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Program 4b: getopt_long() Solution


To nish program 4 by including and processing long options.



Write a program to parse the command line for DiskSweeper.

Add to your Params class. Members of the class should include:

A bool variable for the debug option and an int for the optional level number. A bool variable for the verbose option.

De ne a controller class named Sweeper. Members of the class should include:

An Params object.

A constructor that accepts argc and argv from main. This constructor must parse the com-mand line and initialize the Params object.

Anything else you need. You will be adding members to this class each week.

A run() function: Declare an instance of Params and pass argc and argv to its constructor. When construction is nished, call Params::print() to display the params.

In your main function:

Call banner() from tools.cpp. Create a Sweeper object.

Call its run function. Nothing else.

Using getopt_long() to Decode Command-line Arguments

You still need nearly all of what you wrote for Program 4a. Here are the changes. For more guidance, refer to options2.c

The call has two more parameters:

int = getopt_long( int argc, char* argv[], const char* opts, struct option longOpts[], int*);

You must pick up and process any additional options and arguments.
Program 4b: getopt_long() CSCI 4547 / 6647 Systems Programming 2

You need to define a long options table. Example:

struct option longOpts[] = {

{ "verbose",
’b’ },
{ "output",
required_argument, NULL,
’o’ },
{ "recursive",
’R’ },
{ "debug",
optional_argument, NULL,

Add this statement to your switch to process long options (such as debug) that do not have corresponding short options.

case 0: { // Convert code for long switch to full name.

outputLong(longOpts[code].name, optarg);



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