permitted to use MATLAB for this project.

Start early! If you get stuck, please post your questions on Piazza or come to office hours!

Follow the submission guidelines and the conventions strictly!

1 Face Swapping in Video

1.1 Overview

It is time to put everything you have learnt in the course together! The aim of this project is to automatically detect and swap faces between videos. Given two videos, you will automatically swap faces between the two videos. This project is highly open ended, so how you formulate it is completely up to you. However, we do want to see at least one set of videos where the face from one video has been replaced onto the face in another video without the emotion of the target face coming through.

Seamlessly swapping faces is a non-trivial process. To swap faces between two videos, you will need to complete the given pipeline. Firstly, you will need to detect faces and/or facial landmarks in the two videos. Once you detect these features in the videos, you will have to estimate the transformation from one face to another. We suggest exploring con-cepts such as affine transforms or homography, or triangulation or thin-plate splines. Once, you have the transformation between the two faces, you may swap the two faces. You may also experiment with various optical flow methods such

as Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi or Meanshift or Camshift if you have to track faces in the videos. You are not limited to these and are highly encouraged to play around with other approaches that you may find. You will have to compensate for the changes in exposure, lighting and shadows, etc. between the two videos while swapping the faces.

1.2 Concentration Tracks

We provide you with two tracks for this open-ended project. You can either delve deeper into the third section of Project 4 Part B (facial landmarks detection) and try to achieve less-than-perfect results, or go scour up the World Wide Web for open-source code and libraries to achieve near-perfect results. The two tracks are listed below.

Track 1: You will focus on Facial Landmarks Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks (as in the third section of Project 4 Part B) by implementing it on your own and then using it to swap faces between the two videos. Keep in mind that for this Track, the face detection, facial landmark detection has to be implemented by you as an extension of Project 4B. For this track, you don’t necessarily have to achieve near-perfect results but we expect you to get your hands dirty with the process of detecting facial landmarks.

NOTE: Track 1 projects will be held to a lower performance standard since you will be using your own CNNs for detecting landmarks.

Track 2: You are allowed to make use of open-source code and libraries to achieve near-perfect results for face swapping. Please be thorough in citing anything you use. You must provide a comprehensive README.txt about the libraries that need to be installed and on how to run your code. You will have to address the challenges of exposure, lighting and shadows, ’crowd’ faces, etc. We will grade you based on visually pleasing results.

NOTE: Track 2 projects will be held to a higher performance standard since you will be using open-source resources. This includes lighting changes, orientation changes, handling large number of faces etc.

For both the given tracks, you are allowed to reuse code from previous projects.

1.3 Pipeline

One possible pipeline for swapping faces is as follows. After finding faces and facial landmarks, swap the two faces between the two videos. To leverage temporal information, you can experiment with various optical flow techniques.

Figure 1: Possible Face Swapping Pipeline

Henceforth, the convention is as follows: We provide you with a dataset of videos containing face/s, to be called source faces/videos. The videos that you select to replace face/s, will be referred to as replacement faces/videos. You are required to swap faces between the two videos. However, while you replace the faces, keep in mind that the source face’s emotion should be present on the target body. In other words, the source face should not emote the target face. This is the only mandatory requirement. Once you are done with this, you are allowed to experiment and showcase your creativity! You are highly encouraged to shoot your own videos.

The tasks in the pipeline can be as follows:

Replacement Video/s Selection: Select a second video/s with a face or faces to swap with.

Source and Replacement Face and Facial Landmarks Detection: Detect faces and facial landmarks in the source and replacement videos. (For track 1, you need to do this using an extension of the CNN you implemented in Project 4 Part B.) For Track 2, you are allowed to use open source implementations (including more complex CNNs) for this.

Feature Extraction: For the mandatory task, since the emotion of the replacement face shouldn’t seep through to the source face, the features you use to control the warp should just be the ones along the convex hull of the face. However, to control the warp better, you could use other features within the face as long as they don’t change the emotions of the source face.

Once you are done with this mandatory task, you can replace the faces in any manner of your choosing. You can use Haar-like features, Harris Corners, Histogram of Gradients, Shape-Context features, SIFT features, etc. You can refer to open-source libraries for more features.

Face Swapping: For each frame, compute appropriate image transforms that warps the replacement face to the source face and vice-versa. Apply these transforms to both the faces. You may have to compute the convex hull of the source face and the replacement face while swapping the faces.

Video Refinement (Optional for Track 1): Make the face swapping seem natural. Use Gradient Domain Blending or any other technique that makes the swapped faces look real with their new bodies. Compensate for exposure, lighting and shadows, poses, skin tone, etc. Incorporate optical flow techniques to robustly track faces.

Video to video replacement Keep in mind that this is a video to video face replacement. The two videos may have the same number of frames or they may not. You should account for this while performing the replacement.

Spiffify: Eternal glory (extra-credit) will be awarded to teams that implement cool and creative features apart from the ones mentioned above. You can also attempt face swapping within a single video. For an example of the manda-tory task done on a single video, see this video. Having your code run close to real time will be another way to earn a lot of extra credit!

You are by no means constrained to the example we have shown. This is the last project of the course and is very open-ended, so go crazy and have fun!

1.4 Scoring

You can use the dataset provided for Project 4 Part A to develop and test your code. Four days before the project presentation i.e. 12/14/17, we will release test videos of varying difficulty levels and your code is expected to work on those. You will be graded based on the results of your test videos. Tweaking your code to work with the test set should be trivial and we believe that four days should allow you do that.

To receive full credit, your code must perform well on the easy videos in the test set.

Robustly swapping faces in the medium and hard datasets will receive proportionate extra-credit.

And of course, as mentioned earlier, extra-credits for cool and creative features.

NOTE: Your submission is due on 12/20/17 at 11:59 PM. This is a hard deadline and no submissions will be accepted after this deadline. We have allotted these extra days for creating the .pdf report of the project and compiling your deliverable for the project.The final presentation date will be announced shortly.

1.5 Putting Things Together

This is the last project for this course and by now, you already have most of the modules required to put this project together. Make use of the computational resources available to you in the form of multiple people and their respective laptops and desktops. Please do share the load, experiment with different methods and see what works best. The end goal is to create funny and creative face-swapped videos. Hope you guys have fun!