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Assignment Four Solution


You will use procedural methods to generate a virtual world. This goal can be subdivided into three parts:

geometry (mesh generation, procedural height generation) rendering (terrain shading, texturing)

animation (camera animation)

Each of these parts are subdivided into basic and advanced tasks. Completion of the basic tasks will reward a grade of 80%. Starter code has been provided to guide you towards completing the basics, see the Getting Started section below. Where an advanced feature replaces a basic feature, the basic feature will not be required (e.g. implementing a spherical world instead of a at world). If you want to implement a feature not given below, just consult with the instructor or TA. Any nontrivial features will receive credit.


2.1 Basic (35%)

create a at (z=0) triangular mesh. Do so using GL TRIANGLE STRIP , making use of GL PRIMITIVE RESTART

implement Perlin noise on the CPU (see noise.h)

generate a heightmap texture using fBm (see noise.h, and this tutorial) use the heightmap texture to displace vertices in the vertex shader

2.2 Advanced

implement noise texture generation in the fragment shader 5%

implement other noise functions to generate terrain (e.g. hybrid multifractal and ridged multifractal) 5%

instead of generating a plane world, create a spherical world 10%

create an in nite world (new tiles on demand, requires GPU noise) 15% use L-system to add trees to your terrain 15%

use ImGUI to control parameters live 5%


3.1 Basic (35%)

calculate surface normals, add di use and specular shading

texture according to height and slope (e.g. snow will not deposit on steep slopes, grass won’t grow at altitude)

implement the skybox texture using OpenGLs cubemap textures

3.2 Advanced

use the normal map texture (water.png) to represent waves. Make them translate over time. (5%) add a mirroring e ect to the water; this is achieved by mirroring the camera position with respect to the water plane, render your scene in a framebu er, and placing the texture back in a second step. You can also simulate refraction by blending the mirrored and non-mirrored images according to the

incidence angle of your camera w.r.t. water (15%) use noise to distort the re ected image (5%)


4.1 Basic (10%)

implement WASD camera controls

4.2 Advanced

use a bezier curve to animate the camera path (5%)

implement a FPS camera, camera height is determined by terrain height (5%)

use a displacement map to animate waves; the map can be computed numerically as a sum of periodic functions varying over time (10%)

use particles and billboards to animate 3D snow (10%)

Getting Started

The starter code is lled with TODO comments. The following order of completion is recommended:

genTerrainMesh() in main.cpp drawTerrain() in main.cpp

lerp(), perlin2D(), and fBm2DTexture in noise.h terrain vshader.glsl

drawSkybox() in main.cpp

KeyEvent listener callback in main.cpp terrain fshader.glsl