Starting from:


MP2 Interpreter Solution


The objective for this MP is to write an interpreter for a language with both expressions and statements. In particular, your job is to implement the E (evaluate) part of the read-eval-print loop (REPL.)


Become familiar with environments and closures

More practice with ADTs, pattern matching, recursion, and other functional programming concepts
Learn how to use Hash Maps in Haskell

Useful Reading

We are using Data.HashMap.Strict for this MP and moving forward. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with its interface. Of particular interest for this assignment are

:: HashMap k v,
:: (Eq k, Hashable k) = [(k, v)] - HashMap k v,
:: (Eq k, Hashable k) = k - v - HashMap k v - HashMap
k v, and
:: (Eq k, Hashable k) = k - HashMap k v - Maybe v.

Getting Started

Relevant Files

In the directory app you’ll find Main.hs with all the relevant code. In this file you will find all of the data definitions, the primitive function maps, the parser, the REPL itself, stubbed out lifting functions, and stubbed out evaluation functions. You are only responsible for making changes to the lifting and evaluation functions.


Running Code

As usual, you have to stack init (you only need to do this once):

$ stack init

To run your code, start GHCi with stack ghci. From here, you can test individual functions, or you can run the REPL by calling main:

$ stack ghci

... More Output ...

Ok, modules loaded: Main.

*Main main

Welcome to your interpreter!

quit; Bye!
("",fromList [],fromList [])

To run the REPL directly, build the executable with stack build and run it with stack exec main:

$ stack build

mp2-interpreter- build

Preprocessing executable 'main' for mp2-interpreter-

... More Output ...

$ stack exec main

Welcome to your interpreter!

quit; Bye!

You can exit the REPL with the command quit;.

Testing Your Code

As in MP1, you will be able to run the test-suite with stack test:

$ stack test

It will tell you which test-suites you pass, fail, and have exceptions on. To see

an individual test-suite (so you can run the tests yourself by hand to see where the failure happens), look in the file test/Tests.hs.

It will also tell you whether you have passed enough of the tests to receive credit for the ML. If you do not pass 60% of the tests on the MP, you will not receive credit for the associated ML.


Given Code

You do not need to (and should not have to) change any of the following portions of the given code; however, it will be helpful to understand why each part of the code has been provided.

Data Types

The given code defines several data types for use by our interpreter. We have a datatype that represents values calculated during evaluation, a datatype to represent program expressions that can be evaluated, and a datatype to represent program statements that can be executed. We also define types (actually type synonyms) to represent environments, as well the results of statement executions.

Environments and Results

Environments are a series of mappings from identifiers (variable names, function names, etc) to “values” - “values” here possibly being actual values resulting from evaluating expressions, but which can be any Haskell datatype. For instance we may have a mapping of procedure names to procedure bodies.

Here we have declared Env, the type of a value environment, which maps the variables in scope to their current values. We also have PEnv, the type of a procedure environment, which maps procedure names to procedure bodies, for use when we want to call a procedure.

The Result type contains the result of executing a statement - a triple containing the output that we wish to display from evaluating the statement, the procedure environment at that point, and the value environment at that point.

type Env = H.HashMap String Val

type PEnv = H.HashMap String Stmt

type Result = (String, PEnv, Env)


We have a few kinds of values: IntVal and BoolVal for integers and booleans, and CloVal to represent closures. We also have a value for exceptions which we’ll call ExnVal.

Closures, as you may recall, have two parts: the function, and the environment from when we created the closure. They allow us to maintain the state of the program from when it was created. For example, if there were global variables that existed at the time, we want to have access to the original copies of them


in case they’re referenced in the function and are possibly modified after the creation of the closure. Here, we split up the function part of the closure into two parts: the parameters, and the function body.

data Val = IntVal Int

BoolVal Bool

CloVal [String] Exp Env

ExnVal String

deriving (Eq)

instance Show Val where

show (IntVal i) = show i

show (BoolVal i) = show i

show (CloVal xs body env) = "<" ++ show xs ++ ", "

++ show body ++ ", "

++ show env ++ ""

show (ExnVal s) = "exn: " ++ s

We’ve also defined a Show instance for Val, so that they can be pretty-printed by GHC and GHCi.


Expressions are evaluated to become values. We have IntExp for integers, BoolExp for booleans, FunExp for functions, LetExp for let expressions, AppExp for function applications, IfExp for if expressions, IntOpExp for binary integer operations (such as addition), BoolOpExp for binary boolean operations (such as && and ||), CompOpExp for comparisons between integers, and VarExp for


data Exp = IntExp Int

BoolExp Bool

FunExp [String] Exp

LetExp [(String,Exp)] Exp

AppExp Exp [Exp]

IfExp Exp Exp Exp

IntOpExp String Exp Exp

BoolOpExp String Exp Exp

CompOpExp String Exp Exp

VarExp String

deriving (Show, Eq)


A statement is an operation intended to yield a side effect. We have SetStmt for variable assignment, PrintStmt for printing, QuitStmt to exit the interpreter,


IfStmt for conditional statements, ProcedureStmt for procedure definitions, CallStmt for procedure calls, and SeqStmt to sequence statements, executing

one after the other (just like the semicolon in some languages).

data Stmt = SetStmt String Exp

PrintStmt Exp


IfStmt Exp Stmt Stmt

ProcedureStmt String [String] Stmt

CallStmt String [Exp]

SeqStmt [Stmt]

deriving (Show, Eq)

Primitive Functions

The language has a number of primitive functions, such as addition and various comparison operators. The following map the names of those functions to Haskell functions which we can use to do the actual computations.

intOps :: H.HashMap String (Int - Int - Int)

intOps = H.fromList [ ("+", (+))

("-", (-))

("*", (*))

("/", (div))


boolOps :: H.HashMap String (Bool - Bool - Bool)

boolOps = H.fromList [ ("and", (&&))

("or", (||))


compOps :: H.HashMap String (Int - Int - Bool)

compOps = H.fromList [ ("<", (<))

("", ())

("<=", (<=))

("=", (=))

("/=", (/=))

("==", (==))



We have given you the entire parser this time around. The parser takes the command you type into the REPL (a String) and converts this string into a Stmt so that you can much more easily execute it. While it isn’t important that


you understand how the parser works right now, it may be interesting to take a look at it to see how much you can figure out. At the very least, this parser will be a good example for you to look at for future assignments, so keep that in mind.

It is worth noting that this language does not have the same syntax as Haskell. To prevent overwhelming you with the language’s full grammar, the syntax will be shown by examples in the problems. You can also look at the parser to see how statements and expressions are formed.


Next is the REPL (and a main function which calls the REPL with empty environments). repl waits for a line of input, then calls the parser code on this input to convert it into a Stmt. It then proceeds to call exec on the Stmt,

printing any result and updating the environments. This loops until you input quit;.


Your task is to implement the rest of the interpreter; in particular, the lifting functions, the expression evaluator, and the statement executor.

Lifting Functions

Since we are not directly interacting with Haskell’s primitive values (but with values of type Val which represent our custom language’s set of primitive values),

we cannot directly apply Haskell’s builtin functions either. For example, we cannot directly evaluate IntVal 5 + IntVal 8. However we do want a function can add two IntVals and get back an IntVal. To do this, we could write a

function like:

intValAdd :: Val - Val - Val

intValAdd (IntVal x) (IntVal y) = IntVal (x + y)

This unpacks the two parameter IntVals using pattern matching, adds them using the builtin +, and then puts the sum back into an IntVal. However, we

have a lot of builtin primitive functions for our language, and writing a function for each of them would be tedious, and it would be more difficult to add primitive functions to the language.

Thus, we have the lifting functions which “lift” a builtin Haskell function to act

on Vals instead. There are three lifting function for the relevant function types:

liftIntOp lifts binary integer functions like +, liftBoolOp lifts binary boolean


functions like &&, and liftCompOp lifts comparison functions like <=. Note that even though Haskell can compare booleans, we can only compare integers in our

language. If the types of the values passed into a lifting function are incorrect you should return the exception ExnVal "Cannot lift".

liftIntOp is written for you. You must write liftBoolOp and liftCompOp. Note that the output appears as if it were not a Val type because we provided a Show instance for Val.

*Main let intValAdd = liftIntOp (+)

*Main intValAdd (IntVal 5) (IntVal 4)


*Main liftIntOp mod (IntVal 13) (IntVal 5)


*Main liftBoolOp (&&) (BoolVal True) (BoolVal False)


*Main liftBoolOp (||) (IntVal 1) (IntVal 0)

exn: Cannot lift

*Main liftCompOp (<=) (IntVal 5) (IntVal 4)


*Main liftCompOp (==) (BoolVal True) (BoolVal True)

exn: Cannot lift


The eval :: Exp - Env - Val function takes an expression and the current environment (the values stored in the variables in scope), and evaluates the expression given that environment to get a value. You will need to implement

the eval function for each possible type of expression. The rules describing how to do so, the semantics, are in semantics.pdf. You can test the function by calling eval directly, or by calling print on an expression in the REPL.


Before we can do any evaluation, we’ll need to define some basic expressions in Exp for eval. In particular, modify eval to handle both IntExps and BoolExps.

*Main eval (IntExp 5) H.empty


*Main eval (BoolExp True) H.empty


Welcome to your interpreter!

print 5;


print true;



quit; Bye!


Modify eval to handle VarExps. (Notice that we have no way to add variables to the environment in the REPL yet, but we can call repl directly with a non-empty environment.)

*Main let env = H.fromList [("x", IntVal 3), ("y", IntVal 5)] *Main eval (VarExp "x") H.empty exn: No match in env

*Main eval (VarExp "x") env


*Main eval (VarExp "y") env


*Main repl H.empty env [] ""

print x;


print x + y;


print z;

exn: No match in env


Modify eval to handle IntOpExp so that we can evaluate arithmetic expressions.

Note that division must be handled specially to throw an exception in the case of a division by zero. liftIntOp will come in handy.

Note that for this (and the following problem) if we are using the REPL, the String representing the operator we want to apply will always be a valid operator

that can be found in one of the primitive function maps - otherwise the expression would not have made it past the parser. Thus it is okay (for this assignment) to forgo handling a failed lookup for the operator. You’ll notice there are semantic rules for this though, so you can handle failed lookup if you want to (it won’t be tested).

*Main eval (IntOpExp "+" (IntExp 5) (IntExp 4)) H.empty 9

*Main eval (IntOpExp "-" (IntOpExp "*" (IntExp 3) (IntExp 10)) (IntExp 7)) H.empty 23

*Main eval (IntOpExp "/" (IntExp 6) (IntExp 2)) H.empty 3

*Main eval (IntOpExp "/" (IntExp 6) (IntExp 0)) H.empty


exn: Division by 0

*Main eval (IntOpExp "+" (IntExp 6) (IntOpExp "/" (IntExp 4) (IntExp 0))) H.empty exn: Cannot lift

Welcome to your interpreter!

print 5 + 4;


print (3 * 10) - 7;


print 6 / 0;

exn: Division by 0

Boolean and Comparison Operators

Modify eval to handle BoolOpExp and CompOpExp.

*Main eval (BoolOpExp "and" (BoolExp True) (BoolExp False)) H.empty False

*Main eval (CompOpExp "/=" (IntExp 4) (IntExp 6)) H.empty True

Welcome to your interpreter!

print true and true; True

print 3 < 4;


print ((3 * 5) = (20 - 6)) or false; True

If Expressions

Modify eval to handle IfExp.

*Main eval (IfExp (BoolExp True) (IntExp 5) (IntExp 10)) H.empty 5

*Main eval (IfExp (BoolExp False) (IntExp 5) (IntExp 10)) H.empty 10

*Main eval (IfExp (IntExp 1) (IntExp 5) (IntExp 10)) H.empty exn: Condition is not a Bool

Welcome to your interpreter!

print if true then 5 else 10 fi;


print if false then 5 else 10 fi;


print if false then 5 / 0 else 5 / 1 fi;



print if 1 then 5 else 10 fi; exn: Condition is not a Bool

Functions and Function Application

Modify eval to handle FunExp, allowing us to create functions. Note that

this creates a closure, which encapsulates both the function definition and the environment at the time of creation. Then, modify eval to handle AppExp. This, in conjunction with FunExp, will allow us to do function application.

Note: You can assume for the purposes of this assignment that the number of arguments passed when a function is applied the same as the number that it needs.

*Main let env = H.fromList [("x", IntVal 3)]

*Main let fun1 = FunExp ["a", "b"] (IntOpExp "+" (VarExp "a") (VarExp "b"))

*Main eval fun1 H.empty

<["a","b"], IntOpExp "+" (VarExp "a") (VarExp "b"), fromList []

*Main let fun2 = FunExp ["k"] (IntOpExp "*" (VarExp "k") (VarExp "x"))

*Main eval fun2 env

<["k"], IntOpExp "*" (VarExp "k") (VarExp "x"), fromList [("x",3)] *Main eval (AppExp fun1 [IntExp 5, IntExp 4]) H.empty


*Main eval (AppExp fun2 [IntExp 5]) env


*Main let envf = H.fromList [("f", eval fun1 H.empty), ("g", eval fun2 env)] *Main eval (AppExp (VarExp "g") [IntExp 4]) envf


*Main eval (AppExp (IntExp 5) []) H.empty

exn: Apply to non-closure

Welcome to your interpreter!

print fn [x] 2 * x end;

<["x"], IntOpExp "*" (IntExp 2) (VarExp "x"), fromList []

print apply fn [x] 2 * x end (4);


print fn [a, b] if a <= b then a else b fi end;

<["a","b"], IfExp (CompOpExp "<=" (VarExp "a") (VarExp "b")) (VarExp "a") (VarExp "b"), fro

print apply fn [a, b] if a <= b then a else b fi end (5, 7);


print apply fn [a, b] if a <= b then a else b fi end (7, 5);


print apply 5 ();

exn: Apply to non-closure


Let Expressions

Modify eval to handle LetExp.

*Main eval (LetExp [] (IntExp 5)) H.empty


*Main eval (LetExp [("x", IntExp 5)] (VarExp "x")) H.empty 5

*Main eval (LetExp [("x", IntOpExp "+" (IntExp 5) (IntExp 4))] (IntOpExp "*" (VarExp "x") 18

Welcome to your interpreter!

print let [] 5 end;


print let [x := 5] x end;


print let [x := 5 + 4] x * 2 end;


print let [x := 5] let [x := 6] x end end ;


print let [x := 5] let [x := 6; y := x] y end end;


print let [f := fn [a, b] a + b end] apply f(5,4) end;


print let [x := 3] let [g := fn [k] k * x end] apply g(5) end end;



The exec :: Stmt - PEnv - Env - Result function takes a statement and the current procedure and variable environments, and executes that statement in those environments to get its result. The result of executing a statement consists of an output string (possibly empty) and the possibly updated procedure and variable environments. You will need to handle the various kinds of statements.

The rules describing the semantics are in semantics.pdf. You can test the

function by calling exec directly, or by inputting the statements into the REPL.

PrintStmt is done for you, and QuitStmt is already handled in repl.

Set Statements

Modify exec to handle SetStmtss. The output string should be empty.

*Main exec (SetStmt "x" (IntExp 5)) H.empty H.empty ("",fromList [],fromList [("x",5)])

*Main exec (SetStmt "y" (VarExp "x")) H.empty (H.fromList [("x", IntVal 5)])

("",fromList [],fromList [("x",5),("y",5)])


Welcome to your interpreter!

x := 5;

print x;


do x := 7 ; print x; od;


print x;


do f := fn [a, b] a + b end; print apply f(5, 4); od;



Modify exec to handle SeqStmts. The output string should be the concatenation of all output strings of each individual statement.

*Main exec (SeqStmt [PrintStmt (IntExp 5)]) H.empty H.empty ("5",fromList [],fromList [])

*Main exec (SeqStmt [PrintStmt (IntExp 4), PrintStmt (IntExp 2)]) H.empty H.empty ("42",fromList [],fromList [])

Welcome to your interpreter!

do print 6; od;


do print 4; print 2; od;


do print true + 5; print 7; print 7; od; exn: Cannot lift77

If Statements

Modify exec to handle IfStmts. The output string depends on which statement is executed, and may also possibly be an error message.

*Main exec (IfStmt (BoolExp True) (PrintStmt (IntExp 5)) (PrintStmt (IntExp 10))) H.empty ("5",fromList [],fromList [])

*Main exec (IfStmt (BoolExp False) (PrintStmt (IntExp 5)) (PrintStmt (IntExp 10))) H.empty ("10",fromList [],fromList [])

*Main exec (IfStmt (IntExp 1) (PrintStmt (IntExp 5)) (PrintStmt (IntExp 10))) H.empty H.em ("exn: Condition is not a Bool",fromList [],fromList [])

Welcome to your interpreter!

if true then print 5; else print 10; fi


if false then print 5; else print 10; fi



if 4 < 3 then print true + 5; else do print 4; print 21; od; fi 421

if 1 then print 5; else print 10; fi

exn: Condition is not a Bool

Procedure and Call Statements

Modify exec to handle ProcedureStmts and CallStmts. Procedures allows us to repeat code (much like a function would), but without the restoration of the old environment.

Note: You can assume for the purposes of this assignment that the number of arguments passed into a procedure is the same as the number that it needs.

Welcome to your interpreter!

procedure p() print 5; endproc

call p();


call q();

Procedure q undefined

do procedure f(a, b) print a + b; endproc call f(5, 4); od;


do procedure s(v) x:= v; endproc call s(10); print x; od;


do procedure e(x) print true; endproc call e(23); print x; od; True23

do y := 0; procedure c() if y < 10 then do print y; y := y + 1; call c(); od; else print 0123456789True

do procedure fog(f, g, x) x := apply f(apply g(x)); endproc call fog(fn [x] x * 2 end, fn