All web pages are to be created on your LAMP stack using your ubuntu server.
Create the following pages on your Ubuntu Server. Files will go in /var/www/html/UID-270-web. Dont' forget you must use "sudo su -" to become root to edit these files. Also don't forget to add these to GIT using "git add *" and "git commit -m 'good log message'" and "git push"
All images are to be hosted on your ubuntu server.
1) Create a page called: html1-1.html
Create a well designed web page that has:
Uses an external style sheet
Has well designed background wallpaper
Header section with logo
Header section with your name on it
Footer section with - Name, Copyright,working url to http://cse.miamioh.edu (http://cse.miamioh.edu) , Date etc
Content Section with:
Your name
3 pictures about you each captioned with informative captions and having alt image tags
A brief paragraph bio about you.
A set of 3 links to sites you like and a brief description of each as to what you like about the site.
A link to all other documents in this assignment.
2) Create a second document called html1-2.html
Has a Header, Two column content area, and a footer. Use float for columns, not tables.
Put appropriate content in each area.
Content area 1 and 2 - put in at least 10 rows of Lorem Ipsum
Include at least 1 image in content area 1 and area 2 that has the text float around it.
3) Create a third document called html1-3
Uses the same structure as in part 2 above but each content area contains just a HTML5 Canvas with javascript that randomly draws 4 rectangles of random colors in each content area. Each time the page is loaded it should randomly create the rectangles and colors.
4) Create a fourth document called html1-4
https://miamioh.instructure.com/courses/84369/assignments/873507?module_item_id=1446711 1/3
HTML/CSS Assignment (2)
Uses the same structure as 2
Content area 1 should have a form with labels that looks nice with the following fields
username - textbox (label = username, field name = username)
Year - dropdown box with Freshman, Soph, Junior, Senior, graduate, Faculty) label = year,
Checkbox - label and fieldname = Current Student
Comments - textarea with 4 rows and 20 columns - label & fieldname = comments
Submit button
Cancel button
Content Area 2 should have a single div area called "results"
Submit a link to the first document here in canvas.
Submit a link to your git lab repository here in canvas.