Starting from:


Lab Exercise #11 Solution

Object-oriented programming is a powerful computational paradigm in which we approach problem solving from the perspective of how objects (Abstract Data Types) interact rather than the step-by-step procedural approach we've been exploring so far.  Our exploration begins with the construction of simple representations (classes) that Python uses as "templates" or "recipes" for instantiating objects.


Primer on Printing Objects

Let's create an object and explore it a bit.  Using your IDE editor, enter the following class:


class rational:

def    init   (self,num=0,den=1):

self.numerator = num if den == 0:

self.denominator = 1 else:

self.denominator = den



This defines a class of objects that will represent rational numbers, i.e., those that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers.  Now, using the command line Python environment, let's instantiate two rational objects:


num1 = rational(3,4) [ENTER]

num2 = rational(1,3) [ENTER] Let's see what they look like:

num1 [ENTER]


Hmmm…  that's not what we wanted.  Python is telling us that the "value" of num1 is a

main.rational object.  Perhaps if we print the value…


print(num1) [ENTER]


...still not what we wanted.  How do we actually display the value of the object??!  Since this is a thing we've created ourselves, Python has no idea what we mean by "printing" a rational object.  Like nearly everything in object-land, we have to tell Python explicitly what we mean.  It turns out many functions in Python have anticipated that we might be creating weird objects of our own design, so polymorphism (we'll learn about it later) is employed to provide a "hook" into the future…


For now, you need to know that if some Python function needs a "value" to represent your object, it will obtain a string representation by calling the __str__() method of your class.


If we want built-in functions such as print to display the "value" of a rational object, we must supply a method named __str__() in our class definition.  Add the following method to the rational class definition:

def    str   (self):

return str(self.numerator) + '/' + str(self.denominator)


Now let's try it again:


num1 = rational(3,4) [ENTER]

print(num1) [ENTER]


Voila!  Anytime we use print to display a rational number, it will display the current value as a






1).  Modify the __str__() method for the rational class to display fractions such as 3/1 and 4/1 as

"whole" numbers rather than fractions.  Also, if the numerator is zero, display 0 rather than 0/n:





1).  Construct a class named measure that will keep track of measured distances in feet and inches. Include a constructor that will initialize two instance variables to hold integer values for the feet and inches respectively.  Your constructor should allow the following initialization forms:


measure()       zero feet, zero inches measure(4,5)    four feet, five inches measure(48)     forty-eight inches ( or four feet )


Stored measurements should be normalized such that the number of inches is always < 12.  If the number of inches is greater than 12, the number of feet should be adjusted to maintain this property.


2).  Provide an overloaded str() operator in the measure class that will return values as a string in the following format:

feet ' inches ''

where feet is the integer value of the number of feet followed by a single apostrophe, and inches is the integer value of the number of feet followed by two apostrophes.  Do not show values of zero unless both values are zero, in which case show 0''.  For example, if the number of inches is zero, you should only show the value for feet.  Similarly, if the number of feet is zero you should only show the value for inches.


3).  Overload the addition (+) and subtraction (-) operators to add/subtract two measure objects respectively.  Note that addition and subtraction operations in Python are provided by the special methods

  add   (self,rhand) and      sub   (self,rhand) in which the calling object is the left-hand operand .  In order to work correctly, these methods must return a result object of the class.  If the class is intended to be immutable, then you need to construct and return a new object with the intended changes!

4).  Test your class implementation by writing a main function that includes the following Python statements:


m1 = measure()

m2 = measure(4,11) m3 = measure(6,10) print( m1 )

print( m2+m3 )

print( m3-m2 )






1).  Vector Class

A vector is simply an ordered list of scalar values. Vectors are used in a broad spectrum of scientific

fields.  For example, points in space are generally represented using a 3-dimensional vector containing the [x, y, z] coordinates.  The elements of a vector simultaneously describe both a direction and magnitude (length).  So they are useful to represent quantitative data such as force, velocity, acceleration, etc.


Construct a class named vec3 that will represent 3-dimensional vectors.  The vec3 class should maintain the scalar elements as a Python list.  Include the following:

•   A constructor to initialize a vec3 object from a list of values (default to the vector [0,0,0])

•    An overloaded str() operator that will format and return a string as follows: [v1, v2, v3]

•   An accessor method named vlist that will return the vector elements as a list.

•    A mutator method named setValues that will take a list argument and update the vector elements

•   An overloaded float() operator that will return a floating-point value representing the

magnitude of the vector.  The vector magnitude is computed as:


•    An overloaded addition (+) operator that will return a vec3 object representing the sum of two vectors.  The sum of two vectors is the sum of their respective elements.  For example, given two vectors: [a1, a2, a3, … , an] and [b1, b2, b3, … , bn] , the sum is:

[ a1+b1, a2+b2, a3+b3, … , an+bn ]

•    An overloaded division (/) operator that will return the vector quotient of a vector divided by a scalar value.  The quotient is a vector formed by dividing each element of the vector argument by the scalar value.


Write a short Python program that will input two 3-dimensional "force" vectors and a mass value, and then compute the resultant acceleration.  Display the resulting acceleration as both a vector and its magnitude.



Recall from Newton's second law:  force = mass * acceleration.



Here's an interesting challenge problem.  Try it if you have extra time or would like additional practice outside of lab.


1).  Polynomials Again

In this problem, you will construct a class named Poly to represent polynomials.  Recall that a polynomial of degree n is represented as the sum of n+1 terms as follows:


a1xn + a2xn-1 + a3xn-2 + . . . + anx + an+1


where ai are the n+1 coefficients of the polynomial.  Degree-2 polynomials are also known as quadratic

polynomials.  For example, the following expression represents a quadratic polynomial:


36.7x2 - 23.2x – 4


The variable in a polynomial simply acts as a "placeholder" for the coefficients.  Therefore the only truly useful information about polynomials is the array of coefficients and their corresponding exponents.  A simple way to implement the polynomial class is to use a list of floats to store the coefficient values and simply use the ordinal (index) of the list element to represent the exponent of the corresponding term.  For

example, the polynomial x3 + x + 2 would be represented as an array of coefficients like this:


coefficient = [2,1,0,1]


where the 1st element is the coefficient for the x0 term, the second element is the coefficient for the x1 term, the third element represents the coefficient for the x2 term, and so on.  Note that since the x2 term is missing from the polynomial expansion above, we simply represent it using a zero coefficient.




Part 1:  Basic Polynomial Class


Construct a class named Poly to represent and maintain polynomials using the array-of-coefficients method described above. Include a list instance variable to represent the polynomial Your class definition should include the following:


a.  A constructor that will initialize the polynomial value using a list of coefficients.  It should default to the scalar value 0.


b.  An accessor method named degree that will return the degree of the polynomial (highest exponent corresponding to a non-zero coefficient).


c.  A mutator method named addTerm that will take two values: an exponent value and a coefficient and add the term to the polynomial (inserting zero terms as needed).


d.  __str__() method that will display a polynomial object.  Polynomials should be displayed using the following symbolic format:


ax^3 + bx^2 + cx – d


where '^' character represents exponentiation and a, b, c and d represent coefficient values from the list. Pay careful attention to the output format and obey the following constraints:

•   Do not display any terms with zero coefficients.

•   Do not display coefficients equal to 1.

•    Do not display a '+' sign for the highest order term (but do include a '-' sign if the coefficient is negative).

•   Use minus '-' signs in place of '+' for negative terms.

•   Do not display x^0 for the last term (just the coefficient).


For example, the polynomial 36.7x2 - 23.2x – 4 would be displayed as:


36.7x^2 – 23.2x - 4


e. Write a mutator method named integrate that will symbolically integrate the calling object.  For example, the integral of a quadratic polynomial dy/dt = ax2 + bx + c dx is  y = ax3/3 + bx2/2 + cx + C (where C is an indeterminate constant).  For this function, assume the integration constant C is zero.


Again, be sure to thoroughly test your methods using a suitable test program.




Part2:  Even More FUN with Polynomials

a.  Modify the constructor for the Poly class to accept a string consisting of a polynomial representation in the same form that the __str__() method produced.



b.  Add an accessor method that will evaluate the polynomial for any value of x.