Create a view named customer_addresses that shows the shipping and billing addresses for each customer.
This view should return these columns from the Customers table: customer_id, email_address, last_name and first_name.
This view should return these columns from the Addresses table: bill_line1, bill_line2, bill_city, bill_state, bill_zip, ship_line1, ship_line2, ship_city, ship_state, and ship_zip.
The rows in this view should be sorted by the last_name and then first_name columns.
Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns from the customer_addresses view that you created in exercise 1: customer_id, last_name, first_name, bill_line1.
Write an UPDATE statement that updates the Customers table using the customer_addresses view you created in exercise 1. Set the first line of the shipping address to “1990 Westwood Blvd.” for the customer with an ID of 8.
Create a view named order_item_products that returns columns from the Orders, Order_Items, and Products tables.
This view should return these columns from the Orders table: order_id, order_date, tax_amount, and ship_date.
This view should return these columns from the Order_Items table: item_price, discount_amount, final_price (the discount amount subtracted from the item price), quantity, and item_total (the calculated total for the item).
This view should return the product_name column from the Products table.
Create a view named product_summary that uses the view you created in exercise 4. This view should return summary information about each product.
Each row should include product_name, order_count (the number of times the product has been ordered) and order_total (the total sales for the product).
Write a SELECT statement that uses the view that you created in exercise 5 to get total sales for the five best selling products.