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P#3: Melody Solution

This program focuses on using Stack and Queue collections.   Turn in files named, and song.txt on  the  Homework  section  of  the  course  web  site.  You  will  need,, and from the web site; place them in the same folder as your program.


Background Information about Music:


Music consists of notes which have lengths and pitches. The pitch of a note is described with a letter ranging from A to G. As 7 notes would not be enough to play very interesting music, there are multiple octaves; after we reach note G we start over at A. Each set of 7 notes is considered an octave. Notes may also be accidentals. This means that they are not in the same key as the music is written in. We normally notate this by calling them sharp, flat or natural. Music also has silences which are called rests.

For this assignment we will be representing notes using scientific pitch notation. This style of notation represents each note as a letter and a number specifying the octave it belongs to. For example, middle C is represented as C4. You do not need to understand any more than this about scientific pitch notation but you can read more about it here if you are interested:


What you will do:


You will write two classes that allow you to represent a song. A song is comprised of a series of notes. It may have repeated sections. As we don't like to have any redundancy, we will only store one copy of a repeated chunk of notes.


Music is usually printed like the example on the right. The notes are a

series of dots. Their position in relation to the lines determines their pitch and their tops and color, among other things, determine their length. Since it would be difficult for us to read input in this style, we will instead read input from a text



0.2 C 4 NATURAL false

0.4 F 4 NATURAL true

0.2 F 4 NATURAL false

0.4 G 4 NATURAL false

0.2 G 4 NATURAL true

0.2 A 4 NATURAL false

0.4 R false

0.2 C 5 NATURAL false

0.2 A 4 NATURAL false


An example input file is shown at the left. Each line in it represents a single note. The first number describes the length of the note in seconds. The letter that follows describes the pitch of the note, using the standard set of letters (A – G) or R if the note is a rest. For notes other than rests, the third item on the line is the octave that the note is in and the following is the note's accidental value. The final piece of information for all notes is true if the note is the start or stop of a repeated section and false otherwise.


You will implement several methods in the Melody class which will allow you to use MelodyMain to play your song with mp3 player like functionality. Your melody will be able to play as well as append another melody to itself, reverse and have the it's tempo changed.


The most challenging part of this assignment is getting melodies to play with repeats correctly. The file above, which contains 4 repeated notes, is equivalent to the repetitive file displayed to the right. When you play the above file you should play it the same as you would play the file to the right.


Implementation Details:

You will write two classes; and You must use Java's Stack and Queue from java.util.  You must use them as stacks and queues; you may NOT use any index based methods, iterators or for-each loops. Your classes must have the constructors/methods below.  It must be possible to call the methods multiple times in any order and get the correct results each time.  Your Melody class will use a queue to store the notes in the song.   But unless otherwise specified, you may not create any other auxiliary data structures (such as arrays, lists, stacks, queues) to help you solve any method below.


0.2 C 4 NATURAL false

0.4 F 4 NATURAL false

0.2 F 4 NATURAL false

0.4 G 4 NATURAL false

0.2 G 4 NATURAL false

0.4 F 4 NATURAL false

0.2 F 4 NATURAL false

0.4 G 4 NATURAL false

0.2 G 4 NATURAL false

0.2 A 4 NATURAL false

0.4 R false

0.2 C 5 NATURAL false

0.2 A 4 NATURAL false

A Note object represents a single musical note that will form part of a melody. It should keep track of the length of the note, the note's pitch (A-G) or R if the note is a rest, the octave and the accidental type (sharp, natural or flat). Sometimes, a note is the first or last note of a repeated section of the melody.  Each Note object should also keep track of whether or not this is the case.


The Note class interacts with two provided types named Pitch and Accidental. A Pitch is a constant from Pitch.A through Pitch.G or Pitch.R, partially representing the frequency of the note.  An Accidental indicates whether a note is sharp, flat, or neither by the constants Accidental.SHARP, Accidental.FLAT, and Accidental.NATURAL respectively.

We have provided a starter file for this class. It contains the method headers and comments for the methods below. You may keep all the code in the starter file.



public Note(double duration,

Pitch note, int octave, Accidental accidental, boolean repeat)
Takes a number representing the length of the note in seconds, a Pitch representing the pitch (eg.  Pitch.A), a number representing the octave of   the   note,   an   Accidental representing   the   accidental   (eg. Accidental.NATURAL), and true if this is the first or last note in a repeated  section.     Throw  an  IllegalArgumentException if  the duration is less than or equal to 0 or it the octave is less than 0 or greater than 10.
public Note(double duration, Pitch note, boolean repeat)
Takes a number representing the length of the note in seconds, a Pitch representing the pitch (eg.  Pitch.A), and true if this is the first or last note in a repeated section.  Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the duration is less than or equal to 0.
public double getDuration()
Returns the length of the note in seconds.
public void setDuration(double d)
Sets the  duration of  the note to be  the  passed in value.    Throw an

IllegalArgumentException if the duration is less than or equal to 0.
public boolean isRepeat()
Returns true if this note is either the first or last note in a repeated section of the melody, or false otherwise.
public void play()
Plays the note by calling the following static method and passing in the appropriate data. duration, Pitch note,

int octave, Accidental accidental)
public String toString()
If the pitch is Pitch.R return a String in the format, "<duration

<pitch   <repeat".   Otherwise   return   a   String in   the   format, "<duration  <pitch  <octave  <accidental  <repeat".  For  example

both "2.3 A 4 SHARP true" and  "1.5 R true". You can use the

toString of each type to represent it.


public Melody()

Initializes your melody to store an empty queue of notes.


public void input(Scanner input)

Create a new queue of notes by getting note data from the passed in Scanner. Use Pitch.valueOf(String s) and Accidental.valueOf(String s) to convert the Strings you read into Pitches and Accidentals. You can assume that each line contains only one note and that each is output in the format described in note's toString method. An example file is displayed on page 1.

public double getLength()

Returns the total length of the song in seconds. You should not loop through the notes every time this method is called.


public void output(PrintStream out)

Outputs the song, one note per line, to the PrintSream. Each note should be output using its toString method. An example file is displayed on page 1. Your output should reflect the changes that have been made to the song by calling other methods.


public void changeTempo(double tempo)

Changes the tempo of each note to be tempo percent of what it formerly was. Passing a tempo of 1.0 will make the tempo stay the same.  tempo of 2.0 will make each note twice as long. tempo of 0.5 will make each note half as long. Keep in mind that when the tempo changes the length of the song also changes.


public void reverse()

Reverses the order of notes in the song, so that future calls to the play methods will play the notes in the opposite of the order they were in before reverse was called.  For example, a song containing notes A, F, G, then B would become B, G, F, A. You may use one temporary Stack or one temporary Queue to help you solve this problem.


public void append(Melody other)

Adds all notes from the given other song to the end of this song. For example, if this song is A,F,G,B and the other song is F, C, D, your method should change this song to be A,F,G,B,F,C,D. The other song should be unchanged after the call. Remember that objects can access the private fields of other objects of the same type.


public void play()

Plays the song by calling each note's play method. The notes should be played from the beginning of the queue to the end unless there are notes that are marked as being the beginning or end of a repeated section. When the first note that is a beginning or end of a repeated section is found you should create a second queue. You should then get notes from the original queue until you see another marked as being the beginning or end of a repeat. As you get these notes you should play them and then place them back in both queues. Once you hit a second marked as beginning or end of a repeat you should play everything in your secondary queue and then return to playing from the main queue. It should be possible to call this method multiple times and get the same result.

Back                                                                                                             Front


Main queue




Back                                                        Front


Temporary queue




Repeated section


The yellow blocks represent objects with start or end of a repeat set to true. They and the other notes in between them should be moved to a separate queue when played so that they can be repeated.



public void play(double time)

Does the same thing as the no parameter play method except that it starts playing in a different place. This method should start playing the song at the first note at least time away from the start of the melody. For example, if all notes in the melody were 1 second long and play(3) was called, the first note played should be the 4th note. If play(1.8) was called on the same melody, the third note should be the first one played. If you start on the note in the middle of a repeated section you should ignore the repeat for that section. After your method finishes executing, your melody's queue must be in exactly the same state it was before. Future calls to play() should be unaffected.

Creative Aspect (song.txt):

Along with your program, submit a file called song.txt that contains a song that can be used as input. For full credit, the file should be in the format described above and contain at least 10 notes.  It should also be your own work (you may not just turn in one of our sample songs) but you do not have to compose a song yourself. You are welcome to make song.txt be a song written by somebody else, such as a lullaby or nursery rhyme or song by your favorite band. This will be worth a small portion of your grade.


Development Strategy and Hints:

We suggest the following development strategy for solving this program:

1.   Fill out the methods in the Note class.

2.   Create the Melody class and declare every method.   Leave every method's body blank; if necessary, return a "dummy" value like null or 0.  Get your code to run in the MelodyMain program, though the output will be incorrect.

3.   Implement the constructor, and the input and output methods.  If you are feeling rusty on file I/O you can review it by reading chapter 6 in the textbook.

4.   Implement the getLength and   changeTempo methods. You can check the results of  the changeTempo method by reading in one of the sample files, calling changeTempo and then calling the output method and checking your output matches what you expected.

5.   Write the reverse and  append methods.

6.   Write an initial version of play() that assumes there are no repeating sections.

7.   Add the play() code that looks for repeated sections and plays them twice, as described previously.

8.   Write play(double time). Keep in mind, it is very similar to play().

You can test the output of your program by running it on various inputs in the MelodyMain client.  You can also use our

Output Comparison Tool to see that your outputs match what is expected.


Style Guidelines and Grading:

Part of your grade will come from appropriately using stacks and queues.  You may only use the size, isEmpty, add, remove and peek methods for queues.  For stacks, you may only use the size, isEmpty, pop, push and peek methods. You may not call any Stack methods that accept index parameters.  You may not examine a stack/queue using a "for each" loop or iterator.   Do not make unnecessary or redundant extra passes over a queue when the answer could be computed with fewer passes.  Declare queues as variables of type Queue, not variables of type LinkedList (on the left side of the equals sign).

Redundancy is always a major grading focus; avoid redundancy and repeated logic as much as possible in your code. Properly encapsulate your objects by making fields private. Avoid unnecessary fields; use fields to store important data

of your objects but not to store temporary values only used within a single method.  Initialize fields in constructors only.

Follow good general style guidelines such as: appropriately using control structures like loops and if/else statements; avoiding redundancy using techniques such as methods, loops, and if/else factoring; properly using indentation, good variable names, and proper types; and not having any lines of code longer than 100 characters.

Comment descriptively at the top of your class, each method, and on complex sections of your code.  Comments should explain each method's behavior, parameters, return, pre/post-conditions, and any exceptions thrown.  Write descriptive comments that explain error cases, and details of the behavior that would be important to the client.   Your comments should be written in your own words and not taken verbatim from this document.

For reference, our solution is around 170 lines long (105 "substantive"), though you do not have to match this exactly.

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