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Question 1: Successor Function [50 points] Solution

This is a programming question. The solution to the programming problem should be coded in Java, and you are required to use only built-in libraries to complete this homework. Please submit a source code le named with no package statements, and make sure your program is runnable from command line on a department Linux machine. We provide a skeleton code that you can optionally use, or you can write your own.

The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with the state space in a real-world problem.

You are given three water jugs with capacity A, B, C liters, respectively. A, B, C are positive integers. At each step, you can perform one of these actions:

Empty a jug Fill a jug

Pour water from one jug to another until either the former is empty or the latter is full.

Write a program to print the successor states of an input state.

Input: 6 integers A; B; C; a; b; c, where (A; B; C) are the capacity of the jugs, and (a; b; c) are the current amount of water in each jug. You may assume that the input is valid, namely a A; b B; c C, and A; B; C are positive integers, and a; b; c are non-negative integers.

Output: Print the list of successor states reachable in one step from (a; b; c), one one each line. The lines do not need to be sorted. The successors should not include (a; b; c) itself.

Here are some examples of running the program from the command line. The inputs and outputs are space-separated with no comma. Please follow the same input/output format. Example 1:

$java successor 3 2 1 3 2 0

0 2 0

3 0 0

3 2 1

2 2 1

3 1 1

Example 2:

$java successor 11 5 2 6 3 1

0 3 1

6 0 1

6 3 0

11 3 1

6 5 1

6 3 2

9 0 1

7 3 0

4 5 1

6 4 0

5 3 2

6 2 2

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