Starting from:


Assignment 2: Planning EECS Solution

You are a summer  intern  at  ACME shipping  company,  which owns a harbor  with cargo ships, cranes,  roads,  robots,  parking  lots,  and  storage  piles for cargo containers.  They  ask you to write software that automatically generates  plans,  which will be executed  by the robots,  for moving the containers  from the cargo ships to their designated  storage locations.  This situation can be modeled formally in Planning  Domain Definition  Language  (PDDL)  as:


•  A set of locations  {l0, l1, l2 ... } that correspond  to docked ships, storage  areas,  and parking  areas.


•  A set of robots  {r0, r1, ... }


•  A set of cranes  {k0, k1, ... }


•  A set of piles {p0, p1 ...}


•  A set of containers {c0, c1, ... }


•  A symbol G that denotes  the ground,  on which all piles rest.


The topology of the harbor,  which cannot  be modified, is specified using three  predicates:


•  adjacent(l, l’) : location  l’ is adjacent to location  l


–  Note:   this  only specifies that there  exists  a one-way  road  from  l to  l’.  To  specify a two-way road, we must  also add adjacent(l’, l) to the list of initial  conditions.


•  attached(p, l) : Pile p is attached to location  l



•  belong(k, l) : Crane  k belongs to location  l


The arrangement of trucks  and shipping containers, which can change over time, is specified by the following:


•  occupied(l) : Location  l is occupied by a robot


•  free(l) : Location  l is not occupied by any robot


•  at(r, l) : Robot  r is at location  l


•  loaded(r, c) : Robot  r is loaded with container  c


•  unloaded(r) : Robot  r is not loaded with any container


•  holding(k,c) : Crane  k is holding container  c


•  empty(k) : Crane  k is not holding a container


•  in(c, p) : Container c is in pile p


•  on(c, c’) : Container c is on top of c’, which is either  a container  or G


•  top(c, p) : Container c sits on top of pile p.  If pile p is empty,  we write top(G, p)


Note  that these  predicates  are  not  independent.  For  example,  unloaded(t) can  only be true  if there  is no c such that loaded(t,c).

Next we specify the five possible actions:  move, load, unload, put, take.


move(r, l, m) # move robot r from location l to location m precond : adjacent (l, m), at(r, l), free(m)

add: at(r, m), occupied (m), free(l)

delete : occupied (l), at(r,l), free(m)

load(k, l, c, r) # crane k at location l loads container c onto robot r precond : belong (k,l), holding (k,c), at(r,l), unloaded (r)

add: empty (k), loaded (r,c)

delete : holding (k,c), unloaded (r)

unload (k,l,c,r) # crane k at location l takes container c from robot r precond : belong (k,l), at(r,l), loaded (r,c), empty (k)

add: holding (k,c), unloaded (r)

delete : empty (k), loaded (r,c)

put(k,l,c,d,p) # crane k at location l puts c onto d in pile p precond : belong (k,l), attached (p,l), holding (k,c), top(d,p) add: empty (k), in(c,p), top(c,p), on(c,d)

delete : holding (k,c), top(d,p)

take(k,l,c,d,p) # crane k at location l takes c off of d in pile p

precond : belong (k,l), attached (p,l), empty (k), top(c,p), on(c,d)

add: holding (k,c), top(d,p)

delete : empty (k), in(c,p), top(c,p), on(c,d)





Your job is to fully implement a Systematic Nonlinear  Planner for this domain.  You may write in either  C++ or python.   You may use no libraries  besides the  C++ standard library,  or standard python  I/O  modules.  The planner  should take  two arguments: an input  file specifying a problem instance,  and an output file.


Resources for  the SNLP Planning Algorithm


Planning, SNLP planning,  and the unification  algorithm  are described  in the following texts:


•  Section 10.1 and 10.2 in the course textbook  (AIMA 3e), which describe classical planning.


•  Section 9.1 and 9.2 in the course textbook, which describe lifting and the unification algorithm you will need to implement.


•  The classic 1991 paper “Systematic  Nonlinear  Planning” by McAllester and Rosenblitt, which describes the core SNLP algorithm.  This is provided  on CTools.


•  The paper  “Systematic  Nonlinear  Planning: A Commentary,” in which Dan Weld, a leading expert on planning  systems, nominates  the 1991 paper for the AAAI-10 Classic Paper  Award. Provided  on CTools.


•  Section 11.3 in the  previous  edition  of the  textbook  (AIMA 2e), which provides  a textbook introduction to SNLP Planning. Provided  on CTools.  Be sure to look at problem 11.11.


Input file format


The input  file (see the example at the end of the spec) will contain  the following in order, separated by newlines:


•  The string  “locations”  followed by an integer  specifying the number  of locations


•  The string  “robots”  followed by an integer  specifying the number  of robots


•  “cranes”  followed by the number  of cranes


•  “piles” followed by the number  of piles


•  “containers” followed by the number  of containers


•  “initial”  followed by a list of initial  conditions.


–  Conditions   are  identified  by  the  following set  of keywords:   {adjacent, attached, belong, occupied, free, at, loaded, unloaded, holding, empty, in, on, top}

–  Each  keyword  is followed by a list of arguments, separated by whitespace.   The  argu- ments  each  consist  of either  a character followed by a number,  or the  symbol  G. The characters are {l, r, k, p, c} for location,  robot,  crane,  pile, and  container  respec- tively.  The number  specifies which instance  of each object is being dealt with.  Ob jects are zero-indexed for  your convenience.

–  For example:  if there  are 4 locations  and 2 robots,  then  we have access to the symbols

{l0, l1, l2, l3, r0, r1}.



•  “goal” followed by a list of goal conditions,  separated by newlines.


•  Comments  are preceded by the symbol “#” and end at the end of the line. The first five lines of the file must  be exactly  as stated above, with no comments.


Output file format


The output file (see the example at the end of the spec) is formatted similarly.  It consists of:


•  The string “actions”  followed by a list of actions separated by newlines, in no particular order.


–  Actions are one of the following: {start, finish, move, take, put, load, unload}.

–  Each action  is labeled by a unique nonnegative integer.

–  Thus  we could  write  ..., 23 move r2 l3 l4, 17 take c1 k0 p3, ... to  indicate that action  23 moves robot  r2 from location l3 to location l4, and action  17 uses crane k0 to take container  c1 from pile p3. The action  numbers  do not indicate  any ordering; their  only purpose  is to uniquely  identify  actions.


•  The string  “constraints:” followed by a list of constraints separated by newlines.


–  Constraints consist of pairs of action  numbers  separated by the symbol “<”

–  For example,  “23 < 17” indicates  that action  23 is to be performed  before action  17.

–  Since every action must be bound by the constraints that it comes after start and before

finish, you do not need to explicitly  print these ordering  constraints.



Compiling and Running


For C++, we will use the following commands  with g++ 4.6 to compile and run your code:


g++ -std=c++11 -o planner <source1 .cpp <source2 .cpp ... <sourceN .cpp

./ planner <inputfile <outputfile


For Python, we will run the following command  with Python 2.7:


python planner .py <inputfile <outputfile


“Inputfile” is a file containing  an  instance  of the  planning  problem,  and  “outputfile” should contain  a valid plan.


Provided code, test cases, and executables


We will provide you with the following:


•  5 of the 10 test  cases your code will be run against


•  An executable  that checks whether  or not an output plan is a solution  to the given input  file


•  Data  structures for variables,  predicates, and actions


•  Functions that read input  files and print plans



What to turn in


You must  submit  a zip file containing:


1.  All your source and header  files in a folder called “code”.


(a)  If you use python,  your main function  should be in a file called “”


2.  A pdf with answers to the following questions:


(a)  What  major  functions  did you write,  what  do they  do, and  why?  You can ignore less relevant helper functions.  (Write  a brief paragraph per function.)

(b)  What  search  algorithm  did you use, and  why?  If you used heuristics,  what  were they? (Write  at least a paragraph).

(c)  Devise your own real-world planning  problem and give a full PDDL  description.  Which planning  or search algorithm  would you use to solve it?





Grading  is out of 100 points.


•  Test  cases: 60 pts


–  We will run your code on 10 test  cases (5 of which will be provided  to you in advance),

6 pts per test  case

–  3 pts for generating  a working plan

–  3 pts for no obvious inefficiencies, such as


∗  Solution  far longer than  necessary

∗  Moves that immediately  undo each other (i.e., moving a robot back and forth without doing anything  else)

∗  Taking  an excessive amount of time to reach a solution


•  PDF  and code: 40 pts


–  5 pts for code compiling and running  without  error

–  10 pts for code description


∗  Criteria:   all major  functions  documented, with clear and technically  correct  expla- nations.


–  10 pts for description  of reasonable  search algorithm


∗  Criteria:   clear  and  technically  correct  description  of a search  algorithm,  and  any heuristics  used.


–  15 pts for your own planning  problem,  PDDL  description,  and algorithm  choice


∗  Criteria:   problem  is not  too  trivial,  and  a reasonable  PDDL  description  is given, with a sensible algorithm  choice.



Hints and Tips


•  A partial plan is a solution  if all of the following hold:


–  There  are no open preconditions

–  Actions are order consistent

–  There  are no variable  inequalities  of the form x = x

–  There  are no threats


•  In the McAllester  & Rosenblitt paper,  the term  nondeterministically means that more than one successor plan can be generated  at that step, and you should search all of them.


•  Making a copy of an expression with fresh variables  is the same as “standardizing apart.”


•  Variable  equalities can be tracked  by applying  a substitution everywhere in the existing plan.

That is,  if we determine   x  = y,  then  we substitute all  instances  of y for x  in  the  plan. Otherwise,  tracking  equalities  can be very messy.


•  Your  program  does not  need  to  handle  malformed  inputs,  disjunctions  of preconditions or effects, or negated  preconditions.



Input Example



locations 4 robots 1 cranes 2 piles 3 containers 2

# l0 is the dock / docked ship , l1 is the robot parking lot ,

# l2 is an intermediate location , l3 is the storage area

# l0 has one pile , l3 has two. Each site has a crane ,

# which starts out empty .

# The robot starts out at l1.


initial adjacent l1 l0 adjacent l0 l1 adjacent l0 l2 adjacent l2 l0 adjacent l2 l3 adjacent l3 l2 attached p0 l1 attached p1 l3 attached p2 l3 belong k0 l1 belong k1 l3 occupied l1

at r0 l1



unloaded r0 empty k0 empty k1

in c0 p0 in c1 p0 on c0 G on c1 c0

top c1 p0

#don ’t forget to add the following for empty piles top G p1

top G p2


# The goal is to have all containers in location l3 ,

# one in each pile , with the robot parked back at l1. goal

in c0 p1 in c1 p2 at r0 l1


Output Example



# A solution to the problem defined in the input file. actions

0 start

1 finish

2 move r0 l1 l0

3 take k0 l0 c1 c0 p0

4 load k0 l0 c1 r0

5 move r0 l0 l2

6 move r0 l2 l3

7 unload k1 l3 c1 r0

8 put k1 l3 c1 G p2

9 move r0 l3 l2

10 move r0 l2 l1

11 take k0 l0 c0 G p0

12 load k0 l0 c0 r0

13 move r0 l0 l2

14 move r0 l2 l3

15 unload k1 l3 c0 r0

16 put k1 l3 c0 G p1

17 move r0 l3 l2

18 move r0 l2 l1

19 move r0 l1 l0


# Note 1: All the constraints involving start / finish ,

# such as 0 < 1, 0 < 2, 0 < 3, 2 < 1, 3 < 1, etc.,

# are implied and do not need to be printed

# Note 2: in this example the actions happen to be linearly ordered .



# This will not be true in general . constraints

2 < 3

3 < 4

4 < 5

5 < 6

6 < 7

7 < 8

8 < 9

9 < 10

10 < 11

11 < 12

12 < 13

13 < 14

14 < 15

15 < 16

16 < 17

17 < 18

18 < 19