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Assignment 1 Solution

Marking Total of 20 marks (20% of practical component)

Late Penalty The maximum available mark is reduced by 10% if the assignment is one day late, by 25% if it is 2 days late and by 50% if it is 3 days late. Assignments that are late 4 days or more will be awarded zero marks. So if your assignment is worth 88% and you submit it one day late you still get 88%, but if you submit it two days late you get 75%, three days late 50%, and four days late zero.

Submission Instructions The assignment can be submitted using the ‘give’ system.

To submit from a CSE terminal, type:

$ give cs3141 Tortoise TortoiseCombinators.hs


In this assignment, you will implement various extensions to a simple graphics drawing language, the Tortoise Graphics Language, embedded in Haskell. It is intended to give you experience writing Haskell programs, including functional programming idioms, as well as experience programming to algebraic speci cations expressed as QuickCheck properties. These speci cations will introduce you to concepts such as monoids, the distinction between syntax and semantics, and various notions of composition.


Provided Code

The provided code consists of a number of modules:

Main.hs contains a main function to save an example image to ‘tortoise.png’. It also includes a series of example graphics of increasing complexity. Initially, only the rst example will work.

Tests.hs QuickCheck speci cations for all functions you must implement, as well as any support code to run the tests, depending on your environment.

TestSupport.hs contains support code such as Arbitrary instances and alternative test data generation strategies for use when you are testing this assignment, and for when we are marking it.

Tortoise.hs contains the de nitions for the syntax and semantics of the Tortoise Graphics Language.

TortoiseGraphics.hs contains a graphical backend (using the rasterific library) for the Tortoise Graphics Language, to actually visualise your graphics.

TortoiseCombinators.hs contains stubs for the additional functions you are required to implement.

Note: The only le you can submit is ‘TortoiseCombinators.hs’, so make sure your submission compiles with the original versions of all other les.

The Tortoise Graphics Language

Simon the Tortoise has decided to take up line drawing as his latest hobby. Unfortunately for him, he lacks any artistic inspiration and is unable to dream up even the simplest picture. He is, however, very good at understanding Haskell programs1. To help Simon out, we’ve come up with a little language of drawing commands, and de ned it as a Haskell data type (in ‘Tortoise.hs’):

data Instructions = Move Distance Instructions

Turn Angle Instructions

SetStyle LineStyle Instructions

SetColour Colour Instructions

PenDown Instructions

PenUp Instructions


type LineWidth = Int

data LineStyle = Solid LineWidth | Dashed LineWidth | Dotted LineWidth type Angle = Integer -- Degrees

1Not unlike many other people named Simon.


type Distance = Integer -- Pixels

type Point = (Integer, Integer) -- (x, y)

data Colour = Colour { redC, greenC, blueC, alphaC :: Int }

The data type Instructions is the syntax of our Tortoise Graphics Language. With this language, we can do all the artistic thinking, and encode our pictures as Instructions for Simon to follow. When Simon moves, if the pen is down, he will also draw a line from his starting point to his ending point.

We de ne a Picture to be a series of Lines, drawn in order. A Line consists of a line style, a colour, a start point, and an end point2:

data Line = Line LineStyle Colour Point Point type Picture = [Line]

Thus, Simon’s job is simple: Given an initial state (consisting of a starting position, angle, colour etc.), follow the instructions to produce a Picture and a nal state:

tortoise :: Instructions - (TortoiseState - (Picture, TortoiseState))

This tortoise function de nes the semantics, or meaning, of our Tortoise Graphics Language. It maps syntax (Instructions) to a domain of state transformers that return a Picture. In computer science literature, the expression tortoise i would usually be written as JiK, but we shall stick to our Haskell-based notation. We also de ne two utility functions that give the picture (resp. nal state) produced for a given set of instructions if we start from the default start state:

tortoisePic :: Instructions - Picture

finalState :: Instructions - TortoiseState

With the basic Tortoise Graphics Language de ned, we can now (in ‘Main.hs’) produce syntax for a simple square:

square :: Distance - Instructions

square s = Move s $ Turn 90

Move s $ Turn 90

Move s $ Turn 90

Move s $ Turn 90

Stop -- The dollar operator allows us to avoid nested parens.

You can use the provided drawPicture function (from ‘TortoiseGraphics.hs‘) to pro-duce an image from a Picture, and writePng to save it to disk:

main = do

writePng "tortoise.png" (drawPicture (tortoisePic (square 100)))

We have de ned the basic language, but large drawings are very cumbersome to write directly. To remedy this, you must de ne a set of so-called combinators, functions that act on Instructions to let build bigger drawings out of smaller ones. Each of these combinators has been speci ed in ‘Test.hs’. You must implement them in ‘TortoiseCombinators.hs’.

2Note that we have de ned equality on Lines to treat a line A B and a line B A as equal.


Sequential Composition (4 marks)

The rst combinator you must implement is a way to take two sets of Instructions and combine them into one, one after another:

andThen :: Instructions - Instructions - Instructions

The speci cation for this function is given in the form of QuickCheck properties in ‘Test.hs’. As it is a composition operator, we expect it to be associative, and have a left and right identity with Stop:

Stop ‘andThen‘ i



i ‘andThen‘ Stop


i1 ‘andThen‘ (i2 ‘andThen‘ i3)
(i1 ‘andThen‘ i2) ‘andThen‘ i3


Algebraically, the above properties mean that the triple (Instructions, andThen, Stop) form a monoid.

Semantically, this combinator corresponds to the notion of sequential composition | that is, doing one thing after another. We de ne sequential composition of state transformers by running the rst state transformer with the given state, then running the second with the output state of the rst, and concatenating their outputs3:

comp :: (a - (Picture, b)) - (b - (Picture, c))

- (a - (Picture, c))

comp f g a = let (p , b) = f a

(p , c) = g b

in (p ++ p , c)

Then, our correctness property for andThen can succinctly state the relationship between syntactic composition and semantic composition:

(andThen compose)

tortoise (i1 ‘andThen‘ i2) start = comp (tortoise i1) (tortoise i2) start

Marking Criteria

Marks Description

Left identity property passed

Right identity property passed

Associativity property passed

Semantic composition property passed

4 Total

3We use a more general type than necessary for comp. This helps the type system to aid us to get the implementation correct. In practice, all the type variables a, b and c will be instantiated to TortoiseState.


Bounded Looping (4 marks)

Our next combinator is for bounded looping, that is, repeating the same set of instructions a xed number of times:

loop :: Int - Instructions - Instructions

The expression loop 0 i should be equivalent to Stop, as should loop n i for any negative n. Any positive n should produce the composition of n copies of i. For example, loop 3 i should be equivalent to i ‘andThen‘ i ‘andThen‘ i.

To de ne what we expect this combinator to do semantically, we replicate n times the state transformer for i, and then use the higher-order function foldr to compose them all together:

(loop compose)

tortoise (loop n i) start = foldr comp nop (replicate n (tortoise i)) start

Here nop is the identity state transformer, that does not change the state and returns an empty picture (i.e. tortoise Stop). To get a better sense of how this works, it may be instructive to examine the following equational proof of the above property for the case where n = 3:

foldr comp nop (replicate 3 (tortoise i)) start

foldr comp nop (tortoise i : tortoise i : tortoise i : []) start

(tortoise i ‘comp‘ tortoise i ‘comp‘ tortoise i ‘comp‘ nop) start

(tortoise (i ‘andThen‘ i) ‘comp‘ tortoise i ‘comp‘ nop) start

(tortoise (i ‘andThen‘ i ‘andThen‘ i) ‘comp‘ nop) start

tortoise (i ‘andThen‘ i ‘andThen‘ i ‘andThen‘ Stop) start

tortoise (i ‘andThen‘ i ‘andThen‘ i) start

tortoise (loop 3 i) start

This combinator should allow you to try some interesting pictures! For example, the circlograph and squareograph examples in ‘Main.hs0 are classic examples of Tortoise graphics. We encourage you to try to express yourself creatively and come up with other pretty pictures, and share them with your friends.

Marking Criteria

Marks Description

Passes for positive n

1 Passes for negative n

1 Passes for zero n

4 Total


Invisibility (4 marks)

The next combinator you must implement is invisibly:

invisibly :: Instructions - Instructions

As the name suggests, this function takes in some Instructions and produces a new set of Instructions that has the same e ect on the tortoise state when starting from the initial state start, but does not produce any lines in the picture.

tortoise (invisibly i) start = ([]; finalState i) (invisibly sems)

The PenUp and PenDown constructors govern whether or not to draw lines. While the pen is up, no lines are drawn, and while the pen is down, the Move constructor will draw a line as well as move the tortoise. The complication when implementing this combinator is that the given Instructions may contain these pen-controlling constructors. You may nd it helpful to start by only handling the cases with simple Move and Turn constructors, and gradually adding more constructors while keeping tests passing.

To assist you in testing your program, you may use the provided newtypes that restrict test data generation to some subset of constructors, MoveTurnOnly and NoPenControl. These types have di erent Arbitrary instances and therefore will produce di erent test data. If you wish to run tests using these subsets, simply change the property de nition from, for example:

prop_invisibly_sems i = ...


prop_invisibly_sems (MoveTurnOnly i) = ...

Make sure you remove these changes and test with the full set of constructors after you have implemented it, however! You are only allowed to submit ‘TurtleCombinators.hs’, so any changes you make to ‘Test.hs’ will not be submitted.

Hint: You may nd it helpful to de ne a separate helper function that takes additional arguments, and de ne invisibly in terms of that helper function. It is also useful to note that the pen starts down in the initial state start. You should only need to make one pass through the given Instructions.

Marking Criteria

Marks Description

Passes with just Move, Turn

Additionally passes with SetStyle, SetColour

Additionally passes with PenUp, PenDown (i.e. everything)

4 Total


Retracing Backwards (4 marks)

The next combinator you are to implement is called retrace:

retrace :: Instructions - Instructions

If a set of instructions i goes from state start to state and produces picture p, then the instructions retrace i will go from state to start and produce the picture reverse p | that is, the same lines, but in reverse order.

(retrace sems)

tortoise (retrace i) (finalState i) = (reverse (tortoisePic i); start)

Like the previous combinator, you may nd it helpful to de ne retrace with a separate helper function that takes additional arguments. Also like before, you may wish to start by retracing simple Instructions such as those containing just Move and Turn constructors, before moving on to more complicated ones involving style, colour and pen state. You may nd it useful to make use of previously-de ned combinators such as andThen in your implementation, but be warned: andThen is O(n) time complexity. Using it here can easily make your retrace function O(n2), which is unacceptably slow for many real images. To remedy this, you will need to introduce an accumulator. To illustrate this concept, here is a slow, O(n2) implementation of reverse on lists:

reverse :: [a] - [a]

reverse [] = []

reverse (x:xs) = reverse xs ++ x

And here is a linear-time version using an accumulator parameter a:

reverse :: [a] - [a]

reverse l = go l []

where go [] a = a

go (x:xs) a = go xs (x:a)

Note that we avoid calling the O(n) time (++) function on each list element in the accumulator version, and thus reduce the overall complexity from quadratic to linear. One mark is on o er here for writing a linear-time version of retrace. You will also nd some examples (such as the flowers circlograph example) that do not perform in reasonable time given a quadratic-time retrace. If you have a working, but slow version of retrace already implemented, I would recomment developing the faster version guided by an additional QuickCheck property such as:

prop_retrace_same i = slowRetrace i == retrace i

Marking Criteria

Marks Description

Passes with just Move, Turn

Additionally passes with SetStyle, SetColour

Additionally passes with PenUp, PenDown (i.e. everything)

O(n) complexity; no quadratic blowup (or worse).


Overlaying Images (4 marks)

The nal combinator you must implement is called overlay. It takes in a list of

Instructions and produces a single set of Instructions:

overlay :: [Instructions] - Instructions

If instructions i1, i2 and i3 produce images p1, p2 and p3 respectively, then the expression overlay [i1; i2; i3] returns instructions that produce the combined picture where p1 is drawn, then p2, then p3, such that p3 appears \on top" of p2, which is in turn \on top" of p1. The overlay function should ensure that the tortoise returns to the initial state start after drawing any images. If the provided list is empty, the resultant instructions should draw nothing.

finalState (overlay is)


tortoisePic (overlay is)
concatMap tortoisePic is


Here we use the higher-order function concatMap to express what we mean about overlaid pictures. Here is a proof sketch for the second property, for our three Instructions i1, i2 and i3:

concatMap tortoisePic [i1; i2; i3]

concat (map tortoisePic [i1; i2; i3])
concat [tortoisePic i1; tortoisePic i2; tortoisePic i3])
tortoisePic i1 ++ tortoisePic i2 ++ tortoisePic i3
tortoisePic (overlay [i1; i2; i3])

Tip: You can use the combinators you have previously de ned such as invisibly and retrace to implement overlay very succinctly.

Once you have implemented overlay, you can now generate all of the example images in ‘Main.hs’, including the complex circlographograph example.

Marking Criteria

Marks Description

Empty list works

State is preserved

Images are concatenated

4 Total


Compiling and Building

This project has a number of dependencies, speci cally the rasterific graphics library, the JuicyPixels image library, the QuickCheck testing library and the test framework called tasty. For CSE machines, we have already a con gured a package database on the course account that should build the assignment without di culty using the standard Haskell build tool cabal. For students using their own computer, we instead recommend the alternative build tool stack, available from the Haskell Stack website at We have provided a stack con guration le that xes the versions of each of our dependencies to known-working ones. If you use stack to set up your toolchain, you should have minimal compatibility di culties regardless of the platform you are using. If you are using versions of GHC or Haskell build tools supplied by your Linux distribution, these are commonly out of date or incorrectly con gured. We cannot provide support for these distributions.

Detailed, assignment-speci c instructions for each build tool are presented below.

On CSE Machines

Enter a COMP3141 subshell by typing 3141 into a CSE terminal:

$ 3141

newclass starting new subshell for class COMP3141...

From there, if you navigate to the directory containing the assignment code, you can build the assignment by typing:

$ cabal build

To run the program from ‘Main.hs’, which saves an image tortoise.png, type:

$ ./dist/build/Tortoise/Tortoise

To run the program from ‘Tests.hs’, which contains all the QuickCheck properties, type:

$ ./dist/build/TortoiseTests/TortoiseTests

To start a ghci session for the Tortoise program, type:

$ cabal repl Tortoise

Similarly, cabal repl can be used with TortoiseTests. Lastly, if for whatever reason you want to remove all build artefacts, type:

$ cabal clean


For stack users

Firstly, ensure that GHC has been setup for this project by typing, in the directory that contains the assignment code:

$ stack setup

If stack reports that it has already set up GHC, you should be able to build the assign-ment with:

$ stack build

This build command will, on rst run, download and build the library dependencies as well, so be sure to have an internet connection active. To run the program from ‘Main.hs’, which saves an image tortoise.png, type:

$ stack exec Tortoise

To run the program from ‘Tests.hs’, which contains all the QuickCheck properties, type:

$ stack exec TortoiseTests

To start a ghci session for the Tortoise program, type:

$ stack repl Tortoise:exe:Tortoise

Similarly, stack repl can be used with TortoiseTests:

$ stack repl Tortoise:exe:TortoiseTests

Lastly, if for whatever reason you want to remove all build artefacts, type:

$ stack clean

Marking and Testing

All marks for this assignment are awarded based on automatic marking scripts, which are comprised of several QuickCheck properties (based on, but not exactly the same as, the QuickCheck properties given in this assignment spec). Marks are not awarded subjectively, and are allocated according to the criteria presented in each section.

Barring exceptional circumstances, the marks awarded by the automatic marking script are nal. For this reason, please make sure that your submission compiles and runs correctly on CSE machines. We will use similar machines to mark your assignment.

A dry-run script that runs the tests provided in the assignment code will be provided. When you submit the assignment, please make sure the script does not report any problems.


Late Submissions

Unless otherwise stated if you wish to submit an assignment late, you may do so, but a late penalty reducing the maximum available mark applies to every late assignment. The maximum available mark is reduced by 10% if the assignment is one day late, by 25% if it is 2 days late and by 50% if it is 3 days late. Assignments that are late 4 days or more will be awarded zero marks. So if your assignment is worth 88% and you submit it one day late you still get 88%, but if you submit it two days late you get 75%, three days late 50%, and four days late zero.


Assignment extensions are only awarded for serious and unforeseeable events. Having the u for a few days, deleting your assignment by mistake, going on holiday, work commitments, etc do not qualify. Therefore aim to complete your assignments well before the due date in case of last minute illness, and make regular backups of your work.


Many students do not appear to understand what is regarded as plagiarism. This is no defense. Before submitting any work you should read and understand the UNSW plagiarism policy

All work submitted for assessment must be entirely your own work. We regard un-acknowledged copying of material, in whole or part, as an extremely serious o ence. In this course submission of any work derived from another person, or solely or jointly writ-ten by and or with someone else, without clear and explicit acknowledgement, will be severely punished and may result in automatic failure for the course and a mark of zero for the course. Note this includes including unreferenced work from books, the internet, etc.

Do not provide or show your assessable work to any other person. Allowing another student to copy from you will, at the very least, result in zero for that assessment. If you knowingly provide or show your assessment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is subsequently submitted you will be penalized, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This will apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you. You should keep your work private until submissions have closed.

If you are unsure about whether certain activities would constitute plagiarism ask us before engaging in them!