Starting from:


Project 1: Concurrent Web Server using BSD Sockets Solution

1    Goal


In this  project,  we are going to develop a Web server in C/C++. Also, we will take  the  chance to learn  a little  bit more about  how Web browser and server work behind  the scene.



2    Lab Working Environment


You need a plain-text editor  to create  the  source code.  You can use vi/pico/emacs in Unix/Linux systems.   Since C/C++ is a cross-platform language,  you should be able to compile and run your code on any machine with C/C++ compiler and BSD socket library  installed.

Students should  use Linux  OS to finish the  project.   A virtual  machine  image of Ubuntu OS for your  working environment is provided.  (You can download  it from ) The account infor- mation  is cs118/cs118  and  root/cs118.  It  is recommended  that doing the  projects  or at  least  testing  them  in this provided  environment, because:


• C/C++ compiler (gcc, g++) and BSD socket library  on those workstations have been verified.


• Your submitted code will be tested  and evaluated on them.


You need to install VMware Player,  which has free versions, to use it ( ). The PCs  in SEASNet  labs already  have it installed.

Windows workstations are NOT recommended.  They  have their  own idiosyncracies  which may be too much for this simple project.  Also, TAs will not be able to help you on any of these platforms.




3    Instructions


1.  Read  Chapter 2 of the  textbook   carefully.    The  textbook   will help  you  to  understand how  HTTP works.

However, there  are some differences:


• You must  program  in C/C++ (not  Java). Examples  of socket programming Client/Server code in C are available  on the course Website.  They  are also put  in the folder /home/cs118/workspace in the provided Ubuntu virtual  machine  image.

• Instead  of using  port 80 or  8080 or  6789 for the  listening  socket,  you  should  pick  your  own to  avoid conflicts.  It is suggested  not to use port  numbers  0-1024.


2.  The project  consists of Part A and Part B, which are specified as following:


• Part A: Implement a “Web Server” that dumps  request  messages to the console.  This is a good chance to observe how HTTP works.  So start a browser, e.g. Microsoft Internet Explore (browser  is the client side), connect  to your server,  record  the  request  message, and  find out what  the  fields in the  message mean by looking up in the textbook  or RFC  1945.

• Part B: Based  on the  code you have  done in Part A, add  one more function  to the  “Web  server”,  that is, the  “Web  server”  parses  the  HTTP request  from  the  browser,  creates  an  HTTP response  message consisting  of the requested  file preceded  by header  lines, then  sends the response directly  to the client.


3.  Pay  attention to the following issues when you are implementing the project:


• If you are running  the browser and server on the same machine,  you may use localhost  or as the name of the machine.

• Make sure your “Content-Type” function  recognizes at  least  html  files. We will worry about  other  types of files later.


4.  After  you’re done with  every part  (Part A and  Part B),  you need to  test  your  server.   You first put  a html file in the  directory  of your  server,  or more exactly,  where you run  your  server.  Connect  to your  server  from a browser  with  the  URL of http://<machine name:<port number/<html  file name and  see if it works. For  your  server  in Part A, you should  be able to see the  HTTP request  format  in the  console of your  server machine.  For your server in Part B, your browser should be able to show the content of the requested  html file.


5.  Back to the “Content-Type” function.  Add in the support for GIF and JPEG images.  Your browser should be able to correctly  show these MIME files.



4    Materials to turn in


1.  Your source code files (e.g.  webserver.c)


2.  A report  of your  project  (pdf or word format)  should  not  exceed 6 pages (except  from source codes).  In the report:


• Give a high-level description of your server’s design

• What  difficulties did you face and how did you solve them?

• Include  a brief manual  in the  report  to explain  how to compile and  run  your  source code (if TAs  can’t compile and run your source code by reading  your manual,  the project  is considered  not to be finished).

• Include  and  briefly explain  some sample outputs of your client-server  (e.g.  in Part A you should be able to see an HTTP request)


You do not have to write a lot of details  about the code, but just adequately  comment  your source  code.


3.  The cover page of the report  should include the name of the course and project,  your partner’s name, student id, and SEASnet  login name.  In each group there can be at most 2 students.


4.  Method  of submission  is described  in Section 5.



5    Pro ject Submission


1.  Put  all your files into a directory, named  “project1  UID” where UID is the UCLA ID of one of the students in your team.


2.  The directory  “project1  UID” should include the following files:


• Your Web Server code (e.g.  webserver.c).  The code of the server can be more than  one files.

• Your report  (report.doc, report.pdf ).

• A Makefile.  The  TAs will only type “make”  to compile your code, make sure your Makefile works under


• A README  file which will contain  Student names and Student IDs.


3.  Each group just  needs to submit  one set of files.


4.  Compress  the folder into ”project1  UID.tar” file and submit  it through CourseWeb

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