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Homework Assignment #8 Solution

Question 1: kNN classi cation [100 points]

For this problem, you will be building a k-NN classi er and measuring its performance for di erent k.

The Data:

The data you will be classifying a set of words, each word the name of either a machine, a fruit or a Geopolitical Entity (gpe). For each word, a set of 3 real valued features have been calculated (using a technique known as a deep neural network). This kind of representation of words in a continuous, real valued feature space is known as word embedding. Each word is embedded in this three dimension space, allowing us to calculate distances between words.

In addition to the embedding feature values, we can consider each word as belonging to one of three categories: machine, fruit or gpe. A total of 80 words were sampled, their word embedding features calculated and their categories assigned. This set of instances was then split into training and test sets (60 for training and 20 for test data) and are provided to you.

The gure below shows the provided training data (reduced to two dimensions for display). Words are colored according to their category (red, blue or green for categories machine, fruit or gpe, respectively). Note that the actual feature space is 3-dimensional (The data was reduced to two dimensions using a technique called Multidimensional Scaling).

You will write a k-NN classi er to learn from the training set and predict the classi cation on the test set.


You are provided a set of skeleton code and sample data in a zip le located on the course website. The pro-vided code handles input and output. Your job will be to implement a single empty method, KNN.classify(), described below, which will perform k-NN classi cation on a set of data and return several pieces of infor-mation related to that categorization.

IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT modify any of the provided code outside of this one method. You can of course add any supporting methods or classes you might need, though note that a set of utility methods are provided. Please take care to include any new .java les in your hand in zip le which are necessary for your code to run.

This package includes the les:

HW8/src/ | |

% wrapper class for running the classifier

% each training or test item is an instance of Item

% THIS CLASS CONTAINS THE METHOD YOU MUST MODIFY % a class to hold the results of classification


% a set of potentially useful utility methods


/data/train.txt test.txt

% the training set

% the test set

When you open the le src/ you will see the method you must complete:

public class KNN {

public KNNResult classify ( Item[] trainingData,

Item[] testData,

int k ) {

/* ... YOUR CODE GOES HERE ... */



The method has the following arguments:

Item[] trainingData

An array of the training instances. Each element in this array represents an instance in the training data, which includes the instance's category, name, and feature vector. The Item class is described in more detail below.

Item[] testData

An array of the test instances that your classi er must provide a classi cation for. The test instance array has the same structure as the training array. NOTE: the test data includes the correct categorization for each item. This ground truth category for each test instance is also stored in the corresponding Item element in the testData array. This information is used when calculating the accuracy of your classi er (categorization of an item is correct when the predicted category is equal to the ground truth category). You should IGNORE the correct category labels when you rst make predictions (ie don't peek!) and only use this information when calculating accuracy.

int k

The number of nearest neighbors, an integer.

The method KNN.classify() must return an object of type :

public class KNNResult {

double accuracy; % accuracy on the test set (#correct/total) String[] categoryAssignment; % one of 'machine','fruit', or 'gpe' String[][] nearestNeighbors; % 2D array of names of k nearest neighbors

for each test item, one row per test item


de ned in Within your classify() method, you will need to write code which lls in these values. This object contains information about performance of the classi er on the test set. We will use the contents of this object to verify the correctness of your classi cation algorithm.

Each KNNResult object includes:

double accuracy

The performance on the test set. This is the accuracy (number of correctly classi ed test instances divided by the total number of test instances). Contains a value between 0 and 1.

String[] categoryAssignment

An array of assigned categories for the test set, in the same order as the instances in the input test le.

String[][] nearestNeighbor

An array of names of the k nearest neighbors for each test instance, again with each row corresponding to a test instance in the order of the test le input. The columns must contain the k nearest neighbors to that item, ordered in distance from nearest to farthest. The number of columns depends on the value of k provided.

Additional Classes:

The method KNN.classify() accepts an array of training instances (or items) and an array of test instances.

Each training item is represented as an instance of the Item class, de ned in

public class Item {

String category;

String name;

double[] features;

% the category of this item

% the name of the item (the word itself)

% array of 3 feature values


The remaining class,, contains helper methods which you may nd useful as you complete the classi er method.

To run:

The HW8 class contains a main method which takes the following arguments:

java HW8 <trainingFileName <testFileName <k <outputFlag

The outputFlag controls what the program outputs:

The value of accuracy given k

The array of category assignments

The array of k nearest neighbor assignments For example:

java HW8 train.txt test.txt 5 1

with use train.txt with k=5 to classify items in test.txt and print the accuracy.


In all cases, where distance must be calculated, use Euclidean distance.

In some cases a tie may occur. For example, if K = 5, and the 5 nearest neighbors for an instance are 2 items with category fruit, 2 machine and 1 gpe, there is a tie between fruit and machine. It's not clear which category to apply. When ties occur, break them using the priority order: gpe, machine, fruit. That is, if there is a tie, choose gpe rst, then machine, and lastly fruit. In our example, you would choose machine, because machine has higher priority than fruit.

You are NOT responsible for implementing any le input or console output. This is already written in the code provided to you.

Again, ake a look at the Utils ( class before you start. There may be methods implemented there that you'll want to use.

Your code must compile by calling javac *.java in the folder of the unzipped code skeleton. To make the problem more concrete, here are the steps the grader will take:

unzip the provided zip le

remove any class les

call javac *.java

call java HW8 ... with di erent sets of arguments and di erent training and test sets

IMPORTANT: Remember, DO NOT MODIFY the existing methods and classes. We will use this structure to evaluate your work. You can add methods or classes as needed to facilitate your classi - cation procedure, but please remember to include them in your nal hand in submission.


Sample training and test set les are provided. Again, note that the provided test.txt includes the correct, ground truth categorizations so that you can evaluate the performance of your code. When grading your code we will be using di erent sets of training and test data.

You are strongly encouraged to make training/test sets of your own. Data set les are tab-separated with each line in the data set consists of a category, an instance and their feature representations as below, separated by tabs:

<category <instance name <feature dim. 1 <dim.2 <dim.3

When creating your own training/test sets, you can simply make up feature values which seem reasonable to you and which you can use to test your code.


Submit a zip le containing your modi ed version of the code skeleton along with any supporting code you've written. This le should be named For example, the zip might contain: % with my newly coded classify() % with some added helper methods


You will of course want to do some testing of your code. Use both the data les provided and some les of your own creation. Some questions to ask while testing:

What should the best k be, measured by accuracy, on this dataset? What should the k nearest neighbors be for a particular instance?

Are there any data points you can expect the classi er to get wrong? Does the accuracy make sense given the data?

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