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HW6 Polymorphism Solution


This homework assignment focuses on inheritance and polymorphism

Skills Expected

All previous skills up to now

Abstract classes


Friend keyword

Assignment Description

Design and create an abstract “Parent” class, two non-abstract “Child” classes (each inherits from the Parent), and one non-abstract “Grandchild” class. In other words, attempt the “Hybrid” (or “Diamond”) inheritance scheme1.

For example, you could have a “Creature” abstract class that are inherited by “Robot” and “Bear” classes and subsequently a “RoboBear2” class.

Grading Criteria

One abstract “Parent” object (e.g. “Creature”) o [1 Point] All instance variables private

o [1 Point] Getters/setters as appropriate (enforce invariants)

o [1 Point] At least one overloaded constructor (call setter to enforce invariants)

o [1 Point] At least one “pure virtual” function

o [1 Point] At least one virtual function that is implemented in “Parent”

Two separate non-abstract “Child” objects (e.g. “Robot” and “Bear”)
[1 Point] All instance variables private
[1 Point] Getters/setters as appropriate (enforce invariants)
[2 Point] Properly pass data to parent constructor(s)
[2 Point] Make one Child a “friend class” of the other Child and have a function that makes use of the friend class’ private instance variables

[2 Point] At least one Child must have at least one “friend function”
[1 Point] Proper use of override
One non-abstract “Grandchild” Object (e.g. “Robobear”)

[1 Point] All instance variables private
[1 Point] Getters/setters as appropriate (enforce invariants)
[2 Point] Properly pass data to parent constructor(s)
[2 Point] Override at least one function
[2 Point] Have at least one function that calls a specific parent’s function


[1 Point] Functional Positive Testing: Create an instance of each Child and Grandchild objects given valid values (passes invariant check)

[1 Point] Functional Negative Testing: Attempt to create an instance of each Child and Grandchild objects given invalid values (does not pass invariant check – what should it do?)
[6 Points] Driver should call each public method (including any public getter/setter)

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