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Lab 9: Reasoning about programs solution

# Introduction: Goals for this lab

+ Get some experience writing proofs about OCaml programs on integers

+ Get some experience writing proofs about structured natural numbers

Answering the questions in this lab

In the `lab9` directory in your team repository, add a file

named ``. You should add your solutions

to each of the twp following problems under the same headings as the

problems are given.

Binomial Coefficients

Consider the following program to compute binomial coefficients



let rec choose n k =

if (n=k) || (k = 0) then 1

else ((choose (n-1) (k-1))*n)/k


Use induction on 𝓃 to prove that for all `𝓃 : ℕ`, for all `𝓀 : ℕ`,

𝓀 <= 𝓃 ⇒ `choose 𝓃 𝓀` = 𝓃! / ((𝓃-𝓀)! * 𝓀!)

Your proof should:

1. State the precise property P( 𝓃 ) you're going prove.

2. Clearly state the base case and prove it's correct.

3. Clearly state the inductive (step) case and inductive hypothesis, and

formally prove the inductive hypothesis implies the inductive conclusion.

When you are finished with your proof, check out the [example solution]( How is yours different? Can you redo your solution in a better way now that you have seen the example? What problems do you have with the example?

Structured Comparisons


let rec eq_nat n1 n2 = match (n1,n2) with

| (Zero,Zero) - true

| (Zero,_) | (_, Zero) - false

| (Succ n1', Succ n2') - eq_nat n1' n2'


Use structured induction on the type `nat` to prove that for all `m : nat`, for all `n : nat`,

`(to_int m) = (to_int n)` ≡ `eq_nat m n`

Your proof should have the same components as in the previous question.

# Commit and push so that everything is up on GitHub

Now you need to just turn in your work. Commit your `` file and push

it up to your central GitHub repository.

Verify that this worked, by using your browser to see the changes on

If you do not properly push your changes to the repository we

cannot give you credit for the lab, so please remember to do this


__This concludes lab 9.__

Note that any required changes must exist in your repository on Doing the work but failing to push those changes

to your central repository will mean that we cannot see your work

and hence can't grade it.

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